Indian Institute of Management Shillong Admission 2020 – PhD for Working Professionals

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Indian Institute of Management Shillong Admission 2020 – PhD for Working Professionals


Indian Institute of Management Shillong invites applications for its prestigious PhD Programme for Working Professional.

PhD (Working Professionals) at IIM Shillong is an unique doctoral programme in management for working professionals that envisages to expand the research frontiers of working professionals. This doctoral programme aims to produce graduates skilled in research with both a theoretical and practical understanding of the complex problems facing today’s organizations and management professionals. This programme also provides its participants with an excellent opportunity to contribute to the field of management sciences by offering an interdisciplinary and holistic perspective to defining and solving management related problems in the following domains of management:
1. Economics and Public Policy
2. Finance and Accounting
3. Information Systems
4. Marketing Management
5. Operations and Quantitative Techniques
6. Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources and Communication
7. Strategic Management
8. Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics.

Learning Goals:

PhD (Working Professionals) will be able to attain the following learning goals:

  • Acquire the knowledge of different functional areas of management and research skills.
  • Develop, adapt and implement research methodologies to extend and /or redefine existing knowledge in management domain.
  • Disseminate and promote new insight to peers and the community.
  • Help industry professionals reconnoitre research oriented careers in educational institutions and /or job enrichment in their own organizations.


Candidates should have:

  • Masters’ degree and at least 5 years of professional experience as on the last day of application. (Experience Certificate or Pay Slips would be required as proof). No Objection Certificate (NOC) from current employer is required at the time of Personal Interview.
  • Graduation with minimum 55% aggregate marks for General Candidates. 5% relaxation will be given to reserved category candidates.
  • A Masters’ degree or its equivalent in any discipline with minimum 55% aggregate marks, 5% relaxation will be given to reserved category candidates.


  • Graduation along with Professional qualifications of CA, ICWA and CS with at least 55% marks or equivalent.

The above qualification should be from any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 or, recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

Test Scores and its Validity

IIM Shillong will consider valid scores of GMAT, GRE, CAT, GATE or JRF (NET) for
admission to PhD (WP) program. Valid score need to be entered while filling the application form.
The following categories of candidates are to be exempted from standard tests stated above but will be required to produce two reference letters from senior leadership.
A. Graduates of PGP programs (2 year fulltime) of IIMs or reputed institutions with CGPA 6.5 out of 10 or equivalent (minimum 5 years of post PGP experience).
B. Government employees of Central/ State/ Civil Services/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies with more than 10 years of administrative experience.
C. Teachers from institutions of higher education with last qualification from a reputed institution and minimum 10 years of teaching experience with proven research acumen.
D. Individuals with at least 10 years of rich managerial experience from the nongovernment sector.

Admission Process for PhD Programme (Working Professionals) 2020

Candidates eligible as above, will be shortlisted based on recommendations of the appropriate committee. The shortlisted candidates will be invited for personal interview (and /or written test /video conferencing if necessary) for final selection at a location decided by IIM Shillong.

Application Procedure

All candidates need to download the application form. The application form (available for download from the link below) should be filled up and submitted online. The form should be opened using Acrobat Reader only.

Instructions for filling up the Application Form:

a) Download and Save the Form in your Desktop/Laptop.
b) Open the Form using Adobe Acrobat 9 and above.
c) Fill in the Details in the form as required
d) Ignore any Submit button in the form.
e) Provide your First name initial and surname only in the Signature section. [Eg: A.Kumar]
f) Save the file with your Name
g) Send the File as an attachment to [email protected] with subject: Application/ PhD (Working Professionals)

Programme Fee

  • The total fee for the course is Rs. 5,50,000/-(Rs. Five Lakh Fifty Thousand only) + GST extra.
  • Acceptance fee Rs.50,000/-(Rs. Fifty Thousand only) non-refundable + GST extra payable.
  • Rs 2,50,0000/-(Rs. Two Lakh Fifty only) + GST extra payable before commencement of the programme in the academic year into which the participant is selected for admission.
  • Rs 1,50,0000/-(Rs One Lakh Fifty only) + GST extra payable at the beginning of the second year.
  • Rs 1,00,000/- (Rs One Lakh only) + GST extra payable at the beginning of the third year.


