APSC Mains – Political Science 2002 Question Paper I & Paper II

APSC Mains – Political Science 2002 Question Paper I & Paper II

APSC Mains – Political Science 2002 Question Paper I & Paper II

It’s very important that we know the definite trend of question being recently asked in the Mains Exam. Thus, the Polity Paper I & Paper II of 2002 is given here, to give you a better idea of the areas/topics more question appears in the exam.


Q.Comment on any three :
(a)’History without political science has no fruit,political science without history has no root.’
(b)”To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man…’
(c )”democracy is not a way of governing…but,primarly a way of determining who shall govern and broadly to what ends.’
(d)Í have no right to eat cake…if my neighbour is compelled to go without bread ‘
(e)’The inferiors revolt in order to get equility and equals to become superiors.’
Q. Discuss critically the social contract theory of the origin of the state
Q. Can the marxist theory sufficiently explain the origin of the state?discuss
Q. Discuss the meaning and dimension of liberty
Q. Define Democracy.Discuss the condition for the successful working of Democracy.Can it become successful in developing countries
Q. Distinguish between
(a)procedural and substantive justice
(b) De jure and De facto Sovereignty
(c)Civil and political liberty
(d)Unitary and federal forms of government
Q. What do you understand by sovereignty?What are its characteristics?
Q. Discuss critically the pluralist theory of sovereignty.
Q. Give an account of Aristotle s theory of justice
Q. Give an account of Plato’s idea of division of labour.
Q. Write short notes one any two of the following :
(a) Gandhiji concept of swaraj
(b) Marxist concept of Alienation
(c )Ideal state according of Aristole
(d) Plato s concept of justice

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Q. Comment on any three of the following :
1. The state shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.
2. The state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.
3. the law declared by Supreme Court shall be binding on all courts within the territory of india.
4. No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or in any hazardours employment.
5. Parliament has exclusive power to make any law with respect to any matter enumerated in the concurrent List or state List.
6. Evry High court shall be court of record and shall have all the powers of such a court including the power to punish for contempt of itself.
Q. Highlight the importance feature of the sixth schedule to the constitution of india.Do you recommend its application to plains tribal areas in Assam?give reason for Your answer
Q. Discuss the role of the civil service in the implementation of the rural development programmes in Assam.
Q. Explain the main features of American federal System and analyse the factors responsible for the growth in the power of the federal Government in the united states.
Q. Analyse the role of the UNO in the maintenance ofinternational peace and security.Suggest measures to make the future of the UN bright.
Q. What are the provision of the constitution of India which deal with Émergency Powers ‘ of the president ? Point out there effects.
Q. Discuss the basic principles of the preamble to the constitutional significance.
Q. Answer any three of the following :
1.The president of India is not a member of either house of parliament.yet he is a part of the parliament,explain.
2.Article 356 is the most unfederal provision of the constitution of India.It should be scrapped.Comment
3.India is not a nation but a conglomeration of nationalities.Do you agree?give reason for Your answers
4.Politics in NE India is highly influenced by the demand for ethnic autonomy.Comment
5.’A singular feature of the 74 constitutional Amendment is the new role assigned to the urban local bodies in the field of planning ‘.Comment

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