APSC Prelim Question Paper – Education paper 2016 Solved

APSC Prelim Question Papers: Education Paper 2016 Solved

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APSC CC (Prelim) Exam 2016 – Education optional Paper is solved here. This will help aspirants to have a fair idea of the frequently asked areas and will benefit them in their preparation for APSC Prelim Exam 2018.

Education – Question Paper 2016 Solved

Q1. The word ‘education’ has originated from

b. Latin word

Q2. “By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man – body, mind and spirit.” Who said this?

b. M. K. Gandhi

Q3. The profounder of the ‘tripolar process’ is

c. John Dewey

Q4. Individual aim was profounded by

c. Sir Percy Nunn

Q5. ‘State alone is real’ – Which school of education support this

c. Social aim

Q6. Which of the following is the significance of curriculum

d. All of the above [ a. serve as a guideline to whole teaching-learning process, b. means to achieve aim of education, c. combine the knowlendge of past, present and future and focus to dev. desired behaviour in pupil ]

Q7. Correlation of studies should be

b. spontaneous

Q8. John Dewey wrote the classic book

c. Democracy and Education

Q9. Punishment

d. All the above [ a. Makes the child indisciplined, b. deteriorates the teacher-pupil relationship, c. makes the child rebellious ]

Q10. Play help in the child’s

d. All of the above [ a. physical development, b. social skill development, c. mental development ]

Q11. Popular name of Schiller-Spencer theory of Play is

c. Surplus Energy Theory

Q12. ‘Curriculum’ originated from

d. Curricle

Q13. The education acquired without any specific purpose, fixed period and place is called

c. Informal Education

Q14. First school of a child

d. Home

Q15. Which of the following hampers international understanding

d. War

Q16. Cocurricilar activities prepare the students for

d. all-round development

Q17. chairman of the Committee of National and Emotional Integration in 1961

c. Dr. Sampurna Nanda

Q18. “If human race is to survive, we have to subordinate national pride to international feeling”, who said

a. Dr. DS Radhakrishnan

Q19. Fourth International Conference of UNESCO on adult education was held in the year

d. 1985

Q20. National Curriculum Framework for School Examination (2000) is under the banner of


Q21. Vocational aim gives priority to

d. activity and productivity

Q22. Word ‘School’ has originated from

b. Schole

Q23. School plant means

a. total physical environment *( and human resources also)

Q24. Human resources of a school plant include

b. teacher

Q25. “Teacher is like the candle which lights others in consuming itself”, who said this

CORRECT Answer NOT Available (Giovanni Ruffini)

Q26. Aim of education is to help a teacher

c. to promote all-round development

Q27. Heuristic method is a method according to which

d. learner discovers things for himself

Q28. Freedom in school should bear some relations to the freedom that is found in the world at large. who said this

c. Ryburn

Q29. “The child should be left free to act practically whatever he likes and not to do whatever he does not like”, who said this

a. Rousseau

Q30. The introduction of education for internationalism through social science is school was first recommended by


Q31. “National integration is the incalculable prerequisite for the fulfillment of our democracy”. Who said

c. C D Deshmukh

Q32. Which measures will hamper in national integration of India

d. Allowing permanent resident-ship to the Hindu people of other countries

Q33. Psychology is the

c. Science of behaviour

Q34. Psychology that deals with problems of what happens to an individual after death is knows as

b. Parapsychology

Q35. Self-observation or looking one’s own mental state is a method of educational psychology known as

c. Introspection

36. First step toward acquiring knowledge is

d. Sensation

Q37. Stage when one can name an object, form an idea is known as

c. Conception

Q38. Five sense organs are known as

b. receptor

Q39. Salivary gland is a/an

b. exocrine glands

Q40. The gland which controls the activities of other endocrine gland is known as

a. pituitary gland

Q41. Central cortex lies in the

b. Cerebrum part of the brain

Q42. Spinal cord is a part of

d. central nervous system

Q43. Drives are stimulated by

c. needs

Q44. Air, light, rest are the

b. physiological needs

Q45. Acquired motives are also known as

b. secondary motives

Q46. Instincts of human beings

b. can be sublimated

Q47. Habitual activities are

b. Natural

Q48. “Habit is formed as a result of instinct activities”. who said

c. Mc. Dougall

Q49. The instinct ‘combat’ finds its expression through the emotion called

a. Anger

Q50. the law of exercise has been divided into

c. Two types

Q51. “When an Individual sees an object or a situation, he sees the object or situation as a whole and the details of the parts comes afterward.” It is according to

a. Gestalt theory

Q52. Types of attention can be divided into

c. four types

Q53. Who described “Interest as latent attention and attention is interest in action”?

