APSC Mains Essay Writing Contest 2022 – Essay Topics for week 1 (25 – 31 January, 2022)

APSC Mains Essay Writing Contest 2022 – Essay Topics for week 1 (25 – 31 January, 2022)
APSC Mains Essay Writing Contest 2022 - Essay Topics for week 1 (25 - 31 January, 2022)

APSC CC Mains 2018 Essay Writing Contest


Practicing as many essays will improve your essays writing skills. All APSC aspirants and readers can participate in the contest. Write essay on any one or both the topic. The BEST ESSAY on each topics will be selected and published on our website and our social platform with the name of the author.

Go to Essay Writing Challange                                      Go to APSC Mains Paper 1 (Essay)
Essay Topics for Week 1 (25 – 31 January, 2022)
         1. Survival of democracy depends on its ability to lower social uncertainty
         2. New Education Policy 2020: A reformist step forward?


Rules & Guidelines of Essay submission
  1. The essay should be sent in the word format (.doc, or .docx) with 14 font size. It should carry author’s name and e-mail ID. Any other format of submission will not be accepted.
  2. At the end of the essay, it should contain a declaration saying that “Its my original content and is not copied from anywhere”.
  3. If any essay is found to be copied, it will be summarily rejected.
  4. Adhikary Education (Assamexam.com) reserves the copyright of the essays; however in case of copyright infringement (copied matter) Adhikary Education is not liable for it.
  5. Adhikary Education reserves the right to edit the essay for clarity of language, grammar, spelling, punctuation and space.
  6. It’s advised to go through the essay carefully before sending it once and finally.
  7. The last date for sending essay for any week is within 1 week from topics publish date. Essay received after due date will not be considered for Contest, but may be published on Assamexam.com, if found suitable.
  8. Please send (via email) your entries to [email protected].
  9. Also send a photograph and a small biography if you wish it to be published in our website.


Prizes for Winners!!

Best Prize – You will score good marks in APSC Mains Essays. Not enough motivation!!

Best essay on each topics of every week will be ranked and the winner will get anyone (his own choice) of our bestselling eBooks for FREE.

  1. Environment and Ecology
  2. Geography of Assam
  3. ASSAM HISTORY-Ancient Period & ASSAM HISTORY- Ahom and English Period
  4. History of Britain

Hang on!! Not only this, Top 3 essays on each topics will be published on Assamexam.com along with the name of the authors, photograph and a small biography. We will make sure your essays are read by thousands of aspirants/viewers and get benefited with your insights on particular topics.

Also, name of Top 3 essay authors on each topics will be published in our next post on Facebook/Twitter. Other entries may also be published on Assamexam.com, in found suitable.


APSC Mains Essay Writing Contest 2022 (Weekly) – Home Page



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