Recommended Books for APSC Mains Exam – GS and History, Pol Science, Education & other Optional subjects

Recommended Books for APSC Mains Exam – GS and History, Pol Science, Education & other Optional subjects


Recommended Books for APSC Mains Exam 
Books for General Studies and History, Pol Science, Education & other Optional subjects


In APSC CCE Exam preparation, choosing the right study materials is very much important and necessary. Based on experience and recommendation of toppers of the exam, we provides an exhaustive list of standard and important books which are needed for the preparation of APSC Mains Exam. 

To perform better in APSC CC (Mains) Exam, we recommend sincere self-study of standard books and join some APSC Mains Test Series to help you regularly practice Answer Writing. 


Recommended Books for General Studies (GS) Paper
  1. India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra
  2. Indian Polity for Civil Services – Laxmikanth
  3. Indian Economy: For Civil Services Examinations – Ramesh Singh
  4. The History of Assam – Priyam Goswami
  5. History of the World – Arjun Dev
  6. India After Gandhi – Ramachandra Guha
  7. Geography of India – Majid Hussain
  8. Certificate Physical and Human Geography – Goh Cheng Leong
  9. India Year Book (released by PIB)
  10. Economic Survey – Latest release


Recommended Books for Political Science Paper


  1. A History Of Political Thought: Plato To Marx – Mukherjee and Susheela Ramaswamy
  2. Introduction to Political Theory – O P Gauba
  3. Politial Theory – Rajeev Bhargava
  4. Internet/Wikipedia – for concept clarification/ further details


  1. Indian Polity  Laxmikant (must for basic coverage)
  2. Our Constitution – Subhash Kashyap
  3. Politics in India – Rajni Kothari
  4. -for International Organisations


APSC mains 2018 test series GS & Optional Paper


Recommended Books for History Paper
  1. India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma
  2. Ancient India by R.C Majumdar
  3. A History of Medieval India by Chandra Satish
  4. India’s Struggle for Independence: 1857-1947 by Bipan Chandra
  5. India After Gandhi by Ramachandra Guha
  6. History of the World by Arjun Dev
  7. ( for Concept Clearance )


Recommended Books for Education Paper
  1. A Textbook of Education by Lakya Hira Das
  2. Educational Psychology by Dr. Sunita Agarwalla
  3. Essentials of Educational Psychology by Dr. Marami Goswami
  4. Kkhsou website
  5. Internet/ ( for Concept Clearance )


Recommended Books for Sociology Paper
  1. Sociology- Themes and Perspectives by Haralambos and Heald
  2. Sociology by T.B Bottomore
  3. Sociological Thought by Abraham and Morgan
  4. Methodology and Techniques of Social Research by Jaspal Singh
  5. Caste in Modern India and other essays by M.N Srinivas
  6. Social Change in Modern India by M.N Srinivas
  7. Social Stratification by Dipankar Gupta
  8. IGNOU/NIOS/Internet – for clarification


APSC mains 2018 test series GS & Optional Paper

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