APSC Mains 2016 Pol. Science (Paper I) 122 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2016 Pol. Science (Paper I) 122 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2016 Political Science (Paper I)

122 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

Definitely, one of the best strategy to score good marks in APSC Mains Exam Political Science Paper is to join our APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – Political Science.

122 marks worth questions were asked in APSC Mains 2016 – Political Science Paper 1 which were asked in our APSC Mains Test Series 2017 (Pol. Sc. Optional).

Among many aspirants, 9 APSC 2017 successful aspirants (including Rank 1 Maria Tanim) had enrolled in our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series and were able to achieve enough marks to succeed the APSC 2016 Exam with flying colours. We are dedicated to continue the same quality and make the APSC Mains Test Series 2018 more useful for the preparation of APSC Mains Political Science optional paper.

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APSC Mains 2016 Political Science - Paper I


Answer any eight questions from the following within 250 words each: 20 x 8 = 160

Q1. Define the term Political Science. Discuss the nature and scope of Political Science.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 1: Q5. (15 Marks)

Q2. Discuss the importance of study of Political Science. Discuss its relationship with other Social Sciences.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 7: Q8. (15 Marks)

Q3. What are the different approached to the study of Political Science? Discuss in detail the legal approach to the study of Political Science.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 5: Q1. (5 Marks)

Q4. Discuss the social contract theory with reference to Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 1: Q3. (20 Marks)

Q5. What are the main ideas of individualism? Discuss the arguments in defence of the individualist theory of State.

Q6. What do you mean by a Welfare State? Discuss the functions of Welfare State.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 7: Q9. (20 Marks)

Q7. Why is India called quasi-federation? Give reasons for your answer.

Q8. Discuss the necessity of a constitution in a democracy. Discuss the features of a totalitarian government.

Q9. Write the difference between Parliamentary and Presidential form of government? Which government is best suited for India?

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 2: Q1&Q6. (15 Marks)

Q10. What do you mean by the term Executive? Discuss the powers and functions of Executive.

Q11. Discuss Montesquieu’s contribution to the theory of separation of powers. How far this theory is applicable in India?

Q12. What is delegated legislation? Discuss the merits and defects of unicameral legislature.


Answer any five questions from the following within 150 words each:

Q13. Discuss the significance of Judicial Review.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 2: Q9 (8 Marks)

Q14. What do you mean by Sovereignty? Discuss the difference between legal and political sovereignty.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 1: Q2 (8 Marks)

Q15. Discuss Aristotle theory on Revolution.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 1: Q10 (8 Marks)

Q16. Discuss Plato’s conception of justice. What are the demerits of Platonic Justice?

Q17. Discuss Gandhi’s views on Ideal State.

Q18. Discuss J.S. Mill’s views on Liberty.

Q19. Write the difference between power and authority.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 5: Q7 (8 Marks)

Q20. Discuss Marxian theory of Democracy.

total questions worth 122 Marks in APSC CC(Mains) Exam 2016 – Polity Paper 1, were matched with the questions of our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series.

Paper I – Download PDF

To score high marks in APSC Mains 2018 Political Science Paper, Join our APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – Polity

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