APSC Prelim 2018 GS Paper – Analysis of Geography, Environment & Ecology Sections Questions

APSC Prelim 2018 GS Paper – Analysis of Geography, Environment & Ecology Sections Questions
APSC Prelim 2018 GS Paper – Geography, Environment & Ecology Sections Questions Analysis

Geography, Geography, Environment & Ecology are important sections in any General Studies papers, including APSC Prelims GS Paper. but the number of Qs are gradually decreasing. Analyzing the previous years Qs from these section can be very helpful to understand Focus Areas to study more extensively.


Q14. As per 2011 Census, which of the following States showed a negative decadal growth rate of population?

  1. Sikkim
  2. Arunachal Pradesh
  3. Nagaland
  4. Mizoram

Focus Areas : 2011 Census & Demography

Read more about Census 2011


Q96. Which of the following rivers of India does not meet the Bay of Bengal?

  1. North Pennar
  2. Subarnarekha
  3. Mahi
  4. Vaigai

Focus Areas : Rivers of India


Q97. Identify the district which ranks first in regards to density of population as per 2011 Census?

  1. Dhubri
  2. Barpeta
  3. Nalbari
  4. Nagaon

Focus Areas : 2011 Census & Demography


Q98. Which of the following Wildlife Sanctuaries in located in Udaigiri District?

  1. Chakrashila
  2. Bornadi
  3. Amchang
  4. Bura Chapori

Focus Areas: Protected Areas of Assam and India

Five National Parks of Assam (APSC Assam Geography Notes)

Wildlife Sanctuaries in Assam (APSC Assam Geography Notes)

Q99. Which of the following traditional agricultural practices is followed by the Apatanis of Arunachal Pradesh

  1. Bamboo-drip irrigation
  2. Zabo system
  3. Paddy-cum-fish culture systems
  4. Panikheti system

Focus Areas: Agriculture

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