APSC Mains (Written) Exam 2018 Cutoff Marks (Expected) – Analysis of Candidate’s Survey

APSC Mains (Written) Exam 2018 Cutoff Marks (Expected) – Analysis of Candidate’s Survey
APSC CC (Main) Exam 2018 Cutoff Marks (Expected)


While you wait for the result of the APSC Mains 2018 exam, which may take couple of months, to pacify the fire in you to start preparation for Interview, we tried to provide a realistic cutoff qualifying marks that would be require to get a call for the interview.

As per the online survey APSC CC (Mains) Exam 2018 – Cutoff Analysis, we arrived as the following category-wise Cutoff marks in Mains (Written Exam) exam to qualify for the Interview round.

APSC Mains (Written) Exam 2018 Cutoff

Category Cutoff Marks
Open (OC) 820
SC 764
ST (Plain) 766
ST (Hill) 742
Other than Above 712


Methodology Used

A online survey ‘APSC Mains 2018 – Cut-Off Analysis‘ is being conducted to collect the opinions of the actual candidates who have written the exam. A significantly large number of APSC Prelims aspirants participated and provided their expected score & expected Cut-Off marks for APSC CC (Mains) Exam 2018. These data were processed to find the Weighted Average Arithmetic Mean of expected Cut-Off marks, separately for various categories, which is presented below.


Sample size

Total no. of candidates appeared Mains 3600 approx.

Total no. of responses = 437 (9 AM 17 September, 2019)

BUT, Total no. of unique responses = 304 (Only this figure is considered for all calculation purpose. our apologies to the over-enthusiasts)

So, our sample represent 8.4% [≈(304/3600)x100] of total candidates. (Which is quite a good representation), we believe!!


OC (General) Open Category

Sample size = 98

No. of respondents Expected Cut-off Value assumed for calculation
4 Above 880 890
11 851-880 865
35 821-850 835
36 791-820 805
7 761-790 775
4 731-760 745
1 Below 700 690

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 820


OBC/MOBC Category

Sample size = 131

No. of respondents Expected Cut-off Value assumed for calculation
18 851-880 865
20 821-850 835
43 791-820 805
33 761-790 775
8 731-760 745
9 700-730 715

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 800


SC Category

Sample size = 32

No. of respondents Expected Cut-off Value assumed for calculation
1 Above 880 890
2 851-880 865
2 821-850 835
5 791-820 805
7 761-790 775
5 731-760 745
4 700-730 715
6 Below 700 690

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 764


ST (Plain) Category

Sample size = 25

No. of respondents Expected Cut-off Value assumed for calculation
5 821-850 835
2 791-820 805
7 761-790 775
5 731-760 745
3 700-730 715
3 Below 700 690

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 766


ST (Hill) Category

Sample size = 13

No. of respondents Expected Cut-off Value assumed for calculation
1 851-880 865
1 821-850 835
1 791-820 805
2 761-790 775
0 731-760 745
3 700-730 715
5 Below 700 690

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 742



Sample size = 5

No. of respondents Expected Cut-off Value assumed for calculation
1 761-790 775
0 731-760 745
1 700-730 715
3 Below 700 690

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 712



  1. The APSC provides will be final. This exercise is only to provide a rough idea about the expected cutoff.
  2. All data are original and presented as entered by respondents and are not changed by us (in any way).
  3. All respondent has not provided data in all fields.

Some of the comments by the respondents

2 marks question was  disaster in GS

All mains question papers ranged from easy to average. Hope the examiners give the deserving marks rather than going on a rampant deduction spree. Ultimately depends on the examiner.

All papers were like University exam papers

Average papers 


Better than previous years

Bit tough this year

Checking of optionals should be normalised across all.

Civil engg was way tough 

Conceptual papers 

Cutoff may increase  

Cutt off will be high this time



Easy and analytical, engineering optionals were on the tougher side

Easy gs and english, optionals are tough


Education 1st paper was difficult

Education paper 1 was unconventional .Rest was paper was normal.

Education paper 1st was difficult



First papers of optional subjects found to be difficult


GS and English are good but some optionals are tricky.

Gs and English was lenghty, education paper 1 was critical pol science paper 1 was a trap easy question but time consuming

GS and English were not tough but time played a vital role. Optionals were little tough

GS average, English easy, Edu 1st paper average & 2nd paper easy. History average 

Gs is a little bit analytical and time consuming.English is easy but again time consuming.education paper 1 is  a little bit tough and the 2nd paper is easy.

