APSC Prelims 2020 Cutoff Marks & Qualifying Scores (Official & Expected)

APSC Prelims 2020 Cutoff Marks & Qualifying Scores (Official & Expected)

APSC Prelims Exam 2020 Cutoff Marks & Minimum Qualifying Score


“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins


It’s an essential part of a successful strategy for any task and if the challenge is a competitive exam like APSC Combined Competitive Exam, then knowing the passing parameters i.e. Cutoff Marks for APSC Prelims & Mains Exam is a very basic enquiry. Here we discuss about the Cutoff Marks i.e. the minimum score needed to clear the APSC CC Prelims Exam 2020 and qualify for appearing for APSC CC Mains Exam 2020.

APSC has released cutoff of APSC CC Prelims Exam 2020 on 12 Dec, 2022:

We have conducted a APSC Prelims 2020 – Cut-Off Analysis via Candidates’ Survey and a poll in Facebook to collect data arriving in this Cut-off prediction.

Cutoff Marks for APSC Prelims Exam 2020

These marks are of GS-1 paper of 200 marks only, as GS-2 paper is of qualifying nature. Based on the nature of questions in the GS Paper and the valuable views expressed by numerous candidates, most of the peoples are expecting lower Cut-off marks than the previous year i.e. 2018, mainly due to introduction of GS-2 paper (of qualifying nature) and negative marking.

The category-wise Cut-off for 2020 (expected)

Minimum Score
General (Open)
110 +- 5
Other Backward Classes (OBC)/MOBC 102 +- 5
Scheduled Class (SC)
95 +- 5
Scheduled Tribe (Plains) 93 +- 5
Scheduled Tribe (Hills) 87 +- 7


Significant factors that can influence the Cut-off of the APSC CC (Prelim) 2020 Exams:

  • Introduction of Negative marking for incorrect answers (No more thukka, so serious aspirants will not try to attempt all Qs and will attempt only Qs which they are sure of)
  • Introduction of GS II Paper which is of qualifying nature (Many aspirants will score good in GS I Paper but will not be able to qualify GS II Paper, thus will reduce cutoff marks further).
  • Total No. of vacancies in 2020 are 70 (26%) more than 2018’s vacancies. (so rationally it should reduce the cutoff)
  • In 2018, vacancies in OC category were 141, whereas, in 2020, only 121 vacancies [20 less]
  • In 2018, vacancies in OBC/MOBC category were 62, whereas, in 2020, 92 vacancies [30 more]
  • In 2018, vacancies in SC category: 21 but in 2020, 20 vacancies.[almost same]
  • In 2018, vacancies in STP category: 23 but in 2020, 38 vacancies.[15 more]
  • In 2018, vacancies in STH category: 14 but in 2020, 17 vacancies.[3 more]
  • Nature of GK GS paper.
  • Covid situation and inordinate delay in Prelim Exam, which effect serious aspirants very badly.

Methodology Used

An Online Poll is being conducted in Facebook & an online survey ‘APSC Prelims 2020 – Cut-Off Analysis‘ is conducted by as, where a significantly large number of APSC Prelims aspirants participated and provided their expected score & expected Cut-Off marks for APSC CC (Prelim) Exam 2020. These data were processed to find the Weighted Average Arithmetic Mean of expected Cut-Off marks, separately for various categories, which is presented below.

Total Sample size = 209 (no. of responses till 19 September, 2021: 7 PM)

OC (General) Open Category

Sample size = 81

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 110

Adhikary Education’s Expected Cut-off = 110 +- 5

  • In 2018, vacancies in OC category were 141, whereas, in 2020, only 121 vacancies [20 less]


OBC Category

Sample size = 59

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 107

Adhikary Education’s Expected Cut-off = 102 +- 5

  • In 2018, vacancies in OBC/MOBC category were 62, whereas, in 2020, 92 vacancies [30 more]


SC Category

Sample size = 18

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 103

Adhikary Education’s Expected Cut-off = 95 +- 5


ST (Plain) Category

Sample size = 41

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 99

Adhikary Education’s Expected Cut-off = 93 +- 5

  • In 2018, vacancies in STP category: 23 but in 2020, 38 vacancies.[15 more]


ST (Hill) Category

Sample size = 7

Weighted Average (Expected) Cut-off = 96

Adhikary Education’s Expected Cut-off = 87+- 7

  • In 2018, vacancies in STH category: 14 but in 2020, 17 vacancies.[3 more]



  • CSAT paper can through in unexpected surprises.
  • All respondent has not provided data in all fields.


Let’s wait for APSC Surprise!!!


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