APSC Mains Exam – Political Science 2014 Question Paper I & Paper II

APSC Mains Exam – Political Science 2014 Question Paper I & Paper II

APSC Mains Exam – Political Science 2014 Question Paper I & Paper II

It’s very important that we know the definite trend of question being recently asked in the Mains Exam. Thus, the Polity Paper I & Paper II of 2014 is given here, to give you a better idea of the areas/topics more question appears in the exam.


Q. Comment on any three of the following :

1.”The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form.The individual has a soul but the state is a souless machine,it can never be weaned from violence to which its very existence.”

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2.”Popular sovereignty has no necessary connection with democracy. “

3.”The philosophical approach aims at evolving standards of right and wong for thr purpose of a critical evaluation of the
existing institution,laws and policies .”

4.Plato’s entire system of education in the republic is a prerequisite to the organisation of an idle state.

5.”The secret of Rousseau s doctrine is found in the sub stitution for a sovereign.His Sovereign is the ‘general will’ and he us perfectly ready to apply to all the sweeping attributes which Hobbes delivers to his ‘one man or assembly of men ‘.It is one and indivisible,inerrant,indestructible,omnipotent.”

Q. Critically evaluate behaviouralism in terms of tools and techniques of political inquiry,theory-building and contribution to  an inter-disciplinary approach.

Q. What is çredo of relevance ‘?Discuss it in the context of the post behavioural approach.

Q. Critically discuss the welfare state prespective regarding the functions of the state.

Q.  Is sovereignty absolute or divisible ?Which are the political and govermental arrangements that give rise to arguments of divisibility of sovereignty?

Q. Highlight the difference between the following :

1.seperation of power and division of power.

2.socialism and communism

3.nagative liberty and positive liberty.

4.procedural justice and substantive justice”

Q. Explain the pluralistic theory of sovereignty

Q. What do you mean by elitist theory of democracy?what are it features?

Q. Analyse the contributions of Aristotle to development of political science as an independent science.

Q. What is power and how is it related to authority?Does reliance on authority limit the use of power

Q. Highlight the significant contribution of the following thinkers :





Q.  Comment on any three of the following:

1. the crown is the ‘function of Honour ‘

2. India is a Quasi-federation

3.”The king is dead,long live the king”

4.The US president office is “one of the most powerful office ever created by a democratic nation “.


Q. Discuss the three colonial apparatuses still functioning in the Indian political system.Did the constitution of India blindly accept all the provision of the Government Act,1935

Q. Write an essay on the different constitutional arrangements adopted by the Indian state to accommodate its diversity.How far has India been successful in doing so.

Q. Answer any three of the following :

1.Do you think the 6th schedule is respnsible for increasing the hill plains gap?justify

2.Write on the features of the 73rd Amendment Act of 1992

3.Write on the division of legislative powers between centre and the state.

4.Give a brief outline on the BTC.

5.Write on the powers and functions of the speaker of the Lok sabha.

Q. Discuss the areas of conflict between the centre and the state.

Q. Make a comparative study between the american president and the british monarch.

Q. Is the office of the Indian President purely ornanental?Critically analyze it.

Q. Critically discuss the utility of the House of Lords in the British Political System.

Q. As a citizen of India,how would you support India’s candidature for permanent membership of the security council?
Justify your proposal.

Q. Analyse the functioning of the UNO as a peace Keeping international organisation.

Q. Write short notes on any two of the following :

1.Election commision of India.

2.Public Interest Litigation(PIL).

3.Loss of Indian citizenship.

4. APT 21″

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