APSC Prelims 2020-21 Test Series for GS & CSAT Papers
Due to the recent change in APSC CCE as per the Policy 2019, it is necessary to reorient your strategy to the needs of the new exam pattern. APSC CC (Prelims) Test Series 2020 is carefully crafted with an in-depth coverage of the entire syllabus including both static and current portions. We aims to help you prepare well for the APSC Prelim exam and make you exam ready to score well above the qualifying marks to get shortlisted for the APSC CC (Mains) Examination.

Covers Entire Syllabus
Covers each and every topic of APSC Prelims Syllabus to provide you an in-depth preparation of preliminary exam

Analyse Yourself
Tests act both as learning resources and an opportunity to gauge level of your exam preparedness at regular intervals

Feels Like Real Exam
With Timer, Negative marking, standards of Questions, our tests give you the actual feeling of solving real APSC question paper.
The Test Series consist of Fourteen Full length Tests of APSC CCE (Prelims) 2020 pattern. Ten tests covers GS Paper I syllabus and Four Tests covers GS Paper II (CSAT) syllabus. Six Sectional Tests exclusively covers all the sections of the General Studies (GS) Paper I and Four Full Syllabus Mock Tests will consist of questions covering all sections. On the exam scheduled date, Online Test links will be activated in registered users account in test.assamexam.com. Answers and Marks scored by you will be available immediately after you complete the online Test. Limited study materials will be uploaded as part of the Test Series in the Course and/or in the website www.assamexam.com

Schedule & Syllabus Split-Up
No loss of Test for Late Joinee. All the Tests will be available for them.
Test |
Sections Covered |
Current Affairs |
Activation |
1 |
History of India and Indian National Movement |
Jan-June 2019 | Available |
2 |
Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights issues etc. (30%Qs related to Assam) |
July-Dec 2019 | Available |
3 |
Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World (30%Qs related to Assam) |
Jan-June 2020 | Available |
4 | CSAT 1 | Available | |
5 |
Economic and Social Development-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc. (30%Qs related to Assam) |
July 2020 Onwards | Available |
6 |
General issues on Environment ecology, Bio-Diversity and Climate Change (30%Qs related to Assam) |
Available | |
7 |
Assam History, Geography, Polity, Economy, Art & Culture, Ecology & Bio-diversity (All Qs related to Assam) |
Available | |
8 | CSAT 2 | Available | |
9 | Full Syllabus Mock Test | Available | |
10 | CSAT 3 | Available | |
11 | Full Syllabus Mock Test | Available | |
12 | CSAT 4 | Available | |
13 | Full Syllabus Mock Test | Available | |
14 | Full Syllabus Mock Test | Available |
All Tests will be available after the Activation Date. Attempt as per your convenient date and time.
NOTE: Adhikary Education reserves the right to change Schedule, patterns and no. of Tests, without prior notice.
No loss of Test for Late Joinee. All the past Tests will be available for them.
Our Past Performances
Successful Start Aspirants from Our APSC 2016 Test Series
- Three Rank 1 in ACS, APS and Asst. Employment Officer in APSC 2016
- 8 ACS Toppers including Rank 1
- 2 APS Toppers including Rank 1
- 10 ALRS Toppers including Rank 3
- 2 Inspector of Taxes Topper including Rank 2
- 4 Inspector of Excise Topper including Rank 4
- 3 Asst. Employment Officer including Rank 1
APSC Toppers' view
The Questions are very much balanced, in line with APSC syllabus and are useful for the aspirants. This is a very good initiative indeed. It would definitely benefit the aspirants.
- Maria Tanim, ACS Rank 1, 2016
It was very useful. I also prepared note from these Tests and written down important points, and it was very helpful. (I took only this Test Series).
- Raja Baishya, ACS Rank 44, 2016
I found the ‘Answer Booster’ part of Assamexam.com a virtual confidence booster. It complemented my stock of information/knowledge besides providing the ‘must-have’ part in any good answer. Found it very good with diversity of GS covered to commendable satisfaction. Regards.
- Sanju Das, ALRS Rank 20, 2016
The APSC Test Series helped me a lot in my GS preparation. The questions were well balanced and nice.
- Dr. Anup Jyoti Borah, APS Rank 1, 2016
Good QUALITY questions.
- Abhilekh Saikia, Inspector of Excise Rank 8, 2016
Got a fair idea about preparation.
- Namrata Chetri, Asst Employment Officer, Rank 5. 2016