APSC Mains General Studies I (GS1) Paper Previous Questions from Indian History, Heritage, Culture & Society sections

APSC Mains General Studies I (GS1) Paper Previous Questions from Indian History, Heritage, Culture & Society sections

APSC Mains Paper II – General Studies I (GSI) Old Questions from Indian History, Heritage, Culture & Society sections

Previous years Questions asked in APSC Mains GS Paper from HIndian History, Heritage, Culture & Society sections, which are now part of the APSC Mains Paper II – General Studies (GS) I paper are discussed below.


Questions from APSC Mains 2018 GS Paper

Q1 (a) Analyze the salient features of the Charter Act of 1833. How can it be considered as a landmark in the constitutional history of India?       10+6=16

Q1 (f) Discuss the Civil Disobedience Movement from the beginning till its withdrawal in 1934. Assess its importance as the greatest mass movement in India. 8+8=16

Q1 (i) Analyse the causes and consequences of the Moamaria Rebellion. How far was it responsible for the downfall of Ahom rule? 8+8=16

Question from our APSC Mains General Studies (GS) Test Series Test 2: Q2(iv) (8 Marks)

Q2 (a) Describe the achievements of the Gupta period in the fields of science, art and architecture.  8

Q2 (b) What are the major constituents of ‘drain of wealth’ from India during the colonial rule?  8

Q3 (c) Give a brief description of the social life of Rabha Tribe of Assam. 5

Q3 (d) Write a note on the Paik system in Ahom kingdom.  5

Question from our APSC Mains General Studies (GS) FREE Mock Test : Q3(vi) (5 Marks)  

Q3 (h) What are Mudras? How many fundamental mudras are required to depict a particular emotion?  2+3=5

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Q4 (i) When and where was the first capital of Ahom kingdom established? 2

Question from our APSC Mains General Studies (GS) Test 2: Q4 (vi) (2 Marks)  

Q4 (ii) Name two plays written by Kalidasa.  2

Q4 (iii) What do you know about the Allahabad Pillar Inscription?    2

Q4 (iv) Who was Ajan Fakir?   2

Q4 (v) The Battle of Panipat in 1761 was fought between which forces?    2

Q4 (xxi) In which year was the first Assamese newspaper Arunodoi published? Who was the editor of the first edition?  2

Q4 (xxxiv) What is Ojapali?  2

Q4 (xxvi) Name the authors of the books, Katha Guru Charita and Kadam-Kali.   2


Questions from APSC Mains 2016 GS Paper

“Sardar Patel accomplished a silent revolution by ensuring the absorption and assimilation of a multitude of principalities without shedding even a drop of blood.” Discuss. 16
Analyze critically that Buddha’s teachiongs to a large extent could be helpful in understanding and resolving the problems of today’s society. 16
India has had its cultural and trade relations with nations of South Asia since ancient time. Illustrates with examples. 16
Discuss the salient features of Harappan culture. Write the causes of it’s decline 16
How external invasions influence the art and culture of India in post-Mauryan period? 16
Short note on ‘Gamosa’ and it’s significance in Assamese society. 8
What policies did the Ahoms adopted towards the frontiers tribes 8
Write about the significance of ‘Japi’ in Assamese society. 5
Distinguish between culture and civilization 5
Assess the development of science and technology in Mughal period 5
Write briefly about the position of women in medieval Assamese society. 5
Name the states of India in which Garga and Tamasha dance form originated 2
What is the meaning of ‘Bhatima’ 2
What are the Zikirs and Zaris 2
What is the other name of ‘Naam Ghosa’? Why is it so called? 2
What do you know about ‘Bhatheli festival’ 2
Name the authors of Akbarnama and Harshacharita 2
Name two leaders of Santhal uprising ( 1855) 2
Name two tea gardens of Maniram Dewan 2
What is Ali-Aye-ligang? 2
In which year the Battle of Saraighat was fought and who was the Ahom king at that time? 2


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Questions from APSC Mains 2015 GS Paper
Main recommendation of Cabinet Mission Plan? Describe Assam’s fight against grouping system
Genesis of Brahmo Samaj? Assess it’s role in socio-religious changes in 19th century India
Political Org during Rig Vedic period? Changes occurred during later Vedic period
Discuss status and role of ‘Namghar’ in social and cultural life of Assam
short note ‘Malinithan’ of Arunachal Pradesh
why Bengal Partitioned in 1905
Meaning of ‘Dimasa’
Why was Redcliff Committee Appointed?
When province of Eastern Bengal and Assam created? Capital?
ruler of Kamarupa during Hiuen Tsang’s visit?
Who is known as ‘Bamuni Konwar’
‘Bathow Puja’


Questions from APSC Mains 2014 GS Paper
 circumstances leading to Treaty of Yandabo? Why  it’s a major landmark in Assam history? 16
 chief teaching of Buddha?  How far was Buddhism a reform movement within Hinduism 16
 Discuss civilization of Gupta Era? Why it’s called Golden Era of India? 16
cause for downfall of Mauryan empire? How far was Ashoka responsible ? 8
brief account of ‘Namghar’ and ‘Manikut’ of Assamese society 8
 Effect of british rule in Assam 5
‘Pongal’ celebrated in ? it’s significance? 5
 note on Fahien’s Account of India 5
who is Ajan Fakir? 2
Rani Laskhmi Bai 2


Questions from APSC Mains 2002 GS Paper
  • Do beauty contests help the cause of women 2
  • Mean by classics 2
  • Status of satryia dance 2
  • Chief contribution of – Jayadeva, Ramanuja, Dara Shikoh 6
  • Short ans 5
  • Which period of ancient Indian history ‘Golden Age’ and Why ? highlight socio-cultural achievements of the period 8


Questions from APSC Mains 1999 GS Paper
  • Salient features of Assam Accord? What extent are these implemented 7
  • Diff between folk dance and classical dance, 5
  • Cause of decline of Buddhism in India 3
  • Sivaji – character as a man and administrator 3
  • How British inducted communalism in Indian Polity to subvert Indian national movement 3
  • 6th century BS in India is a period of intellectual ferment and religious upheaval – Elucidate 3
  • Political awareness in Assam from 1826 to 1857 3


APSC Mains 2018 – GS Paper Analysis and Sectional Breakdown
APSC Mains 2016 – GS Paper Analysis and Sectional Breakdown
APSC Mains 2015 – GS Paper Analysis and Sectional Breakdown
APSC Mains 2014 – GS Paper Analysis and Sectional Breakdown
APSC Mains – 2002 & 1999 GS Question Paper & Analysis


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