APSC Prelim Question Paper – Political Science paper 2016 Solved

APSC Prelim Question Papers: Political Science Paper 2016 Solved

APSC CC (Prelim) Exam 2016 – Political Science optional Paper is solved here. This will help aspirants to have a fair idea of the frequently asked areas and will benefit them in their preparation for APSC Prelim Exam 2018.

Political Science – Question Paper 2016 Solved Download PDF

Q1. Subject deals with Man in relation to State and govt?
c. Political Science

Q2. Who considered ‘political power’ as centre of study of ‘Political Science’
c. Lasswell

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Q3. Who is regarded as Father of Political Science
b. Aristotle

Q4. Historical Theory of the Origin of State was proposed by
a. Henry Maine

Q5. “History without Political Science has no fruit; Political Science without history has no root”. Who said this
d. Seeley

Q6. Theory of social contract of the Origin of the State primarily seeks to
d. bring out a radical transformation of society

Q7. Who said that man surrendered all their rights to the king except the right to selfpreservation
d. Hobbes

Q8. Main propounders of Evolutionary Theory of State were
b. Burgess and Leacock

Q9. According to Hobbes
c. people could not revoke the contract

Q10.Rousseau’s General will means
c. Will of the General Public

Q11. John Locke supported the concept of
b. Limiter Sovereignty

Q12. The theory which holds that the State is the result of slow process of growth is known as
c. Evolutionary Theory

Q13. The state is an ethical institution indispensable for full moral development of men”. This statement is associated with
b. Idealists

Q14. Which one of the following is also known as Laissez Faire theory
a. Individualism

Q15. A welfare state performs
c. Protective function as well as welfare functions

Q16. Who said ‘democracy as govt of the people by the people and for the people’
b. Abraham Lincoln

Q17. Who said “man is born free but everywhere he is in chains”
c. Rousseau

Q18. Who put forth the idea of a Welfare State
c. Laski

Q19. Thinkers associated with elitist theory
d. All of them ( Vilfredo Pareto,Gaetano Mosca,Robert Michels )

Q20. Classical Theory of Democracy can be traced back to the idea of
a. ancient Greek Philosophers

Q21. Modern democracy is known as
c. represented democracy

Q22. Who said “Consent of people is the basis of the State”
d. J Locke

Q23. Not a feature of liberal Democracy
d. Democratic centralism

Q24.term “Liberty” has been drawn from the latin word
c. Liber

Q25. The view that law and liberty are opposed to each other is held by the
b. Anarchists

Q26. who said liberty and equality cannot go together
d. A de Tocquieville

Q27. “Political Liberty without economic equality is a myth”, who said
c. G D H Cole

Q28. Author of LEviathan
a. Hobbes

Q29. NOT a source of law
c. Imagination

Q30. who drew analogy between state and biological organism
a. Herbert Spencer

Q31. who considered Democracy as perverted form of govt
a. Aristotle

Q32. NOT a characteristics of sovereignty
b. Divisibility

Q33. Austin propounded his theory of Sovereignty in the book
b. Lectures on Jurisprudence

Q34. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution was for the first time amended by the
c. 42nd amendment

Q35. Constitution of India draw authority from
c. People of India

Q36. Fundamental rights are incorporated in the indian constitution in
d. Part III

Q37. Right to equality falls under the Article(s)
a. 14 to 18

Q38. fundamental duties were introduced in the constitution by
b. 42nd Amendment

Q39. right to property was droped from the constitution by which amendment
d. 44th Amendment

Q40. how many members were in drafting committee of Indian Constitution
a. Seven

Q41. Chairman of the drafting committee of Indian Constitution
b. B R Ambedkar

Q42. Indian Constitution borrowed the idea of Directive Principle of State Policy from constitution of
d. Ireland

Q43. “Indian constitution established a unitary state with subsidiary federal feature” who said
c. K C Wheare

Q44. Under the Parliamentary system of Govt adopted in India, the real executive authority rest with
c. Council of Ministers

Q45. total no. of members in rajya sabha is
c. 250

Q46. Lower House of Indian Parliament is called
a. Lok Sabha

Q47. Who predided over the Joint Session of Parliament
a. Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Q48. Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is
c. Vice President

