APSC Prelim 2022 GS Paper 1 – Fully solved Answer Key & Detailed Solutions

APSC Prelim 2020 General Studies (GS) I Solved Question Paper & Answer Keys/Details Solutions

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APSC CC (Prelim) Exam 2020 exam held on 26-03-2023 – General Studies -1 Question Paper is here.

APSC Prelim 2022 GS 1 Question Paper 1 (Download PDF)

APSC Prelims 2022 – GS 1 Paper – SET C

Q1. (B)

Biswanath district will be merged with Sonitpur, Hojai with Nagaon, Bajali with Barpeta and Tamulpur with Baksa. 

Q2. (A)

  • The Rome Declaration on World Food Security is a document adopted at the 1996
  • 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm was the first world conference to make the environment a major issue.
  • The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action of 1995 is a visionary agenda for the empowerment of women

Q3. (A)

The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international agreement on biosafety as a supplement to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) effective since 2003.

  • The Biosafety Protocol seeks to protect biological diversity from the potential risks posed by genetically modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology.

Q4. (D)

Article 48. The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter, of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle

Q5. (C)

  • Preventive Detention Act, 1950. Expired in 1969.
  • Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA), 1971. Repealed in 1978.
  • National Security Act (NASA), 1980.
  • Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA), 1985. Repealed in 1995.
  • Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), 2002.Repealed in 2004.
  • Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), 1967, as amended in 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2019.

FERA was repealed in 1998 by the government of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and replaced by the Foreign Exchange Management Act, which liberalised foreign exchange controls and restrictions on foreign investment.

Q6. (D)

Q7. (D)

Q8. (C)

Certiorari is a latin word being passive form of word certiorari  meaning inform . A writ of certiorari or a writ in the nature of certiorari can only be issued by the Supreme court under Art. 32 and a High court under Art. 226 to direct, inferior courts , tribunals or authorities to transmit to the court the record of proceedings disposed of or pending therein for scrutiny, and, if necessary, for quashing the same.

Q9. (B)

Judicial Review is governed by the principle of “Procedure established by law” as given in Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. The law has to pass the test of constitutionality if it qualifies it can be made a law.

Q10. (B)

Q11. (C)

Q12. (B)

Kerala state has the highest sex ratio in India. It has a sex ratio of 1084 as per the 2011 census.

  • Kerala – Male 72.3, Female 78.0, Overall 75.2


Q13. (B)

Q14. (B)

Q15. (B)

Q16. (D)

Q17. (B)

  • Equator not passing through Philippines.

Q18. (C)

Q19. (D)

Q20. (B)

Q21. (C) ii

Q22. (C) ii & iii

  • The Mising, an Indo-Mongoloid group formerly referred to as Miris, are the second largest ethnic group in Assam.
  • The Baikho festival is celebrated in the state of Assam, which is called as gateway to northeast India. It is celebrated by Rabha tribes of India.

Q23. (D)

Q24. (D)

  • In 1874, Assam was detached from the administrative control of Bengal and was made into a separate Chief Commissionership.

Q25. (D)

Q26. (D)

Q27. (D)

Q28. (C)

Q29. (A)

Q30. (B)

Q31. (C) Most probably

Q32. (B)

Q33. (B)

Q34. (D)

Q35. (A)

Q36. (B)

Q37. (A)

The Central Government listed 7 priorities – called ‘Saptarishi’ in Budget 2023- inclusive development, Last mile delivery, Infrastructure, Green growth, Youth power, Unleashing potential, and Financial inclusion.

Q38. (C)

Q39. (A)

Q40. (A)

Q41. (B)

Q42. (A)

Q43. (B)

Q44. (A)

Q45. (B)

Q46. (A)

Q47. (C)

Q48. (C)

Q49. (B)

Q50. (C)

Q51. (A)

Three from Assam were chosen for the prestigious Padma awards for the year 2023. Hemoprova Chutia (Art), Hem Chandra Goswami (Art), and Ramkuiwangbe Jene (Social Work) were selected in recognition of their respective contributions in the fields of art, social work, and public affairs.

Q52. (B)

The Group of Twenty (G20) comprises 19 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Türkiye, United Kingdom and United States) and the European Union.

Q53. (D)

Q54. (C)

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute is an international institute based in Stockholm. It was founded in 1966 and provides data, analysis and recommendations for armed conflict, military expenditure and arms trade as well as disarmament and arms control.

Q55. (D)

Q56. (B)

Prem Rakshith choreographed the dance sequences.

Q57. (D)

Q58. (A)

The Centre and the States will work together to increase the public investment in Education sector to reach 6% of GDP at the earliest.


Q59. (B)

Q60. (C)

Q61. (A)

Q62. (B)

Q63. (D)

Q64. (C)

Q65. (D)

City of Joy is a 1985 novel by Dominique Lapierre. It was adapted as a film by Roland Joffé in 1992. Calcutta is nicknamed “the City of Joy” after this novel, although the slum was based on an area in its twin city of Howrah.

Q66. (A)

The Voice of Global South Summit is aimed at achieving “Unity of Voice, Unity of Purpose” and is in line with Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision to shape a positive G20 agenda through consultation with G20 countries and members of the global south.

Q67. (B)

  • Gross domestic product (GDP) is the value of the finished domestic goods and services produced within a nation’s borders. On the other hand, gross national product (GNP) is the value of all finished goods and services owned by a country’s citizens, whether or not those goods are produced in that country.
  • GNP focuses on production by citizens of a nation.

Q68. (A)

Q69. (A)

Q70. (C)

  • This year the theme for World Rhino Day is “Five Rhino Species Forever“. This theme highlights the importance of the five rhino species which are left in our world today.