a. McDougall

Q54. The interest which is developed through education and training is called

b. acquired interest

Q55. Transitory interest is

a. instinctive

Q56. In higher stage of learning, teacher should insist on the

d. subjective attention

Q57. Other name of Bi-factor theory of intelligence is

b. two-factor theory

Q58. Who opposes the two-factor theory of intelligence

a. Thorndike

Q59. Binet prepared the test to measure intelligence of children of the age group of

a. 3-15 years

Q60. Behaviour is a collective name for all

d. all of the above [ a. manifestations, b. activities c. observation ]

Q61. the main method of psychological study, as for all sciences is

b. Observation

Q62. Correct formula to calculate mean from group data

c. Sum(fX) /N

Q63. In a series of scores, 5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11, the score ‘8’ is the

c. median (a. and c. BOTH ARE CORRECT, We think, best choice may be )

Q64. Correct formula of Q is

c. Q=(Q3-Q1)/2

Q65. Which of the following is not a measures of variability

d. None of the above [ a. range, b. quartile deviation, standard deviation ]

Q66. In which series of scores, mode value can be observed directly

b. 6, 9, 10, 6, 5, 4, 6, 7

Q67. Statistics does not deal with

b. individuals

Q68. Charter Act of 1813 plays a significant role in Indian education because

d. all the above [ a. first official doc. that sanctioned big sum of rupees for cause of education in British India, b. education of people of British India as official duty of East-India Company, c. British govt favoured spreading education among Indians ]

Q69. Anglicist-Classicist controversy aroused for

d. all the above [ a. aims and objective of Indian education, b. medium of instruction, c. agency to take charge of education ]

Q70. How many clauses in wood’s despatch

a. 100

Q71. Indian Education Commission was formed in the year

b. 1982

Q72. Lord Curzon was viceroy of India during

b. 1899-1905

Q73. Lord Curzon appointed University Education Commission in

b. 1902

Q74. Resolution of 1913 covers

d. all the above ( primary, secondary, higher and women education )

Q75. Hartog commission chairman

b. Sir Phillip Hartog

Q76. wardha scheme of education 1937 is also known s

d. All the above ( Basic education’, Nai Talim and craft-centered education)

Q77. national institute of basic education was set up in

d. 1956

Q78. In the Wardha conference committee was formed under president-ship of

c. Dr. Zakir Hussain

Q79. In Assam, the first compulsory primary education act was passed in the year

b. 1926

Q80.First compulsory primary education act of Assam gave the responsibility of primary education to the

b. Local bodies

Q81. The Adult education movement of India started in the year

b. 1937

Q82. adult education was named as Social education from the year

b. 1949

Q83. The duration each adult education course under the department of central govt is six month

b. 6 months

Q84. The most successful county regarding adult education is

c. Denmark

Q85. In Assam, Adult education started in

d. 1939

Q86. the education policy of 1986 has given special importance on

d. Adult education ( the best available option)

Q87. 1986 Education Policy suggested highest priority in solving problems of

d. Differently-abled children

Q88. 1986 Education Policy suggested that teachers will have to perform

c. multiple role

Q89. 1986 Education Policy gives importance to vocational education at

d. university level

Q90. which article of the constitution makes provision for free and compulsory primary education

b. Article 45

Q91. Operation blackboard was main feature of

a. 1986 Education Policy

Q92. Indira Gandhi National Open University was established in

b. 1985

Q93. wood’s despatch led to establishment of universities in 1857 in

a. Calcutta, Bombay and Madras

Q94. University Grants commission was set up in the year

b. 1953

Q95. The idea of socially useful productive work in the curriculum was given by

b. M K Gandhi

Q96. Ancient Monument Preservation Act was passed by

a. Lord Curzon

Q97. Wood’s Despatch was formed in

c. 1854

Q98. Grant-in-air system started in

c. 1854

Q99. New Education Policy was placed before Indian Parliament for consideration and approval on

a. 20th April, 1986

Q100. Cotton college was upgraded as a state university in

a. 2011


Question Paper contributed by Dulumoni Singha.

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