APSC Mains 2016 – Sociology Question Paper I & II



Full Marks : 200

Time : 3 hours


Answer any eight of the following questions (each within 250 words) :

  1. Elucidate the basic characteristics of tribal society in India. In what way agrarian society is different from Industrial society.                                                                                                          10+10=20
  2. What do you understand by agrarian village community? Cite it’s basic characteristics. Discuss the social structure of agrarian village community in Assam.                                                5+5+10=20
  3. Define Caste. What are the characteristics of caste? Discuss the factors responsible for change in caste system in India.                                                                                                       2+6+12 =20
  4. Discuss how religion in rural India determines the life processes of the rural society.                    20
  5. “Self-sufficiency of Indian villages is a myth.” Elaborate the statement in the light of rural-urban linkages in India.                                                                                                                             20
  6. Discuss the programmes of rural development in post-independent India. What are the problems in implementing these programmes in our society?                                                                 10+10=20
  7. Do you agree that tribes are in transition? How do the tribes react to the various forces which are impinging upon their lives?                                                                                                  10+10=20
  8. Elucidate the relation between theory of urbanism and sociological research.                               20
  9. What is tribe? Mention the characteristics of tribe. What are the problems faced tribes in modern India?                                                                                                                                  2+6+12=20
  10. Discuss the impact of Panchayati Raj in rural India.                                                                         20
  11. Examine the influence of Islam on Indian society and culture.                                                         20
  12. Examine the role of Neo-Vaishnavite Movement in ushering socio-cultural renaissance in Assamese society.                                                                                                                                            20


  1. Write short notes on any five of the following( each within 150 words)                             8×5=20
    1. Sanskritization and Westernization
    2. Changing structure of rural family in India
    3. Buddhism in India
    4. Community development programmes
    5. Plight of the farmers
    6. Villages studies in India
    7. Casteism
    8. Tribal identity and movements in Assam

Download PDF – Sociology Paper I


Full Marks : 200

Time : 3 hours


Answer any eight questions from the following within 250 words each:

  1. Define ‘Renaissance’. Discuss the Renaissance as an intellectual origin of the development of sociological theories.                                                                                                               6+12=20
  2. Write briefly the emergence of enlightenment philosophers. Discuss the beliefs that were adopted by the enlightenment.                                                                                                                 10+10=20
  3. Who introduced the concept of ‘law of three stages’? Discuss the importance of these three stages in development of positive science.                                                                                         5+15=20
  4. Who was the profounder of the concept of ‘social evolution theory’? Discuss the uses of this concept in development of a society.                                                                                                     6+14=20
  5. What is social solidarity? Critically evaluate the importance of Durkheim conception on solidarity.                                                                                                                                                      8+12=20
  6. Define ‘class and class struggle’. Discuss the economic and social factors of class struggle.                                                                                                                                                             8+12+=20
  7. State the essence of Max Weber’s ‘social action theory ’. Discuss the three major key terms used in social action theory.                                                                                                              10+10=20
  8. Discuss the Robert King Merton’s social concept on ‘middle range theory’. How can you correlate natural science theories into the field of sociological science research? Elaborate.               8+12=20
  9. Discuss the R K Merton’s social thought on manifest and latest function theory. Critically emphasize on the theory.                                                                                                                         10+10=20
  10. Critically evaluate Talcot Parson’s concept of ‘social system theory’. Examine the usefulness of Parson’s cultural symbols of this theory in the concept of modern society.                           10+10=20
  11. Write the critical evaluation of Auguste Comte’s contribution – “Sociology is a positive science”.    20
  12. Define ‘religion and economy theory’ of Max Weber. Discuss the economic and social factors of the theory.                                                                                                                                     8+12=20


  1. Write short notes on any five of the following within 150 words each                                  8×5=20
    1. Saint Simon-French Revolution(1760-1826 AD)
    2. Hierarchy of Sciences
    3. Emile Durkheim – “Theory fo Religion”
    4. Weber on ‘Authority’
    5. Growth of Spencer’s ‘Social Thought’
    6. Alienation
    7. Pattern Variable
    8. Functionalism

Download PDF – Sociology Paper II

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