APSC Mains 2020 History (Paper I) Question paper

APSC Mains 2020 History (Paper I) Question paper

APSC Mains 2020 History (Paper I) Question paper

Section – A
Q1. Identify the following places marked on the map supplied to you and write a short note of about 50 words on the historical importance of each of them. Locational hints for each of the places marked on the map are given below seriatim :                                                                                                               50
(A) Capital of the Dimasa kingdom
(B) A place of Satras and tribal culture
(C) Capital of the Ahom kingdom
(D) Easternmost important limit of Mughal incursion
(E) Popularly known as ‘Gupta Kashi’
(F) A place of ancient temple ruins and mythology
(G) Site of a famous battle with the Mughals
(H) A place of pilgrimage and religious syncretism
(I) Archaeological site with Hindu, Jain and Buddhist remains
(J) Last capital of an important kingdom
Q2. (a) Examine the importance of numismatics in the reconstruction of the history of early India with special reference to Gupta Coins. 20
(b) Examine the importance of Arthashastra in understanding Mauryan polity. 15
(c) Discuss the significance of painted grey ware’ culture to understand the cultural mosaic of North India in the first millennium BC. 15
Q3. (a) Analyze the archaeological evidence regarding the extent of megalithic cultures in Eastern and Northeastern India. 20
(b) Explain the social implications of Buddha’s teachings in the context of the social structure of North India in the 6th and 5th C BC. 15
(c) Critically examine the hypothesis that there was a subcontinental urban decay during C 300-600 CE. 15
Q4. (a) Examine the relationship between the land grant system and emergence of feudalism under the Guptas and Vakatakas. 20
(b) The period C 300-600 CE is often described as the ‘classical age of Sanskrit literature. Examine the development of Sanskrit literature during this period. 15
(c) Trace the development of temple architecture in early medieval South India. 15

Section – B
Q5. (a) Explain the salient features of the State under the Delhi Sultanate with reference to Fakhr-i-Mudabbir and Ziya Barani’s texts. 10
(b) Examine the impact of West Asian and Central Asian traditions in the development of administrative structures and institutions in the early. period of the Sultanate rule in Northern India. 15
(c) What light does Kitab-ul-Hind throw on Indian society? 15
(d) What were the significant changes introduced by Mahmud Gawan in the Bahmani kingdom? 10
Q6. (a) Discuss the various aspects of price-control measures of Alauddin Khalji. 15
(b) Analyze the administrative reforms undertaken during the reign of Pratap Singha (1603-41 CE). 15
(c) Critically analyze the different categories of cultivators in the medieval period. 20
Q7. (a) Examine the socio-economic roots of popular monotheistic movements represented by Kabir and Nanak. 20
(b) Examine the contexts and the impact of the revolts by the Jats, Satnamis and the Sikhs at the time of Aurangzeb. 15
(c) “The ‘Jagirdari crisis’ had both an administrative and a social basis.” Explain the statement in the context of the decline of the Mughals. 15
Q8. (a) Discuss the social context of the emergence of women Bhakts (saints) in medieval Indian society during the Bhakti Movement. 20
(b Discuss the Mughal school of painting. 15
(c) Examine the impact of the role of the foreign trading companies in the Mughal period. 15

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