APSC Mains 2018 History (Paper I) 95 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2018 History (Paper I) 95 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2018 History (Paper I)

95 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

95 marks worth Questions were asked in APSC CCE (Main) 2018 – History Paper 1 which were asked in our APSC Mains Test Series 2018 (History Optional). This is a testimony to our continuous efforts to provide the best quality materials for the APSC Prelims and Mains Exam 2018 to assist better preparation of the aspirants. 

APSC CCE (Main) 2018 History - Paper I


Answer any eight questions from the following within 250 words each: 20 x 8 = 160

Q1. Narrate the direct and indirect effects of Alexander’s invasion of India.  10+10=20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 1: Q3. (20 Marks)

Q2. What were the causes for the downfall of the Mauryan empire? How far was the religious policy of Ashoka responsible for it?  12+8=20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 1: Q14. (12 Marks)

Q3. Make an assessment of the career and achievements of Harshavardhana. How far did his relationship with Bhaskaravarmana help him in establishing his supremacy over North India?   15+5=20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 1: Q9. (5 Marks) (Indirectly)

Q4. “The most illustrious successors of the Mauryas in the Decan and in Central India were the Satavahanas”. On the basis of the above statement highlight the contribution of the Satavahana rulers towards administration, economy and culture.   20

Q5. What were the causes and results of the Arab invasion of Sind? Why did they fail to penetrate deeper into India?   15+5=20

Q6. Critically analyse the administrative system of Sher Shah Suri with special reference to his land revenue system. To what extent did it serve as the basis of land revenue system of Akbar?   15+5=20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 2: Q4. (15 Marks)

Q7. “Akbar is regarded as a national monarch”. Justify this statement in the light of his civil and military administration, religious policy and policy towards the Rajputs.    20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 2: Q11. and Test 7: Q4. (10 Marks)

Q8.What was the permanent settlement system of Bengal introduced by Lord Cornwallis? To what extent did it prove beneficial to the British rule in India? What were its effects on the Indians?       8+6+6= 20

Q9. Discuss the causes, main events and results of the Fourth Anglo-Maratha War (1817-18).     8+4+8=20

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 3: Q5 (20 Marks)  (Indirectly)

Q10. Why was Bengal partitioned in 1905? What were its consequences in India’s struggle for freedom?     10+10= 20

Q11. Analyse the Constitutional developments in British India during the period from 1909 to 1935.      20 

Q12. What was the impact of the World War II on India’s national movement? Why did Indian National Congress oppose the August offer (1940) and the Cripp’s proposal (1942)? 12+8=20


Answer any five questions from the following within 150 words each:

Q13. How did the people of Harappan civilization maintain relations with other contemporary civilization?       8

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 1: Q2 (8 Marks) (Indirectly)

Q14. Who were the Rashtrakutas? Examine their contributions to the field of education and teaching.      3+5=8

Q15. Analyse the role played by Qutb-ud-in Aibak and Iltutmish in the foundation of Islamic rule in India.      4+4=8

Q16. Make an assessment of Alauddin Khilji as an administrator.    8

Q17. Describe Shivaji’s struggle with the Mughals. How far was he able to provide the Marathas a nation-state?         5+3=8

Question from our APSC Mains History Test Series Test 7: Q8 (5 Marks)

Q18. How did English education help in the promotion of nationalism in India in the later part of the 19th century?    8

Q19. Describe the main features of the Government of India Act, 1935. How did it influence Indian polity?    5+3=8

Q20. Analyse the factors that led to the Partition of India in 1947. Was the Viceroy Lord Mountbatten responsible for the Partition?       6+2=8 

total questions worth 95 Marks in APSC CC(Mains) Exam 2018 – History Paper 1, were matched with the questions of our APSC Mains History Test Series.

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