APSC Prelim 2022 CSAT Paper (GS-2) – General Mental Ability sections Questions Analysis

APSC Prelim 2022 CSAT Paper (GS-2) – General Mental Ability sections Questions Analysis

APSC Prelim 2022 CSAT Paper (GS-2) – General Mental Ability sections Questions Analysis

Questions from General Mental Ability sections

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APSC prelims questions

Qs order as per Set – D

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Q26. In the figure below, one space is vacant, which has been indicated as ? :

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Q27. Histogram below shows the production per year in thousand units from 2010 to 2020 for a certain company :

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A person studied the histogram and concluded the following .

(i) The company achieved the highest growth in production per year in 2016 for the decade 2011-2020.

(ii) The production per year shows a negative growth in the year 2019 for the decade 2011-2020.

Now, choose the correct one from the following alternatives.

(A) Both conclusions (i) and (ii) are correct

(B) Only conclusion (i) is correct

(C) Only conclusion (ii) is correct

(D) Neither conclusion (i) nor conclusion (ii) is correct


Q28. pie diagram below shows the average monthly expenditure of a family. The monthly income of the family is Rs. 50,000.

Consider the following statements

(i) The average monthly expenditure of the family for conveyance is about 10,000.

(ii) The average monthly expenditure of the family for food is about 17,500.

Now, choose the correct one from the following alternatives.

(A) Both conclusions (i) and (ii) are correct

(B) Only conclusion (i) is correct

(C) Only conclusion (ii) is correct

(D) Neither conclusion (i) nor conclusion (ii) is correct


Q29. graphs below show the production and sales figures of a company for the decade 2011-2020. The company could sell 2 80% Of its products every year during the decade:

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One may conclude the following :

(i) The company effected a price drop in the year 2015.

(ii) Sales-wise, the worst performing year for the company was 2020.

Now, choose the correct one from the following alternatives.

(A) Both conclusions (i) and (ii) are correct

(B) Only conclusion (i) is correct

(C) Only conclusion (ii) is correct

(D) Neither conclusion (i) nor conclusion (ii) is correct


Q35. Pick up the most appropriate word to fill in the blank from the given alternatives :

float, hook, line, bait, net,

(A) saw

(B) spade

(C) axe

(D) pond


Q36. Pick up the most appropriate word to fill in the blank from the given alternatives .

Bengal, Indo-Chinese, South China, Amur,

(A) Sumatran

(B) Caspian

(C) Bali

(D) Javan

Q37. In the given list below, identify the word which is different from the rest :

inflexible, stubborn, obstinate, acquiescent, rigid, dogged

(A) acquiescent

(B) obstinate

(C) dogged

(D) rigid


Q38. If Cycle pairs with Velodrome, then Boxing will pair with

(A) Arena

(B) Ring

(C) Court

(D) Pitch


Q50. How many triangles can be formed within a regular octagon, where vertices of the octagon are vertices of the triangles, and each triangle can have only one side common with that of the octagon, but none of the sides passes through the centre of the octagon?

(A) 32

(B) 16

(C) 24

(D) 64


Q51. If the square represents traders, circle represents football lovers and triangle represents women who love football, then which slice represents women who love football, but are not traders?

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(A) C

(B) E

(C) D

(D) There is no such slice


Q52. If Bus is related to Car, then in the same way, River would be related to

(A) Stream

(B) Pond

(C) Lake

(D) Swimming pool


Q61. A and B start walking in opposite directions. A covers 3 km and B covers 4 km. Then A turns right and walks 4 km while B turns left and walks 3 km. How far is each from the starting point?

(A) 5 km

(B) 4 km

(C) 10 km

(D) 8 km


Q62. In a row of 40 students, Saurav is 24th from the left end and Sachin is *6th from the right end. How many students are there between Saurav and Sachin?

(A) 10

(B) 9

(C) 8

(D) None of the above

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