APSC Mains 2016 Pol. Science (Paper II) 165 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2016 Pol. Science (Paper II) 165 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

APSC Mains 2016 Political Science (Paper II)

165 Marks from Adhikary Education Mains Test Series

Definitely, one of the best strategy to score good marks in APSC Mains Exam Political Science Paper is to join our APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – Political Science.

165 marks worth questions were asked in APSC Mains 2016 – Political Science Paper 2 which were asked in our APSC Mains Test Series 2017 (Pol. Sc. Optional).

Among many aspirants, 9 APSC 2017 successful aspirants (including Rank 1 Maria Tanim) had enrolled in our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series and were able to achieve enough marks to succeed the APSC 2016 Exam with flying colours. We are dedicated to continue the same quality and make the APSC Mains Test Series 2018 more useful for the preparation of APSC Mains Political Science optional paper.

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APSC Mains 2016 Political Science - Paper II


Answer any eight questions from the following within 250 words each: 20 x 8 = 160

Q1. Discuss the framing of the Constitution of India with special reference to the role of the Constituent Assembly. Trace the sources of the Constitution.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 3: Q1. (12 Marks)

Q2. Discuss the ideals enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution. To what extent have these ideals and principles succeeded in establishing socio-economic and political justice in India?

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 3: PART B (c) (12 Marks)

Q3. Critically evaluate the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Constitution. Discuss the relevance and importance of the Right to Constitutional Remedies.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 3: Q4 & Test 8: Q6 (12 M)

Q4. What are the reasons for incorporation of the Directive Principles in the Constitution? Examine the relevance and importance of these principles in the functioning of the State.
Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 3: PART B (a) (8 Marks)

Q5. Discuss the role of the President of India in the law-making process, with special reference to the President’s power to promulgate ordinances. Examine the relationship between the President and the Parliament.
Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 3: Q8 (8 Marks) (Similar Q)

Q6. Discuss the process of formation of the Union Council of Ministers. Examine the differences between the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers. Discuss the relationship between the Prime Minister and the Union Council of Ministers in the Indian context.

Q7. Discuss the powers and functions of the Indian Parliament. In what respects is the Lok Sabha more powerful than the Rajya Sabha? Discuss the special powers of Rajya Sabha.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 3: Q8 (10 Marks) (Similar Q)

Q8. Discuss the functioning of local self-government in Assam. What are the problems faced by the Panchayat system in the State? Examine the remedies for these problems.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 4: Q9 & Test 8: Q9 (20 Marks)

Q9. Examine the main features of American federalism. Discuss the provisions of checks and balance in the US federal system.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 6: Q6 (8 Marks)

Q10. “The Crown is a bundle of sovereign powers, prerogatives and rights – a legal ideas.” Discuss the powers and functions of the British Crown in the light of this statement. How is the existence of monarchy justified in the present times?
Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 4: Q8 (15 Marks) (Similar Q)

Q11. What is a budget? Discuss the principles of budgeting in India. Examine the role of the Finance Ministry in budget preparation in India.

Q12. Discuss the role of the United Nations in peace-keeping operations in the post-Cold War era. Critically evaluate the extent to which the UN has succeeded in conflict-resolution in recent times.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 4: Q1 & Test 8 PART B (e) (20 Marks) (Similar Q)


Answer any five questions from the following (each within 150 words):

Q13. Discuss the role of the Governor as the constitutional head of a State. Do you think that the Governor acts as an agent of the Central Government?

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 3: Q9 & Test 8: Q4 (8 Marks)

Q14. Examine the role of the Supreme Court in India as a protector of the Constitution, with special reference to the court’s power of judicial review.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 2: Q9 & Test 3: Q5 (8 Marks)

Q15. Discuss the role of bureaucracy in social and economic development in India.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 4: Q6 (8 Marks)

Q16. Discuss the significance of the constitutional provisions relating to Centre-State relations in India.

Q17. Discuss the role of the UNESCO in promoting educational and scientific cooperation in various parts of the world.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 4: PART B(c) & Test 8: PART B(g) (8 Marks)

Q18. Critically examine the emergency powers of the President of India.

Question from our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series Test 3: Q7 (8 Marks)

Q19. Discuss the recommendations of the Singhvi Committee regarding Panchayati Raj.

Q20. Examine the role of the International Court of Justice in solving international disputes.

total questions worth 165 Marks in APSC CC(Mains) Exam 2016 – Polity Paper 2, were matched with the questions of our APSC Mains Political Science Test Series.

Paper II – Download PDF

To score high marks in APSC Mains 2018 Political Science Paper, Join our APSC Mains 2018 Test Series – Polity

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