Q49. The term “secular” was added in the preamble of the Constitution by
b. 42nd Amendment

Q50. National emergency can be declared by the President of India under the
a. Article 352

Q51. The sixth schedule of the constitution of india pertains to the administration of
c. Tribal Areas of North-East India

Q52. Part of the State List
d. All the above

Q53. Residuary Powers in India rests with
b. Parliament

Q54. Indian President is elected by
c. elected members of the Parliament and the State Assemblies

Q55. The impeachment of president of india can be initiated in
a. either House of the Parliament

Q56. The first speaker of free India’s first legislative assembly
a. G V Mavalankar

Q57. Who nominates teh 12 nominated members to the Rajya Sabha
b. President of India

Q58. Which article provides that there shall be a Council of minister to aid and advise the President in discharging him constitutional duties
a. Article 74

Q59. Prime minister of India is appointed by
d. None of the above [President of India]

Q60. Money Bill can be introduced in the Lok Sabha only with the approval of
a. President

Q61. Who appoint the Governon of a state
b. President

Q62. Total no. of members of Assam Legislative Assembly is
c. 126

Q63. The Real Executive ( Political Exe ) of an Indian State is
a. Chief Minister

Q64. Chairman of the State Public Service Commission is appointed by
b. Governor of the State

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Q65. The main features of the 73rd Amendment Act includes
d. All the above

Q66. The lord chancellor of the british House of lord is appointed by
a. The Queen

Q67. Principle of separation of power is practised in
b. the USA

Q68. bill passed by house of common and sent to house of lord cannot be detained for more than
b. 1 month

Q69. The constitution of USA came into force in
b. 1789

Q70. The rule of law is the basic feature of the constitution of
b. Great Britain

Q71. The upper chamber of US congress
a. Senate

Q72. Not a characteristic of the British constitution
d. Federal

Q73. Who described the British Crown as a ‘Convenient working hypothesis’
d. Sir Sidney Low

Q74. The famous Magna Carta was signed in
b. 1215

Q75. which of the following is a convention in the working of the British Cabinet System
d. All of the above

Q76. Which of the following is known as Westminster model
d. None of the above

Q77. Which of the following is not a part of Federal Subjects in the USA
d. Education

Q78. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the political system of the USA
b. Absence of judicial supremacy

Q79. American Senate consist of
a. 100 members

Q80. Which sits as the court of impeachment for investigating the charges against the US President
a. Senate

Q81. Which Article of Indian constitution mentions about the Panchyat Raj
a. Article 40

Q82. Guwahati Minicipal Corporation(GMC) was formed in which year
d. 1974

Q83. The present Panchayat raj act in Assam, incorporating the features of the 73rd Amendment Act, was passed in
b. 1994

Q84. Whic is a committee on panchayati raj institutions
d. None of the above [a,b, and c are actual correct, but the Qs might intend to ask about Balwant Rai Mehta committee ]

Q85. The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee was a Committee on
b. Panchayati Raj Institutions

Q86. The District planning committee of Assam includes
d. All of them

Q87. The Eleventh schedule of the constitution, listing the matters given to the Panchayats, contains
d. 29 Subjects

Q88. A Gaon panchayat in Assam consist of
b. 10 members

Q89. The 73rd Amendment Act makes provision for
c. Both State Election Commission and State Finance Commission

Q90. Who act as Returnign Officer for election to the Parliamentary and Assembly constituencies
d. District collector

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Q91. who may extend the area of anchalik panchayat in Assam
d. Govt of Assam

Q92. UNO came into existence in which year
a. 1945

Q93. Who coined the name ‘United Nations’
c. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Q94. Atlantic charter was signed in
a. 14 August, 1941

Q95. The UN Security council consist of
c. 15 members

Q96. Headquarters of UNO is situated in
c. New York

Q97. Who is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council?
d. Australia

Q98. The term of office of the UN Secretary General is
b. 5 years

Q99. Which chapter of UN Charter embodies provisions relating to the General Assembly
c. Chapter IV

Q100. The International Court of justice is composed of
a. 15 judges

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