Application Stages for Cohort 1

  • Date for downloading Application Form and submitting the form: December 15, 2019 – February 27, 2020
  • Submission of duly completed application form (physical copy): March 06, 2020
  • Announcement of short-listed candidates:  Second half of March, 2020
  • Interview of short listed candidates: First half of April 2020
  • Announcement of selected candidates: Second half of April 2020
  • Registration and Commencement of the programme: June 01, 2020

Application Stages for Cohort 2

  • Date for downloading Application Form and submitting the form: August 01, 2020 – September 26, 2020
  • Submission of duly completed application form (physical copy): October 09, 2020
  • Announcement of short-listed candidates: Second half of October, 2020
  • Interview of short listed candidates: First half of November 2020
  • Announcement of selected candidates: Second half of November 2020
  • Registration and Commencement of the programme: Last week of January 2021


Click here to Apply

Click here for Admission Details

Programme Duration

The minimum commitment to the programme is 3 years, but candidates are expected to complete the programme in four years and ensure that they complete the requirements of the programme within this stipulated time. In case candidate is not able to complete the programme in four years, they can be given two extensions of 6 months each depending upon their progress.


Curriculum and Course Work

During the coursework, classes will be held in IIM Shillong campus. Accommodation and fooding charges will be extra if Campus accommodation is available and is availed by a candidate. The on-campus course work will have three modules in the first year and one module in the second year. First year courses will be having 9 credits distributed over three modules named:-
 Fundamental Courses in Management – I (Module I)
 Fundamental Courses in Management – II (Module II)
 Fundamental Courses in Managerial Research (Module III)

In the second year there will be 3 credits of course work.

  • Advanced Courses in Managerial Research (Module IV)

For the batch commencing from June 2020:-

  • In Module I (tentatively June 2020), one visit of 14- 21 days
  • In Module II (tentatively Nov-Dec 2020), one visit of 14-21 days
  • In Module III (tentatively June 2021), one visit of 14-21days
  • In Module IV (tentatively Nov- Dec 2021), one visit of 14-21 days

For the batch commencing from January 2021:-

  • In Module I (tentatively January-February 2021), one visit of 14- 21 days
  • In Module II (tentatively June-July 2021), one visit of 14-21 days
  • In Module III (tentatively January- February 2022), one visit of 14-21days
  • In Module IV (tentatively June-July 2022), one visit of 14-21 days

Schedules will be intimated to the students tentatively one month before the start of each module. All course are compulsory. The participants must have a minimum attendance of 60%.

During Module III, the candidate in consultation with the PhD Chairperson/Committee will be required to initiate the process of formation of his/her Thesis Supervisory Committee (TSC) as per the laid down norms of the Institute.


After the completion of the requirement the candidate needs to qualify the
Comprehensive Qualifying Examination (CQE) to proceed to the second phase of the programme.

The candidate who do not qualify the exam shall be given a second chance to qualify for the second phase.

The candidate will be required to obtain an overall CGPA of 2.2 or above for clearing the Course work in (Term I, II and III).

Second Year

After successful completion of the course work the participant will start working on the main research problem of the PhD thesis under the guidance of his/her TSC.

S/he will start preparing a proposal under the guidance of his/her TSC. From the second year onwards after successful completion of all the four module still submission of the draft thesis, the participants are expected to make regular visits. A minimum of four days of visit to the institute in a quarter is mandated.

The participant must submit progress report forwarded by the TSC chairperson to the programme office every six months.

Third Year Onwards

The participants are also expected to work towards presenting papers at a
conference and/or making publications in research journals approved by the

The participants will present the draft thesis in an open seminar, called Presubmission Seminar, after the TSC clears the draft for the same. The draft
Thesis will be modified based on comments received from the TSC and the audience of the public seminar.

The candidate will have to defend the thesis and then submits the duly modified thesis for evaluation. Once evaluated, the candidate will have to defend the Thesis before the examiners to be eligible for the award of the degree.

Click here to Apply

Click here for Admission Details

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