APSC Mains 2016 History (Paper I) 70 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2016 History (Paper I) 70 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2016 History (Paper I)

70 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

Definitely, one of the best strategy to score good marks in APSC Mains Exam History Paper is to join our APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – History Paper.

70 marks worth questions were asked in APSC Mains 2016 – History Paper 1 which were asked in our APSC Mains Test Series 2017 (History Optional).

Many aspirants had enrolled in our APSC Mains History Test Series and were able to achieve enough marks to succeed the APSC 2016 Exam with flying colours. We are dedicated to continue the same quality and make the APSC Mains Test Series 2018 more useful for the preparation of APSC Mains History optional paper.

APSC Mains 2016 History - Paper I


Answer any eight questions from the following within 250 words each: 20 x 8 = 160

Q1. Discuss the important features of the Indus Valley Civilization. Explain the economic and religious life of the Indus people. 10 + 5 +5=20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 7: Q1. (10 Marks) (Partially)

Q2. Trace the emergence and growth of the Caste system in the Rigvedic Period. Account for the expansion of this system in the Later Vedic Period. 12+ 8 = 20

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Q3. Estimate the place of Asoka in history. What changed did he bring about in the administrative system of the Mauryas? 10 +10 =20

Q4. Discuss the emergence of Magadha as a powerful State and contribution of Chandragupta Maurua in this regard. Throw some light on his military administration. 5+ 10 + 5 = 20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 1: Q3. (5 Marks)

Q5. Make an assessment of Samudragupta’s military expeditions which established him as a great conqueror. Do you find any difference between his Northern and Southern Policy in exerting his dominance over the States he conquered? 10 + 10 = 20

Q6. Who were the Pallavas? Analyze their contributions towards the art and cultural history of Southern India. 5 + 15 = 20

Q7. What were the causes for the decline of the Mughal Empire? To what extent was Aurangazeb responsible for the downfall of the Mughal Empire? 15 + 5 = 20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 2: Q8. (15 Marks)

Q8. Discuss the causes and results of the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War. 12 + 8 = 20

Q9. Explain on what ground Warren Hastings may be regarded as the real founder of British Empire in India. What were the factors leading to his impeachment? 15 + 5 = 20

Q10. Discuss the role of Maharaja Ranjit Singha in uniting the Sikhs as a Nation and in establishment of Sikh State. What were the factors leading to the downfall of the Sikhs? 10+10 =20

Q11. What is ‘Doctrine of Lapse’? How it worked as a main tool in curbing the independence of the Indian native States? How far this policy may be held responsible for the outbreak of Sepoy Mutiny in 1857? 5 + 10 + 5 =20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 3: Q8. (5 Marks)

Q12. Explain the causes for starting the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1921. How were the people of India involved in this movement as a whole? Under what circumstances this movement has to be withdrawn? 10+5+5 =20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 7: Q10. (15 Marks)(Partially)


Answer any five questions from the following within 150 words each: 8 x5=40

Q13. Explain the market control policy and military administration of Ala-ud-din Khilji.   8

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 2: Q3 (8 Marks)

Q14. Briefly discuss Muhammad Ghori’s invasions of India.    8

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 2: Q9  (8 Marks)

Q15. Discuss the different social reform measures undertaken by Lord William Bentinck.

Q16. What do you know about the Bhakti Movement in India and how the name of Mahapurush Sri Srimanta Sankardeva was associated with it? 8

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 2: Q5  (4 Marks)

Q17. Discuss the contribution of Lord Ripon to the field of Indian education. 8

Q18. Discuss the importance of the Treaty of Yandaboo in the North-East Polity of the British.    8

Q19. Examine the role of Subhash Chandra Bose and the NIA in India’s struggle of freedom. 8

Q20. What role did play by the newly educated Indian intelligentsia and press in awakening of a new India during the British Rule? 4 + 4 =8

total questions worth 70 Marks in APSC CC(Mains) Exam 2016 – History Paper 1, were matched with the questions of our APSC Mains History Test Series.

Paper I – Download PDF

To score high marks in APSC Mains 2018 History Paper, Join our APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – History

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