Q71. (A)

Q72. (A)

  • Akhaura–Agartala line is an under construction railway line between Bangladesh and India.

Q73. (D)

Q74. (A)

  • The NITI Forum for North-East was set up in February 2018 to address various challenges in the region and recommend requisite interventions to achieve sustainable economic growth.

Q75. (C)

  • Rudrasagar Lake Location   –   Melaghar, Tripura, India
  • Pala Wetland is the largest natural wetland in the state of Mizoram

Q76. (D)

Q77. (B)

Q78. (D)

Q79. (A)

Bisa Gam, the Singpho chief of Bisa clan who is credited with the discovery of tea in Assam in 1823, it was Ningroola who undertook the first tea cultivation by a native on behalf of the British.

Assam Company was formed in 1839 to take over the experimental holdings of the East India Company’s Administration over the tea

Q80. (B)

  • Shruti is “that which has been heard” and is canonical, consisting of revelation and unquestionable truth, and is considered eternal. Shruti describes the sacred texts comprising the central canon of Hinduism-Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, & Upanishads.
  • Smiriti literally means “that which is remembered, supplementary and may change over time”. It is authoritative only to the extent that it conforms to the bedrock of Shruti and it is entire body of the post Vedic Classical Sanskrit literature. It comprises Vedanga, Shad darsana, Puranas, Itihasa, Upveda, Tantras, Agamas, Upangas.
  • Ramayana and Mahabharatabelongs to the genre of Itihasa, narratives of past events (purāvṛtta).


Q81. (B)

  • Orunodoi was published from Sivasagar in January 1846, with an American Baptist missionary, Nathan Brown, as its first editor.
  • Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh was establish “Berry White Medical School” in 1900 AD. beginning of Allopathic Medical Education by conferring LMP Diploma in old undivided Assam. It was upgrade to a full fledged Medical College, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh was established in 1947.
  • IMDT ActIllegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act was enacted in 1983 by the Indira Gandhi government. It was struck down by the Supreme Court of India in 2005 in Sarbananda Sonowal v. Union of India.


Q82. (D) Inscriptions – rulers

Q83. (D)

Q84. (D)

Q85. (C). Author is not exactly known but its one person.

Q86. (C)

Q87. (D)

Q88. (B)

  • During the period from 1603 to 1648, the militia system was thoroughly reformed with a view to confronting the Mughal invasion. The state became more centralised in that process. Two new offices– those of the Barphukan and the Barbarua were created, thus raising the number of Patra-Mantris to five.
  • The Barphukan was in charge the territories wrested from the Koches and the Mughals, posted as the viceroy in that region.
  • The Barbarua functioned at the capital as the chief secretary to the royal government.
  • Attributed to Swargadeo Pratap Singha (1603-1641)

Q89. (B)

Q90. (A)

  • John Macpherson was the acting Governor – General of Bengal from 1785 to 1786
  • The Marquess Cornwallis – 12 September 1786    28 October 1793
  • Alured Clarke – acting Governor-General of India in March 1798
  • The Earl of Mornington – 18 May 1798   30 July 1805

Q91. (D)

  • East India Association was founded by Dadabhai Naoroji in 1866, in collaboration with Indians and retired British officials in London. It superseded the London Indian Society and was a platform for discussing matters and ideas about India, and to provide representation for Indians to the Government.
  • Bombay Association was the first political organization in Bombay Presidency founded by Jagannath Shankarsheth on 26 August 1852.
  • Madras mahajana sabha was formed in 1884 – It is regarded as a forerunner of the Indian National Congress.
  • Indian Association was the first avowed nationalist organization founded in British India by Surendranath Banerjee and Ananda Mohan Bose in 1876.

Q92. (B)

  • Bengal Regulation XXI of 1795, Female infanticide was declared murder by John Shore, the Governor General of Bengal.
  • The Bengal Sati Regulation which banned the Sati practice in all jurisdictions of British India was passed on December 4, 1829 by the then Governor-General Lord William Bentinck
  • Hindu Widows’ Remarriage Act 1856, also Act XV, 1856, passed on 16 July 1856, legalised the remarriage of widows in all jurisdictions of India
  • Lord Ellenborough abolished slavery in India via  Indian Slavery Act 1843

Q93. (B)

  • Patharughat Peasants – uprising occurred on 28th January 1894.
  • Phulaguri Uprising – an agrarian uprising in Phulaguri village in the Brahmaputra Valley, in October 1861
  • Peasant Revolt of Rangia 1893-94 – on 30 December, 1893, there was a massive gathering at Rangia where about 2500 to 3000 people participated.

Q94. (B)

  • 1206 – The first Muslim invasion, Bakhtiar Khilji is thwarted and his army destroyed. Beginning of the medieval period in Assam
  • 1532 – Turbak attacks Ahom Kingdom, the first commander to enjoy some success
  • 1662 – Mir Jumla occupies Garhgaon, the Ahom capital
  • 1362 – Sikandar Shah attacks Kamata kingdom and weakens the ruler Indranarayan.


Q95. (B) Article 66 of the constitution

Q96. (C)

  • Equality before law
  • Supremacy of law
  • Predominance of Legal Spirit

Q97. (C)

Q98. (B)

  • Magna Carta Libertatum, commonly called Magna Carta, is a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215
  • French Revolution 1789 – 1799
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an international document adopted by the United Nations General Assembly that enshrines the rights and freedoms of all human beings. Ratified – 10 December 1948
  • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – adopted by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI) on 16 December 1966 and entered into force on 23 March 1976

Q99. (C)

Q100. (A)

  • Minimum age for election as MP (Lok Sabha) is 25 years and MP (Rajya Sabha) is 30 years, respectively.
  • Minimum age for MLA is 25 years under Article 173(b)


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