Full Marks : 200
Time : 3 hours
Answer any eight of the following questions (each within 250 words) :
- Elucidate the basic characteristics of tribal society in India. In what way agrarian society is different from Industrial society. 10+10=20
- What do you understand by agrarian village community? Cite it’s basic characteristics. Discuss the social structure of agrarian village community in Assam. 5+5+10=20
- Define Caste. What are the characteristics of caste? Discuss the factors responsible for change in caste system in India. 2+6+12 =20
- Discuss how religion in rural India determines the life processes of the rural society. 20
- “Self-sufficiency of Indian villages is a myth.” Elaborate the statement in the light of rural-urban linkages in India. 20
- Discuss the programmes of rural development in post-independent India. What are the problems in implementing these programmes in our society? 10+10=20
- Do you agree that tribes are in transition? How do the tribes react to the various forces which are impinging upon their lives? 10+10=20
- Elucidate the relation between theory of urbanism and sociological research. 20
- What is tribe? Mention the characteristics of tribe. What are the problems faced tribes in modern India? 2+6+12=20
- Discuss the impact of Panchayati Raj in rural India. 20
- Examine the influence of Islam on Indian society and culture. 20
- Examine the role of Neo-Vaishnavite Movement in ushering socio-cultural renaissance in Assamese society. 20
- Write short notes on any five of the following( each within 150 words) 8×5=20
- Sanskritization and Westernization
- Changing structure of rural family in India
- Buddhism in India
- Community development programmes
- Plight of the farmers
- Villages studies in India
- Casteism
- Tribal identity and movements in Assam
Download PDF – Sociology Paper I
Full Marks : 200
Time : 3 hours
Answer any eight questions from the following within 250 words each:
- Define ‘Renaissance’. Discuss the Renaissance as an intellectual origin of the development of sociological theories. 6+12=20
- Write briefly the emergence of enlightenment philosophers. Discuss the beliefs that were adopted by the enlightenment. 10+10=20
- Who introduced the concept of ‘law of three stages’? Discuss the importance of these three stages in development of positive science. 5+15=20
- Who was the profounder of the concept of ‘social evolution theory’? Discuss the uses of this concept in development of a society. 6+14=20
- What is social solidarity? Critically evaluate the importance of Durkheim conception on solidarity. 8+12=20
- Define ‘class and class struggle’. Discuss the economic and social factors of class struggle. 8+12+=20
- State the essence of Max Weber’s ‘social action theory ’. Discuss the three major key terms used in social action theory. 10+10=20
- Discuss the Robert King Merton’s social concept on ‘middle range theory’. How can you correlate natural science theories into the field of sociological science research? Elaborate. 8+12=20
- Discuss the R K Merton’s social thought on manifest and latest function theory. Critically emphasize on the theory. 10+10=20
- Critically evaluate Talcot Parson’s concept of ‘social system theory’. Examine the usefulness of Parson’s cultural symbols of this theory in the concept of modern society. 10+10=20
- Write the critical evaluation of Auguste Comte’s contribution – “Sociology is a positive science”. 20
- Define ‘religion and economy theory’ of Max Weber. Discuss the economic and social factors of the theory. 8+12=20
- Write short notes on any five of the following within 150 words each 8×5=20
- Saint Simon-French Revolution(1760-1826 AD)
- Hierarchy of Sciences
- Emile Durkheim – “Theory fo Religion”
- Weber on ‘Authority’
- Growth of Spencer’s ‘Social Thought’
- Alienation
- Pattern Variable
- Functionalism