APSC Mains 2018 Education (Paper I) 126 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2018 Education (Paper I) 126 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2018 Education (Paper I)

126 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series


126 marks worth Questions were asked in APSC CCE (Main) 2018 – Education Paper 1 which were asked in our APSC Mains Test Series 2018 (Education Optional). This is a testimony to our continuous efforts to provide the best quality materials for the APSC Prelims and Mains Exam 2018 to assist better preparation of the aspirants. 


APSC CCE (Main) 2018 Education - Paper I


Answer any eight questions from the following within 250 words each: 20 x 8 = 160

Q1. Explain the definition of education given by Prof. Drever. What should be the nature of education in a modern democratic society? “Preparation for complete living is education.” Discuss the statement.    7+5+8=20

Q2. What are the Characteristics of a good aim? Discuss the four fundamental objectives of education in the present-day context. Discuss the liberal and vocational aims of education in the light of the existing social and economic conditions of India.   5+5+10=20

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 7: Q1 and Test 1: Q12. (10 Marks)

Q3. What is curriculum? What are its benefits? Give an elaborate description of possible co-curricular activities.    5+5+10=20

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 1: Q4 and Q5 (15 Marks)

Q4. What are the modern and broad concepts of discipline? Discuss the general principles of giving rewards. Explain the concept of free discipline and its implications in modern methods of teaching.    5+7+8=20

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 1: Q6 and Q14 (13 Marks)

Q5. What are the important personal qualities of a teacher? What are the challenges that a teacher has to face in modern education? Discuss the responsibilities and functions of a teacher.      5+7+8=20

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 2: Q1, Q2 and Q14. (20 Marks)

Q6. Explain different theories of play. What are the positive and negative impact of play in education of the children?       10+10=20

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 2: Q4 (10 Marks)

Q7. What are the vital role of education to promote national integration in our country? Discuss the main objectives of education for international understanding. Prepare a well-designed education programme for achieving international understanding.      6+7+7=20

Q8. What is educational psychology? How can a teacher apply the knowledge of educational psychology to solve academic problems at secondary level? Why is psychoanalysis method regarded as a new method? Explain.      3+7+10=20

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 7: Q7 and Test 2: Q8 (10 Marks)

Q9. “Learning refers to the growth and decay of interests, knowledge and skills and to transfer of these to new situations.” Explain the statement. What are the features of Pavlov’s theory of learning?     10+10=20

Q10. Define the terms ‘attention’ and ‘interest’. “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action”. Explain the statement. What is sustained attention? How will you achieve it?     5+7+8=20

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 4: Q2 (12 Marks)

Q11. What is an emotion? What are the main features of emotion during adolescence period? Describe briefly the educational significance of emotion.    4+8+8=20

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 3: Q10 & Q14 (12 Marks)

Q12. (a) What do you understand by variability? Who first introduced standard deviation? Write four merits and demerits of standard deviation.     2+2+4=8

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 4: Q13 (4 Marks)

(b) Compute the standard deviation from the following table:        12

Class Interval   f                            Class Interval        f

65-69                1                             35-39                 10

60-64                3                            30-34                    8

55-59                2                            25-29                    5

50-54                4                            20-24                    4

45-49                4                            15-19                    2

40-44                6                            10-14                    1

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 4: Q8 (12 Marks) (Partially same) 



Answer any five questions from the following within 150 words each:

Q13. Discuss the difference between school and society. 4+4=8

Q14. What is the need and importance of value education? 4+4=8

Q15. State the importance of punishment in education. 8

Question from our APSC Mains Education Test Series Test 1: Q16 (8 Marks) (Indirectly)

Q16. Explain the different theories of intelligence and their importance. 8

Q17. “Instincts are the raw material of character.” Discuss. 8

Q18. How are concepts formed? What are their relation to sensation and perception? 4+4=8

Q19. Write a note on the importance of non-formal education in meeting the problems of illiteracy in India.


total questions worth 126 Marks in APSC CC(Mains) Exam 2018 – Education Paper 1, were matched with the questions of our APSC Mains Education Test Series.

Paper I – Download PDF

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