APSC Mains Answer Writing Practice Questions – Set 60 (for Week June 30-July 06, 2024)

APSC Mains Answer Writing Practice Questions – Set 60

(for Week June 30-July 06, 2024)

APSC Questions Mains Answer Writing 2018

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Q1. What is the Air Quality Index (AQI)? Explain the factors responsible for air pollution? What are Initiatives taken by India for Controlling Air Pollution? (Answer in 250 words) (GS 3)

Q2. Discuss the composition, Powers, Functions and Responsibilities of the State Public Service Commission. Write the Constitutional provisions for civil services in India. (Answer in 150 words) (GS 2)

Q3. Write about the ‘Finances of Panchayati Raj Institutions’ report released by Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Discuss the challenges faced by Panchayat Raj Institutions in generating internal revenue. Suggest measures to strengthen their financial autonomy. (Answer in 250 words) (GS 2)

Q4. What is CAR-T cell Therapy? Write the significance of this therapy and discuss the challenges associated with it. (Answer in 150 words) (GS 3)

Q5. Differentiate between Directive Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Rights. What is their importance in achieving the broader goals of social and economic justice in a democratic society? (Answer in 250 words) (GS 2)

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