Promotion Scheme and DA of Assam Govt employees – ROP Assam 2017 MACPS and Dearness Allowance

Promotion Scheme and DA of Assam Govt employees – ROP Assam 2017 MACPS and Dearness Allowance

Promotion Scheme and DA of Assam Govt employees – ROP Assam 2017 MACPS and Dearness Allowance

Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS)


(A) Introduction:

(i) The scheme should be known as Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the regular State Government employees and will exclude the ad-hoc employees, casual employees, contractual employees, work charged employees, muster roll workers from its coverage.

(ii) The scheme will cover the regular employees drawing GP in PB-1, PB-2, PB-3 and PB-4 excluding the last GP of the PB-4.


(B) Salient Features of the Scheme:

(i) MACPS would include grant of financial upgradation three times in the entire service period viz. on completion of 10 years, 20 years and 30 years to those employees who do not get one regular promotion within the first 10 years or two regular promotions/ ACPS benefit within 20 years or three promotions /ACPS benefit within the 30 years of regular service.

(ii) The MACPS will provide only financial upgradation and shall not entail any change in designation, place and nature of work and change in the seniority of the person concerned in the gradation list.

(iii) The financial upgradation will involve grant of one increment in the PB of the employee without changing its GP. In case any employee is drawing the highest amount of the PB, he would be granted an increment and the PB for this purpose shall be deemed to have been extended to that extent.

(iv) The benefits under MACP should be granted on the following basis:-

(v) There will be no reservation or roster to be followed in implementing the MACPS.

(vi) If an employee is holding a higher post as a temporary/adhoc arrangement, the same shall not be considered as a promotion and the employee will be entitled to get the benefit of MACPS as per details in para (iv).

(vii) The financial benefit of the scheme shall be given with effect only from 1.1.2017. However, the services rendered by the employee before 1.1.2017 and promotions/ACPS benefit availed before 1.1.2017 shall be taken into account for deciding and determining the extent of benefit under MACPS. For example an employee who has joined regular service in 1995 and his case has been considered in 2016, the service for the purpose of MACPS shall be counted from 1995 and accordingly he will be entitled for one promotion in 2006 and another in 2016. The first benefit under MACPS will in this case start only from 1.1.2017 and not earlier.

(viii) If the post of an employee has been upgraded at any stage of the service life, the same shall be considered as a promotion for the purpose of deciding the benefit of MACPS. Similarly if an employee decides to decline a promotion for any reason what-so-ever his case will not be considered for the benefit under MACPS.

(ix) In case an employee is transferred from one department to other department in the same pay scale, the services in the previous department and promotion availed during that period shall be counted for deciding the benefit under MACPS. If an employee is transferred from one department to other department to a post with higher pay scale, this will be treated as a promotion and the employee will lose his claim of MACPS benefit.

(x) The past service rendered in public sector undertaking, under any other State public sector undertaking, autonomous bodies, state level public enterprise or any other statutory body shall not be counted for the purpose of MACPS.

(xi) If any employee is ordered by the Government for any reason what-so-ever to join at a lower post either in the same department or in any other department, he shall be entitled to the benefit of MACPS provided that such order is not issued as a consequence of a departmental proceedings resulting into the reversion.

(xii) Financial and other benefits which are linked to the pay drawn shall be permitted on the basis the pay fixed after the benefit of MACPS.

(xiii) Pay drawn in the PB and GP allowed under the MACPS shall be taken as the basis for determining the terminal benefits for retiring employees.

(xiv) Normally the benefits under MACPS shall be applicable from the 1st day of January of the year in which the Screening Committee has held the meeting and recommended the case. This would imply that any employee who has completed 10/20/30 years of service in the previous year shall get the benefit only from the 1st January of the year in which the Screening Committee meeting is held. However if there is a DP or criminal proceeding against the
employee, the benefit will be granted provisionally from the same date as in normal case and subject to the condition as follows:-

(a) If there is any amount to be recovered as penalty, the recovery will be made as usual under existing rules of the Government.
(b) If stoppage of increment is ordered as penalty, the date of effect of MACPS benefit will be delayed by the number of years equal to the number of stopped increments and recovery for the excess drawn will be made as usual.

(xv) If within a year after the date of grant of financial benefit under MACPS the employee becomes eligible and is granted a promotion as per the service rules, the pay fixation for the said promotion will be on the basis of the pay drawn by the employee before receipt of the MACPS benefit. However if the said promotion is given after the expiry of one year from the date of the MACPS benefit, the fixation for such promotion shall be done on the basis of the pay
drawn after the MACPS benefit; Provided that if after the promotion the pay of the employee exceeds the pay of the senior, the MACPS benefit will be withdrawn from the date of promotion and such withdrawn MACP benefit shall not be counted for calculation of entitled benefit to be granted as per rule (iv).

(xvi) The employees who are on deputation and become due for consideration for benefit under MACPS, their cases shall be considered as follows:-

(a) If the post of deputation carries the same pay scale as that of the post held by that employee before the deputation, his case will be considered for MACPS benefit.

(b) If the pay drawn on deputation is more than the pay drawn by the employee before deputation, his case will not be considered for MACPS benefit.

(c ) In any case the employee will be given an option to accept either the MACPS or the pay scale of the deputation post and such option will be final.

(d) In case the employee prefers to avail MACPS benefit and borrowing agency is not willing to pay the MACPS determined pay, the employee will be reverted to the parent department.

(xvii) For any interpretation or clarification or doubt regarding any provision of the scheme, the Finance (PRU) Department of the Government of Assam shall be consulted.

(xviii) Copies of the orders granting MACPS benefits shall invariably be sent to the Finance (PRU) Department.


(C) Procedure for grant of financial upgrdation benefit-

(i) Every department shall have a Screening Committee with the senior-most Secretary or any other Secretary authorized by the Senior-most Secretary as Chairman. The Head of the Department under the control of that Secretary and Financial Advisor of the department shall be the members of the Committee and the Deputy Secretary of the department shall be the Member-Secretary of the Committee.

(ii) The Committee, in the month of January every year, will consider all the cases of Government servants who have completed 10 years of service/20 years of service/30 years of service in the previous calendar year. The list of such Government servants will be prepared by the HODs in the month of December of the previous year and submitted to the Secretary for holding the meeting of the Screening Committee.

(iii) The Committee will verify the length of service as on 1st January of the year in which the meeting is held and will verify if any DP/criminal case is contemplated or under process against the Government servants under consideration. ACRs need not be considered for deciding the MACP benefit.

(iv) All the cases where the Government servants have completed 10/20/30 years of service and have no DP or criminal case against them, shall be short listed for MACP benefit.

(v) This list shall be submitted to the Minister in-charge of the department for approval to issue necessary orders. The department will issue orders granting the benefit of financial upgradation with effect from 1st January of that year.


Dearness Allowance 

The existing provisions regarding grant of Dearness Allowance in accordance with the policy followed by the Government of India shall continue.

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