IIT Guwahati Ph.D. Programmes – Admission for July 2019 Session

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Admission to IIT Guwahati Ph.D. Programmes for July 2019 Session

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for July 2019 Session admission to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes of IIT Guwahati.

Applications are to be submitted online. If you are applying to more than one department/ center, then you need to register and apply separately for each department/ center.
Before applying, please carefully go through information given in each of the following links.

Online Application Submission

Ends at 23:59 hours of April 15, 2019 (Monday).

Click here to Apply Online and See Details

Other Information

Reimbursement of Travel Fare by Train: For attending PhD interview, the Regular Category candidates shall be provided reimbursement of travel expenses at the rate of to-and-fro sleeper class railway fare or equivalent (as per IITG’s travel reimbursement rules).

Limiting Number of Candidates for the Selection Process: The Institute reserves the right to call a limited number of candidates for written test and/or interview/ portfolio review, if required, based on performance in GATE/ NET/ CEED/ INSPIRE, grades/ marks in the qualifying degree examination, etc.

Candidates who are in Final Semester of Qualifying Degree: Candidates still to appear in their qualifying degree examinations may also apply, provided they appear in all their qualifying degree examinations and complete all requirements for their degrees before 15-07-2019. If selected, such candidates shall be admitted provisionally, and they will have to furnish the results of their qualifying degree examinations latest by 23-08-2019.

Cautionary Note: The above information is not the complete set of Rules & Regulations for the Ph.D. programmes of IIT Guwahati.

Contact Details: For any query or details, please contact

Joint Registrar (Academic Affairs)

Academic Affairs Section

IIT Guwahati


Assam, India

Phone: +91-0361-258 2200/ 2192

Email: [email protected]

Fax: +91-0361-2582090

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