APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – Education Paper

APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – Education Paper
APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – Education Paper


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Details of APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – Education Paper

  • Total 8 Tests full length of Paper I & II (Six Section-wise Test + Four Full Syllabus Test)
  • Tests will be conducted over the span of five months (late-February 2019 to early-July 2019)
  • Question Papers will be mailed on schedule date and Answer Boosters will be mailed after seven days/schedule date.
  • Topics to study and limited study materials will be uploaded in our website (http://www.assamexam.com/), before every test.
  • Test solutions discussion session can be arranged on online forum (on request).


Enrollment Package

Enrollment to the Test Series will entail Tests Question Papers and Answer Booster only.

  • 8 Tests (Question Papers + Answer Boosters)
  • Fee: Rs. 625/-   

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Program Objective

  • Education Optional Papers, which contribute a total of 400 marks, has recently become very popular optional in the APSC CC (Mains) Exam of previous years and the no. of aspirants taking the subject is increasing drastically and a large no. of toppers of previous year also had Education as optional.
  • In this Test Series, we will provide a practical and focused approach that will help you to understand the demand of APSC exam and effectively improve your performance in the Mains exam.
  • The Test series will fine tune your answer writing skills to ensure that you make the maximum utilization of 3 hours of each History optional Paper in APSC CCE (Mains) 2018.


Test No. Syllabus Coverage Test Date Answer Booster Date
Test 1

Paper I:
1. Meaning, definition and scope of education, Aims — individual, social, liberal, vocational and Harmonious development of education, Aims of education in a democracy.
2. School and community— their relations, functions and responsibilities.
3. Curriculum, Definition and types of curricula, defects of present curriculum, principles of curriculum construction, Importance of correlation of studies. Co-curricular activities types and their values in education.
4. Freedom and discipline Importance of freedom in education, Free discipline, relation between freedom and discipline. Discipline meaning types and its importance, Reward and punishment.

19-02-2019 24-02-2019
Test 2

Paper I:
5. Teacher qualities of a teacher, importance of his personality, Functions of teacher in school. Material education needed for teaching.
6. Theories of playplay methods in education.
7. Education for international understanding and national integration.
1. Psychologyis meaning, scope and definition, its importance in education, Methods of educational psychology.

10-03-2019 13-03-2019
Test 3 Paper I:
9. Physical basis of mental life. Importance of sensation, perception and conception.
10. Adolescence its significance and problems.
11. Emotions and instincts their importance in education, Importance of needs, drives and motives.
12. Learningits meaning and importance, laws of learning, efficiency in learning.
22-03-2019 28-03-2019
Test 4 Paper I:
13. Image and imagination, its importance in education
14. Memory— meaning and types of memory, cause of forgetting, attention and its relation to interest.
15. Intelligence— its meaning and nature.
16. Statistics in education — calculation of mean, medium and mode, standard deviation and quartile deviation, Coefficient of correlation by rank difference methods
17-04-2019 23-04-2019
Test 5 Paper II:
1. Charter Act of 1813
2. Anglicist — classicist controversy Macculay’s minute and Lord Bentinck’s resolution of 1835.
3. Wood’s Despatch of 1854— its effects on Indian education.
4. Indian Education Commission of 1882— primary and secondary education.
5. Lord Curzon’s educational policy— Primary, Secondary and University education.
08-05-2019 13-06-2019
Test 6 Paper II:
6. Gokhale’s Bill on primary education resolution of 1913.
7. Hartog committees report of 1929.
8. Wardha Scheme of Education 1937, its implementation in India.
9. Primary education Act of Assam 1926, problems in the Universalisation of primary education in Assam.
10. Adult education — problems in the implementation of adult education programme— objectives and Aims of NAEP.
11. Women education— is importance, problems in the implementation of the education programmes for the women their solution.
22-05-2019 27-06-2019
Test 7 Mock Test (Paper I Full Syllabus) 14-06-2019 25-06-2019
Test 8 Mock Test (Paper II Full Syllabus) 05-07-2019 10-07-2019
  • Adhikary Education reserves all rights to make any change/modify/cancel exam(s) schedule without any prior information, if need so arises.
  • To cover the topics of each exam thoroughly, there will be on an average 20 days gap between subsequent tests.
  • The last test is placed in 05 July 2019 to ensure that it is close to APSC CC (Mains) Exam, so that you continue the habit of answer writing till the actual exam.

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Program Approach

  • The Test Series will cover all the areas/topics of Education Paper 1 in Test 1-4 & 7 and all the
    areas/topics of Education Paper 2 in Test 5, 6 and 8.
  • PDF Question Papers & Answer Boosters will be mailed to enrolled aspirants on schedule dates.


Terms & Condition

  • Adhikary Education’s materials/services are for individuals use only. In case any person is found involved in any violation of copyrights of Adhikary Education materials, the admission to the test series will be cancelled and legal actions may be taken.
  • Adhikary Education reserves all rights related to Enrollment to the Test Series.
  • Adhikary Education reserves all rights to make any change/modify/cancel the exam schedule/date without any prior information, if need so arises.
  • The candidates enrolling in the test series, needs to provide APSC Roll No. and other details, as and when asked to do so. This information will not be shared with any other party, without your consent.
  • Fee once paid, is non-refundable and non-transferable in all circumstances. Provision(s) of ‘Payment Terms and Conditions’ of http://www.assamexam.com/terms-conditions/ will be applicable for payment in regard to this test series also.



  • Registrations for this test series open from 12th January 2019 at Assamexam.com

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NOTE: Answer Booster will be provided, NOT Ready-made paragraph form of answers.


Q1. What isAnswer Booster‘?

Answer Booster will contain must-have contents and points/facts/gist of the answer, so that using information of Answer Booster, candidate can write better answers in your own language and style.

Q2. Why ‘Answer Booster‘, instead of Complete Answers to the questions

Civil Service Mains Exams are pattered subjective, to test the candidate’s ability to formulate arguments supported with reasoning and evidence, application of knowledge, writing skills, language proficiency and most importantly unique individual approaches of different candidates to the same set of questions. So, for the all the tests of this Test Series, we will provide Answer Booster, containing the core must-have points/facts of Question’s Answer.

We don’t believe in Spoon feeding, instead, we will provide you all necessary resources/information, and you present the answers in your own unique ways. After all, you are the future Civil Servant, Not Just Anybody.”


 – Give Your Best in Preparation, Reap the Best in Result


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