APSC Prelim 2022 CSAT Paper (GS-2) – Decision making and Problem solving sections Questions Analysis

APSC Prelim 2022 CSAT Paper (GS-2) – Decision making and Problem solving sections Questions Analysis

APSC Prelim 2022 CSAT Paper (GS-2) – Decision making and Problem solving sections Questions Analysis

Questions from Decision making and Problem solving sections

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APSC prelims questions

Qs order as per Set – D

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Q45. You are riding your bike in an isolated stretch of the highway, about 100 m behind  ascooterist. Suddenly a car overtakes you, knocks down the scooterist  (unfortunately) and tries to flee from the scene. What will you do?

(A) Run away from the scene as quickly as possible to avoid any involvement with the police

(B) Pursue the culprit vehicle at breakneck speed with the intention of thrashing the erring driver

(C) Attend the victim of the accident and call for 108 ambulance service, if required

(D) Wait for other people to arrive at the spot


Q46. You ordered food for 1,000 on a food app and paid online. The delivery boy, after delivering the food packet, suggested that from the next time onward you should order food on cash on delivery mode. Then he would deliver the food at half the actual price. You understand that this is a scam but a win-Win arrangement foryou and the delivery boy at’ the expense of the food delivery app. You  will

(A) take advantage Of the situation and go by the suggestion or the food delivery boy

(B) just ignore the suggestion and forget the

(C) highlight the incident in social media platforms tagging the CEO of the food delivery app       

(D) give a moral lecture to the delivery boy and ask him not get involved in such scams 


Q47. You experienced racial abuse while visiting a foreign country. What will you do?

(A) Move away from the scene

(B) Quarrel with the abuser

(C) Try to become friendly with the abuser

(D) Calmly tell the abuser that what he has done is wrong and that you are going to report the matter to the authority.


Q48. Assam is plagued by recurrent and devastating floods and erosion every year. The large number of rivers and their tributaries carry a huge volume Of water, silt and other debris including carcasses of dead animals. Apart from the misery paused by loss of hearth and homes, water-borne diseases play havoc with their lives. Successive governments have succeeded to a certain extent in solving the problem by building embankments, spurs and other innovative ideas, etc. Many people have put forward a variety of solutions including dredging of the rivers, doing away with all embankments and allowing the river waters to flow freely, raising the height of the homes, shifting people from riverine areas and settling them elsewhere. You would

(A) build dams to reduce the flow of water

(B) do away with all embankments

(C) solve the problem using innovative ideas

(D) shift people from riverine areas        


Q49. You and your friend have gone shopping and have purchased jewellery amounting to rupees five lakh from a shop. You request the store manager to give you a rebate considering the fact that you have purchased high value goods at a considerable cost. The store manager offers a discount of one percent, but your friend is outraged by the offer and threatens to leave without buying anything. The store manager is worried and asks her how much rebate she expects and she demands a rebate of at least 10%. The manager says he has to consult his boss. The manager comes back in a few minutes and says he can give the rebate of 10% as desired but in that case would not provide an invoice to the customer. If you were the customer, what would you do?

(A) Accept the manager’s original offer of one percent rebate

(B)’ Advise your friend to pay the bill and not ask for a rebate

(C) Accept the manager’s offer of not providing an invoice

(D) Accept the manager’s offer and then report the matter to the authorities

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