GS lengthy ,English easy,optional lengthy and moderate

GS paper was too lenghty . English paper should be replaced by Essay only.

GS questions were of moderate difficulty considering exam pressure. English as usual was lengthy. Some optional papers were difficult and some lengthy.

Gs was lengthy, English was easy , education paper one was tough and anthropology paper 1 was tough

GS was not well framed. Rest all okay.

High scoring 

It was a good paper .

It was moderate

it was ok

It’s for people who has memory power. It did not test the knowledge of a candidate to be a civil servant. Rot memory is enough. Papers did not fit for the exam.

Little bit difficult 

Medium level.

Moderate level 

Moderately tough

More analytical then the previous years

More questions that compells the aspirants to think rather than just mugging up & vomiting in the exams, definitely a welcome change.

Not that tough

Not upto the standard



Opinion based questions were asked

Optional papers were little tough

Overall good

Paper completion is the key. It is race against time.

Paper was moderete

Papers are averge but time was the major factor

Papers were almost attemptable. But marks will depend upon content firstly,, this tym gs n english marks will be deciding factor, as the optional paper level were almost same

Papers were easy but were unexpected

Papers were moderate but bit lengthy 

Papers were time consuming

physics paper was unfair.Change in pattern in a subject like physics that too in mains is not expected.Rest papers were ok


Question papers are very good 

Questions are easy, If you attempt all questions , decently score a good marks 

Quite analytical

Shifting towards dynamic issues compared to previous years.


Since the post are more this time and some optional subject papers are analytical, the cut off will not be high for mains exam.

Slightly Different from previous year

Slightly difficult compared to last year

So so


The difficulty level was moderate

The overall papers were moderate in my opinion

The paper was comparatively easy but found a bit lengthy

The question level was Average 

The questions are good.. But writing skills I think not well.. But hope is important.. 

The standard of the questions is high. The previous trend of question has been changed. 

There is a change in education paper 1.GS paper was scoring and in english paper question are asked from current social issues which is a nice step.

There was question error in English question paper. They mentioned in the question no 7,to write an report on any one topic out of two.. However later they mentioned below to write a letter. 

This time both Geography papers are harder than the other optional subjects.

This time candidates are serious. For this reason marks may be high

Though the papers were not so easy, I enjoyed writing.

Very good



Here we invite opinions and expectation of the candidates who appeared in the APSC CC (Main) exam 2018, to arrive at a reasonable cutoff for APSC CC (Main) Exam Exam 2018 and qualify for appearing for for the Viva-voce (Interview) phase.

Click to give your valuable input APSC CC (Mains) Exam 2018 – Cutoff Analysis


It’s an essential part of a successful strategy for any task and if the challenge is a competitive exam like APSC Combined Competitive Exam, then knowing the passing parameters i.e. Cutoff Marks for APSC Prelims & Mains Exam forms a very basic enquiry. 

Analyzing previous years minimum score line can provide us a very good idea of what it is going to be, so below we have provided information about the 2018. 

APSC CCE 2016 (Mains) Cutoff Marks (Written Exam + Interview Marks)

APSC has not declared any data regarding Cutoff marks for APSC CCE (Main) 2016 ( Inclusive of Written Exam and Viva-voce/Interview marks). The data given below are collected through independent sources only to give a fair idea of the Cutoff marks for APSC Mains 2016 Exam, and should not be taken as official figures.

  • APSC Mains 2016 cutoff in General category = 982 (Overall)
  • APSC Mains 2016 cutoff in OBC category = 962 (Overall)
Cutoff Marks for the post of ACS
  • APSC Mains 2016 cutoff in General category = 1026 (Male) & 1025 (Female)
  • APSC Mains 2016 cutoff in OBC category = 1010
  • APSC Mains 2016 cutoff in SC category = 931
Cutoff Marks for the post of ALRS
  • APSC Mains 2016 cutoff in General category = 1006
  • APSC Mains 2016 cutoff in OBC category = 992
Cutoff Marks for the post of Inspector of Labour
  • APSC Mains 2016 cutoff in General category = 982
  • APSC Mains 2016 cutoff in OBC category = 975

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins

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