APSC Mains 2014 – GS Paper Analysis and Sectional Breakdown

APSC Mains 2014 – GS Paper Analysis and Sectional Breakdown     

GS 2014 section marks     GS 2014 section percent

It’s very important that we know the definite trend of question being recently asked in the Mains Exam. Thus, the GS Paper of 2014 is analyzed and section-wise break-up of the total no. of questions and marks are done here, to give you a better idea of the areas/topics more question appears in the exam.

Topics Sectional Marks Questions Marks
Indian Polity & Political system in India 63 Main features of Provincial autonomy? Its limitations? 16
‘Judicial Activism’? examples ? 16
 necessity of Lok Pal Bill? How it benefit the masses 16
Discuss 52nd Amendment? It’s Limitations 8
Functions of North East Council NEC 5
Zero hour? 2
Indian Economy &Planning Processes in India 113 cause of rapid population growth in India? It’s impact on Indian Economy ? 16
Achievements of Five Year Plans in India? Factors which inhibited the successful implantation of plans? 16
problems of dev of tourism industry in North East India? 8
When was 12th Five Year plan launched? Main objectives? 8
reason for rapid growth of passenger car sector in India 5
How HDI computed? 5
Note on Niti Aayog 5
what is credit rating of a country and how it is determined? 8
micro-credit? 2
when RBI estd and current Governor? 2
 what are WTO and GATT 2
 What is Repo Rate 2
what is CRR and who control it 2
two goal of 10th FY plan 2
decentralised planning? 2
rolling plan ? 22
industrial corridor? 2
two main features of national income of India 2
micro-finance? 2
Geography of India and Assam 50  examine problem of river pollution in India with focus on Ganga? Suggest measures to control it? 16
 How Indian monsoon originate? Impacts of monsoons on Indian culture and economy with example? 16
countries connected by stilwell road 2
 mean by black soil zone of India? 2
 Coromandal coast? 2
horse latitude? 2
 rainforest? 2
 East-West corridor? 2
 significance of Bhutan as buffer state? 2
 Seismograph & application 2
 largest fresh water lake in India? Location? 2
Role and impact of Science and Technology in India 76  decentralised planning? It’s advantages? 16
 Role played by Internet in India in digital banking and Computer Aided Learning 16
biomass? Significance of biomass as non-conventional source of energy in India? 8
geostationary satellite? first Geostationary satellite by ISRO and it’s achievement? National science day is related with discovery of ? 8
role of Remote Sensing in development of natural resources in India 5
insulin? Why important for health? 5
 two renewable energy sources of India 2
 organic farming? 2
Biodiesel? 2
 diff b/n CNG and PLG 2
largest indigenously-built warship of India and where constructed? 2
Nobel prize 2014 physics? 2
 India declared from which Virus in March 2014 2
H1N1? 2
Global Warming? 2
Current Events of National and International importance 67  ‘Look East Policy’? how it enhance India’s development policy? 16
Swacch Bharat Abhiyan? Ways and means how this campaign can be develpmed into a sustainable one? 16
 Features of US, China climate accord? What agreements made by both countries? 16
problems of electricity sectors of India 8
 discuss concept of ‘SMART CITY’ 5
 8th March importance? 2
 boxer won Gold in Women’s boxing in 17th Asian Games & her state 2
 who won Pulitzer price 2014 2
Indian Culture, Ancient and Modern History of India 83  circumstances leading to Treaty of Yandabo? Why  it’s a major landmark in Assam history? 16
 chief teaching of Buddha?  How far was Buddhism a reform movement within Hinduism 16
 Discuss civilization of Gupta Era? Why it’s called Golden Era of India? 16
cause for downfall of Mauryan empire? How far was Ashoka responsible ? 8
brief account of ‘Namghar’ and ‘Manikut’ of Assamese society 8
 Effect of british rule in Assam 5
‘Pongal’ celebrated in ? it’s significance? 5
 note on Fahien’s Account of India 5
who is Ajan Fakir? 2
Rani Laskhmi Bai 2
* Includes OR Questions also

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