Pay structure of Assam Govt employees – 7th Assam Pay & Productivity Pay Commission Report

Pay structure of Assam Govt employees – 7th Assam Pay & Productivity Pay Commission Report

Pay structure of Assam Govt employees

ROP Assam 2017 – 7th Assam Pay & Productivity Pay Commission Report
7th Assam Pay & Productivity Pay Commission Report

The Government of Assam constituted the 7th Assam Pay & Productivity Pay Commission to examine and recommend changes that are desirable in the pay structure, emoluments and conditions of services of different classes of State Government employees, to examine the existing amenities and facilities relating to death-cum-retirement benefit etc., to suggest re-organization of existing services with a view to rationalizing the work load and efficiency etc., to examine and suggest the principles to be followed in granting relief due to increase in consumer price index to the State Government Pensioner.

The Commission submitted its report to the Government on 18th November, 2016. Its recommendations covered a large number of issues relating not only to new pay structure, allowances and pension related matters but also relating to leave matters, reorganisation of services and specific issues relating to different Departments. The Government has accepted the recommendations with some modifications.

1. Pay Structure:

The new pay structure comprising the system of running Pay Bands and Grade Pay shall be as below

Sl.No Existing PB  Existing GP
Revised GP
 Revised PB
1500 3900
1 4560-15000 1600 3900 12000-37500
1800 4400
2000 5000
2100 5000
2200 5600
2400 6200
2 5200-20200 2500 6200 14000-49000
2700 6800
2900 7400
3000 7400
3100 8000
3300 8700
4200 9100
4300 9100
4500 9700
3 8000-35000 4600 10300 22000-87000
4700 10900
4900 11500
5100 11500
5400 12700
5900 13300
6100 13900
6300 14500
4 12000-40000 6400 15100 30000-110000
6600 15700
7200 16300
7400 16900
7600 17500
5 26000-45000 8700 18500 65000-112000
6 Fixed 55000 Fixed 130000

There shall be 5 distinct running Pay Bands and 24 Grade Pay corresponding to the prerevised pay scales. Minimum basic pay is Rs. 15900/- and Maximum basic pay is Rs. 1,30,000/- for the post of Commissioner & Secretary.

Fixation of pay in the revised pay bands shall be done as per fitment table at APPENDIX – I .

i) Basic pay shall consist of pay in the Pay Band and Grade Pay.

ii) The detailed fixation tables at APPENDIX -I of Assam Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2017 showing stage-wise fixation of existing employees in the revised running Pay Bands should be utilized in every case of fixation of pay of the concerned employees in the revised running Pay Bands.

iii) Fixation in the revised Pay Band and Grade Pay thereon have been done with reference to the pre-revised pay scale in which the employee was actually drawing pay irrespective of whether he/she has been placed in such pay scale on appointment, regular promotion or any other time bound promotion scheme; upgradation of the post etc.

Fixation of pay in the revised pay bands of existing employees shall be done in the following manner :-

i) In cases where employees have been placed in a higher pay scale between 01-04-2016 and the date of notification of the revised Pay Bands on account of promotion, upgradation of pay scale, etc. the employees shall be given the
option to switch over to the revised Pay Band and Grade Pay from the date of such promotion, upgradation etc.

ii) The detailed fixation chart at APPENDIX – I (Table 1.1 to 1.31) of Assam Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 2017 shows stage-wise fixation of pay of existing employees in the proposed bands w.e.f. 01-04-2016.

iii) In case of promotion between identical posts in the same cadre, if a senior employee promoted to the higher post before 01-04-2016 draws revised basic pay which is less than that of his/her junior who is promoted to the higher post on or after 01-04-2016, the pay of the senior employee shall be stepped up to make his basic pay (including Grade Pay) equal to the pay of the junior in that higher post, provided the senior employee, at the time of promotion, had been drawing equal or more pay than his/her junior.

iv) DA and all other allowances, facilities, pension etc. shall be payable on the sum of Grade Pay and Pay in the Pay Band.

v) Facilities like Government housing etc. will be governed by the Grade Pay. An employee in the higher Grade pay will be senior to an employee in a lower Grade Pay.

In case of employee drawing same Grade Pay, priority shall be governed by the total emoluments drawn.

Financial up-gradation upon reaching the maximum of Pay Band will take place as below

i) Increment @ 3% shall be paid annually as before with a stipulation that maximum stage of a PB will be treated as Efficiency Bar stage and when the pay of an employee reaches the maximum of the Pay Band he will be required to cross the Efficiency Bar in accordance with provision of FR. 25. When the employee is allowed to cross the Efficiency Bar and he moves into the next higher Pay Band, his Grade Pay will not be changed.

Report of the 7th Assam Pay and Productivity Pay Commission

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