India’s cultural influence on Southeast Asia (by Kiriti Dehingiya) – APSC Mains Essay

India’s cultural influence on Southeast Asia (by Kiriti Dehingiya) – APSC Mains Essay

India’s cultural influence on Southeast Asia – APSC Mains Essay

(Essay submitted in APSC Mains Essay Writing Contest 2019 – Essay Topics for week 7)


India’s cultural influence on Southeast Asia by Kiriti Dehingiya


In the history of mankind, it is evident that the countries having rich culture influence their neighbouring countries lacking advancement in culture. Likewise, since India has a rich cultural heritage of about 5000 years old, India’s cultural influence on the countries of Southeast Asia is quite undeniable.

Indians had cultural and trade contacts with other countries of Southeast Asia since times immemorial. The civilization and culture of India began to penetrate Southeast Asia during the beginning of the first millennium. From Ptolemy’s account written in the 2nd Century AD, the reference of Yavanadvipa is quite relevant in this context. Because, it proves that the influence of Indian culture on these countries existed in the 1st Century AD itself. Ptolemy’s note also gives us information about the existence of Indian communities in Funan or Cambodia. By the 5th Century AD, the Indian religions- Sanatana Dharma, i.e., Hinduism, Buddhism and cultural traditions took deep roots in the regions of Burma (now Myanmar), Thailand, Malaysia, Indo-China and Indonesia. This fact is proved by the evidences of epigraphy and literatures. But, this influence was not a sudden phenomenon. It took place gradually. In this process of influence, Buddhism acted as a catalyst in introducing Indian culture to its neighbouring countries. Trade had also played a great role in this regard.

There are many examples of evidences of cultural influence of India on Southeast Asia. Some of the most prominent evidences are as follows.

  • Many Southeast Asian languages contain a large proportion of words which have Sanskrit or Dravidian origin, e.g.: Malay language, Javanese language etc.. The scripts of some languages of these countries are clearly derived from Indian language scripts, e.g.: Thai language.
  • The traditional dances and shadow-puppet theatres in some Southeast Asian countries are very popular which continue to gain popularity by depicting the adventures of Rama, Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman. In Thailand, the Hindu epic-‘Ramayana’ is very popular till today.
  • Southeast Asian concepts of Kingship and authority owe much to ancient Hindu political theory. The Thai monarchy still requires the presence of Gour Brahmans (who by now have become Thai in all respects except the name) for proper performance of its ceremonials.
  • The ground-plans of Borobudur stupa in Java and the Khmer temples of Cambodia can easily be related to Indian religious texts.
  • Several Thai ceremonies related to ordination, marriage, merry making, cremation etc. have their roots in Indian tradition. Though Buddhism is prevalent in Thailand; Brahma and other Hindu deities are also widely worshipped in Thailand.

In this way, one can easily come into conclusion that there are considerable influences of Indian culture on Southeast Asian countries. If these elements of influence are utilized properly, e.g.: by organizing international cultural events, seminars etc., the cultural ties between India and the countries of Southeast Asia will be strengthened  which will be of great help in promoting international peace and harmony along with the development of tourism industry.

[ 490 Words ]


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