APSC Prelim 2022 CSAT Paper (GS-2) – Basic numeracy sections Questions Analysis

APSC Prelim 2022 CSAT Paper (GS-2) – Basic numeracy sections Questions Analysis

APSC Prelim 2022 CSAT Paper (GS-2) – Basic numeracy sections Questions Analysis

Questions from Basic numeracy & Maths sections

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APSC prelims questions

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Q17. By selling an article at ₹ 270, a man loses 10%. If he would sell it at ₹ 360, his gain percentage will be

(B) 10

(C) 15

(D) 20


Q25. A school offers Science and Arts courses. 75% of the final year students are in the Science stream. In the final examination, 25% of the Science students and 24 9% of the Arts students of the school obtained first class. The above data have been represented in the figures. In the figures, the upper row is for Science while the lower row is for Arts. The shaded portion represents the % of students securing first class while the bigger rectangle represents the % of Science or Arts students as the case may be :

Choose the correct one from the following alternatives.

(A) Figure (i) depicts the data most accurately

(B) Figure (ii) depicts the data most accurately

(C) Figure (iii) depicts the data most accurately

(D) Figure (iv) depicts the data most accurately



Q39. A man drives a car from A to B with an average speed of 40 kmph and then returns to A by the same route with an average speed of 60 kmph. The average speed of the car for the entire up and down journey in kmph is              

(A) 45

(B) 48

(C) 50

(D) 55


Q40. A man walks 6 km to North, then turns right through 900 and walks 8 km. Then he turns South and walks 3 km. Again, he turns right through 900 and walks 4 km and stops. How far is he now from his starting point?

(A) 3 km

(B) 4 km

(C) 5 km

(D) 6 km

Q54. In a gift bag, a birthday girl found toffees and lollipops, where toffees were three times in number as compared to lollipops. Which of the following cannot be a total count of goodies in her gift bag?

(A) 44

(B) 48

(C) 42

(D) 52


Q59. In the following two arithmetic operations, the numbers are correct, but the operators are all mixed up, except the ‘=’ sign

(i) 9+5 = 20x 25

(ii) 76 / 60 = 64 – 4

Under this new usage of operators, which of the following operations is valid?


(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 4


Q63. A garden is 24 m long and 14 m wide. There is a path of 1 m wide outside the garden along its sides. If the path is to be constructed with square marble tiles 10 cm x 10 cm, then find the number of tiles required to cover the path.

(A) 2000

(B) 4000

(C) 8000

(D) None of the above


Q64. Two cars are moving in the same direction with a speed of 45 kmph and a distance of 10 km separates them. If a car coming from the opposite direction meets these two cars at an interval of 6 minutes, its speed would be

(A) 45 kmph

(B) 55 kmph

(C) 65 kmph

(D) 75 kmph


Q65. The speed of a boat in still water is 10 m/ s and the speed of the stream is 6 m/ s. If the boat is moving upstream and again downstream, what is the ratio of the time taken to cover a particular stretch of distance in each direction?

(A) 2 : 1

(B) 3 : 1

(C) 4 : 1

(D) 6 : 1


Q66. The average weight of a class of 15 boys and 10 girls is 384 kg. If the average weight of the boys is 40 kg, then what is the average weight of the girls?

(A) 36.0 kg

(B) 36.5 kg

(C) 35.0 kg

(D) 35.6 kg



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