APSC Prelims TEST SERIES 2018 – Education Paper

APSC Prelims TEST SERIES 2018 – Education Paper

(Enrollment Closed)

Program Objective

Among the Two Papers of Written Test for APSC CC (Prelim) Exam 2018, the optional subject paper comprise of half of the total marks of Prelim Exam. Education is a very popular optional subject with limited syllabus. This Test Series will act as a practice series and most importantly, will try to focus more on the areas which are important from exam point of view.

Program Approach

The Test Series will cover all the areas/topics of Education, separately in first Five Tests and last One Tests will cover all the sections. We will provide link to attempt Online Test mode and PDF format of Question Paper will be mailed to your email. Answers and Marks scored will be available immediately after the Online Test and PDF format of Answer Keys will be mailed to participants in 2/3 days. Limited study materials will be uploaded website (http://www.assamexam.com/). Test Solutions discussion session can be arranged on online forum (on request).

(Enrollment Closed)

Note: Adhikary education Reserves the Right to change dates, patterns and no. of tests, without any prior notice/intimation.

STEPS TO ENROLL & Test Methodology

  1. Please click ‘ENROL NOW
  2. Pay the ENROLMENT FEE, after entering Name, Email and Phone number correctly.
  3. PDF format of the Test Question and/or Online Tests Links will be mailed to the registered e-mailed on the schedule date.
  4. In case of any query/issues, Please mail us at: [email protected] | Call @ 7598658642

(Enrollment Closed)


  • APSC Prelim Test Series 2018 – Education Paper contains in total 6 Full Length Tests.
  • Covers all areas/topics of Education Paper Syllabus.
  • 5 Sectionals Test covering all sections separately.
  • 1 Full Length Mock Tests, at the end of the program, to complete your Education paper preparation.
  • Aspirants can join any time and will be provided with all the previous tests also.

(Enrollment Closed)

All-in-One Package

All Six Tests (in PDF and Online Test Links) along with Answer Key PDF will be mailed immediately after enrollment.

Tests Units/Sections
1 PART – I

  1. Meaning, definition and scope of education.
  2. Aims of education-individual, social, liberal and vocational education in a democracy.
  3. School and community – their relation, functions and responsibilities.
  4. Curriculum, Definition and types, Defects, principles of curriculum construction. Corelation of studies- Importance of curriculur activities in school.
  5. Discipline – Definition, Importance of discipline in education, Relation between freedom and discipline, Reward and punishment in school.
 2 PART – I
6. Theories of play – Importance of play in education.7. Educational for national integration and international understanding.PART – II

  1. Psychology – meaning and definition, importance of educational psychology, scope and methods of educational psychology.
  2. Physical basis of mental life – reaptors, effectors and central nervous system – sensation, perception and conception.
  3. Needs, drives and motives.
 3 PART – II
4. Emotions and instincts – their importance in education.

  1. Habits and their formation.
  2. Learning – theories and laws of learning, motivation in learning.
  3. Attention and interest – their importance in education.
  4. Intelligence – its meaning, nature, stanford, Bint- Intelligence tests.
  5. Statistics in education – Mean, medium and mode calculation of quartile deviation and standard deviation, Calculation of co-efficient of corelation by rank difference method

  1. Charter Act of 1813. Maculay’s minute and Lord Bentinks resolution of 1835.
  2. Woods Despatch of 1854 – its impact of Indian Education.
  3. Indian Education Commission of 1882 – Primary and Secondary Education.
  4. Lord Curzon’s Educational Policy on Secondary and University Education.
  5. Resolution of 1913.

  1. Hartog Committees report of 1929.
  2. Wardha Scheme of Education 1937.
  3. Introduction of primary education in Assam – problems in its implementation.
  4. Adult Education Programme – its meaning and scope. Problem in the implementation of the programme and their solutions.
  5. Educational Policy of 1986.
6 Mock Test 1 (Whole Syllabus)



TEST SCHEDULE & SYLLABUS SPLIT-UP – Batch 3 (Completed)   
Test No. Units/Sections Test Date Solution/

Answer Date

1 PART – I

  1. Meaning, definition and scope of education.
  2. Aims of education-individual, social, liberal and vocational education in a democracy.
  3. School and community – their relation, functions and responsibilities.
  4. Curriculum, Definition and types, Defects, principles of curriculum construction. Corelation of studies- Importance of curriculur activities in school.
  5. Discipline – Definition, Importance of discipline in education, Relation between freedom and discipline, Reward and punishment in school.
30-09-2018 T+3 days
 2 PART – I
6. Theories of play – Importance of play in education.7. Educational for national integration and international understanding.PART – II

  1. Psychology – meaning and definition, importance of educational psychology, scope and methods of educational psychology.
  2. Physical basis of mental life – reaptors, effectors and central nervous system – sensation, perception and conception.
  3. Needs, drives and motives.
 06-10-2018  T+3 days
 3 PART – II
4. Emotions and instincts – their importance in education.

