APSC Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2018 Date Announced – Full Schedule, Time Table & Instructions

APSC Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2018 Date Announced – Full Schedule, Time Table & Instructions

APSC Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2018 Date Announced – Full Schedule

Time Table & Instructions


The Assam Public Service Commission will hold the Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2018 for the qualified candidates, in various centres in Guwahati as per PROGRAMME mentioned below:

Admit Card to be available from 25 July, 2019

APSC CC (Main) Exam 2018 – Full Schedule

APSC mains 2018 test series GS & Optional Paper

Sl. No. Date & Day of Exam Time Subject
1 02-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon 1. Commerce & Accountancy- (Paper-I)
2. Law-(Paper-I)
3. Physics-(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM 1. Commerce & Accountancy- (Paper-II)
2. Law-(Paper-II)
3. Physics-(Paper-II)
2 04-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon  Political Science -(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM  Political Science -(Paper-II)
3 06-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon 1. Botany -(Paper-I)
2. Fishery Science-(Paper-I)
3. Geology-(Paper-I)
4. Medical Science-(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM 1. Botany -(Paper-II)
2. Fishery Science -(Paper-II)
3. Geology-(Paper-II)
4. Medical Science-(Paper-II)
4 08-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon 1. Economics-(Paper-I)
2. Mathematics-(Paper-I)
3. Zoology-(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM 1. Economics-(Paper-II)
2. Mathematics-(Paper-II)
3. Zoology-(Paper-II)
5 09-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon 1. Chemistry- (Paper-I)
2. Philosophy-(Paper-I)
3. Psychology-(Paper-I)
4. Statistics-(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM 1. Chemistry- (Paper-II)
2. Philosophy-(Paper-II)
3. Psychology-(Paper-II)
4. Statistics-(Paper-II)
6 11-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon General Studies (GS)
7 13-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon 1. Arabic- (Paper-I)
2. Assamese-(Paper-I)
3. Bengali-(Paper-I)
4. Bodo-(Paper-I)
5. English-(Paper-I)
6. Hindi-(Paper-I)
7. Persian-(Paper-I)
8. Sanskrit-(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 AM 1. Arabic- (Paper-II)
2. Assamese-(Paper-II)
3. Bengali-(Paper-II)
4. Bodo-(Paper-II)
5. English-(Paper-II)
6. Hindi-(Paper-II)
7. Persian-(Paper-II)
8. Sanskrit-(Paper-II)
8 19-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon Education-(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM Education -(Paper-II)
9 21-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon  1. Sociology-(Paper-I)
2. Anthropology(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM  1. Sociology-(Paper-II)
2. Anthropology(Paper-II)
10 23-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon History-(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM  History -(Paper-II)
11 25-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon General English
12 27-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon 1.Agriculture (Paper-I)
2.AH &Vety Science (Paper-I)
3.Chemical Engg. (Paper-I)
4.Civil Engineering-(Paper-I)
5.Computer Science-(Paper-I)
6.Electrical Engg.-(Paper-I)
8.Mechanical Engg.-(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM  1. Agriculture-(Paper-II)
2. AH &Vety Science(Paper-II)
3. Chemical Engg (Paper-II)
4. Civil Engineering-(Paper-II)
5. Computer Science-(Paper-II)
6. Electrical Engg-(Paper-II)
7. Electronics-(Paper-II)
8. Mechanical Engg.-(Paper-II)
13 29-08-2019
9-00 AM to 12-00 Noon Geography-(Paper-I)
1-30 PM to 4-30 PM Geography -(Paper-II)


The PwD candidates (Visually Impaired /OH (with writing impediment) requiring scribes are requested to intimate the Commission within 10(ten) days from the publication of this notification.

 The names of venues will be printed in the Admission Certificate which will be uploaded in the Commission’s website www.apsc.nic.in in due course.


APSC mains 2018 test series GS & Optional Paper


Syllabus & Reference Books

> General Studies (GS) Compulsory Paper
>> English Paper Compulsory Paper
>> Political Science
>> Education
>> History
>> Economics
>> Sociology

Other Optional subjects

Sl. No Subject Sl. No Subject
1 Agriculture 13 Fisheries
2 Anthropology 1 Geography
3 Animal Husbandry & Vety Science 15 Geology
4 Botany 16 Law
5 Chemical Engineering 17 Mathematics
6 Civil Engineering 18 Mechanical Engineering
7 Chemistry 19 Medical Science
8 Commerce & Accountancy 20 Philosophy
9 Computer Science 21 Physics
11 Electrical Engineering 22 Psychology
12 Electronics 23 Statistics
24 Zoology
Modern Languages and Literature & Classical Language (any one only)
A Assamese
B Bengali
C English
D Hindi
E Arabic
F Persian
G Sanskrit
H Bodo

APSC Mains Exam – Previous Years Question Papers for GS and Optional paper

APSC CC (Mains) Exam 2016 Cutoff Marks & 2015, 2013 2009 Previous Qualifying Scores

APSC Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2018 – Notification, Guidelines & Instructions

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