  1. Habits and their formation.
  2. Learning – theories and laws of learning, motivation in learning.
  3. Attention and interest – their importance in education.
  4. Intelligence – its meaning, nature, stanford, Bint- Intelligence tests.
  5. Statistics in education – Mean, medium and mode calculation of quartile deviation and standard deviation, Calculation of co-efficient of corelation by rank difference method
 13-10-2018  T+3 days

  1. Charter Act of 1813. Maculay’s minute and Lord Bentinks resolution of 1835.
  2. Woods Despatch of 1854 – its impact of Indian Education.
  3. Indian Education Commission of 1882 – Primary and Secondary Education.
  4. Lord Curzon’s Educational Policy on Secondary and University Education.
  5. Resolution of 1913.
 24-10-2018  T+3 days

  1. Hartog Committees report of 1929.
  2. Wardha Scheme of Education 1937.
  3. Introduction of primary education in Assam – problems in its implementation.
  4. Adult Education Programme – its meaning and scope. Problem in the implementation of the programme and their solutions.
  5. Educational Policy of 1986.
 31-10-2018  T+3 days
6 Mock Test 1 (Whole Syllabus) 08-11-2018 T+3 days



Test No. Units/Sections Test Date Solution/

Answer Date

1 PART – I

  1. Meaning, definition and scope of education.
  2. Aims of education-individual, social, liberal and vocational education in a democracy.
  3. School and community – their relation, functions and responsibilities.
  4. Curriculum, Definition and types, Defects, principles of curriculum construction. Corelation of studies- Importance of curriculur activities in school.
  5. Discipline – Definition, Importance of discipline in education, Relation between freedom and discipline, Reward and punishment in school.
18-08-2018 T+3 days
 2 PART – I
6. Theories of play – Importance of play in education.7. Educational for national integration and international understanding.PART – II

  1. Psychology – meaning and definition, importance of educational psychology, scope and methods of educational psychology.
  2. Physical basis of mental life – reaptors, effectors and central nervous system – sensation, perception and conception.
  3. Needs, drives and motives.
 21-08-2018  T+3 days
 3 PART – II
4. Emotions and instincts – their importance in education.

  1. Habits and their formation.
  2. Learning – theories and laws of learning, motivation in learning.
  3. Attention and interest – their importance in education.
  4. Intelligence – its meaning, nature, stanford, Bint- Intelligence tests.
  5. Statistics in education – Mean, medium and mode calculation of quartile deviation and standard deviation, Calculation of co-efficient of corelation by rank difference method
 24-08-2018  T+3 days

  1. Charter Act of 1813. Maculay’s minute and Lord Bentinks resolution of 1835.
  2. Woods Despatch of 1854 – its impact of Indian Education.
  3. Indian Education Commission of 1882 – Primary and Secondary Education.
  4. Lord Curzon’s Educational Policy on Secondary and University Education.
  5. Resolution of 1913.
 27-08-2018  T+3 days

  1. Hartog Committees report of 1929.
  2. Wardha Scheme of Education 1937.
  3. Introduction of primary education in Assam – problems in its implementation.
  4. Adult Education Programme – its meaning and scope. Problem in the implementation of the programme and their solutions.
  5. Educational Policy of 1986.
 30-08-2018  T+3 days
6 Mock Test 1 (Whole Syllabus) 02-09-2018 T+3 days



Test No. Units/Sections Test Date Solution/

Answer Date

1 PART – I

  1. Meaning, definition and scope of education.
  2. Aims of education-individual, social, liberal and vocational education in a democracy.
  3. School and community – their relation, functions and responsibilities.
  4. Curriculum, Definition and types, Defects, principles of curriculum construction. Corelation of studies- Importance of curriculur activities in school.
  5. Discipline – Definition, Importance of discipline in education, Relation between freedom and discipline, Reward and punishment in school.
10-06-2018 T+3 days
 2 PART – I
6. Theories of play – Importance of play in education.7. Educational for national integration and international understanding.PART – II

  1. Psychology – meaning and definition, importance of educational psychology, scope and methods of educational psychology.
  2. Physical basis of mental life – reaptors, effectors and central nervous system – sensation, perception and conception.
  3. Needs, drives and motives.
 19-06-2018  T+3 days
 3 PART – II
4. Emotions and instincts – their importance in education.

  1. Habits and their formation.
  2. Learning – theories and laws of learning, motivation in learning.
  3. Attention and interest – their importance in education.
  4. Intelligence – its meaning, nature, stanford, Bint- Intelligence tests.
  5. Statistics in education – Mean, medium and mode calculation of quartile deviation and standard deviation, Calculation of co-efficient of corelation by rank difference method
 26-06-2018  T+3 days

  1. Charter Act of 1813. Maculay’s minute and Lord Bentinks resolution of 1835.
  2. Woods Despatch of 1854 – its impact of Indian Education.
  3. Indian Education Commission of 1882 – Primary and Secondary Education.
  4. Lord Curzon’s Educational Policy on Secondary and University Education.
  5. Resolution of 1913.
 10-07-2018  T+3 days

  1. Hartog Committees report of 1929.
  2. Wardha Scheme of Education 1937.
  3. Introduction of primary education in Assam – problems in its implementation.
  4. Adult Education Programme – its meaning and scope. Problem in the implementation of the programme and their solutions.
  5. Educational Policy of 1986.
 20-07-2018  T+3 days
6 Mock Test 1 (Whole Syllabus) 30-07-2018 T+3 days


Any query/doubt?

Please mail us at: [email protected]  or Call us at 7598658642

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