APSC Toppers’ Interview & Preparation Strategy – Maria Tanim ( APSC 2016 – ACS Rank 1)

APSC Toppers’ Interview & Preparation Strategy – Maria Tanim ( APSC 2016 – ACS Rank 1)
APSC Toppers' Interview & Preparation Strategy

APSC 2016 Toppers Interview - Maria Tanim ACS Rank 1

Telephonic interview with Maria Tanim, APSC 2016 – Rank 1 (ACS Jr. Grade)

Adhikary Education: Many congratulations on your grand success in APSC 2016 on securing Rank 1 in Assam Civil Service. You were associated with us in APSC Prelims Test Series 2017 – GS Paper and APSC Mains Test Series -Political Science.



Adhikary Education: Tell us something about your Academic Background?

Maria Tanim: I did my Schooling from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Silchar.

Higher Secondary from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Silchar.

Graduation-B. Tech in Biotechnology from Amity University, Noida.


Adhikary Education: When did you decided to appear for APSC?

Maria Tanim: It was in 2014 when I decided to quit my job and prepare wholeheartedly for APSC CCE. While working in Accenture, somewhere I was not satisfied and realised the fact that it is better to serve the people of my state rather than serving foreign clients. Gradually it became a dream for me. From then on, I made up my mind that I should go for civil service as this would give me the best platform to serve the society.


Adhikary Education: Why did you enter in this field of APSC, Assam Civil Service?

Maria Tanim: As already mentioned cracking state civil service was my dream. Further, I always had a keen desire to work in such a field where I would get an opportunity to be in direct touch with the common masses. Above all, my parents, mentors and friends were my strongest influences and inspirations.


Adhikary Education: What was your optional subject in APSC Prelims and Mains?

Maria Tanim: For Prelims, my optional was Political Science.

And for Mains, my optionals were Education and Political Science.


Adhikary Education: Why did you choose those subjects for APSC?

Maria Tanim: I Chose Political Science because when I started preparing for prelims i started first with Indian Polity and found it very interesting. I was confused between Education and History and as per my brother’s advice I opted for Education.


Adhikary Education: What was your style of Preparation and Making Notes?

Maria Tanim: Notes making are very much essential I believe.

For Indian Constitution ,I did not prepare any but for political theory I made notes from various sources, not from a particular book. I followed online materials as well.

For Education, I followed Sunita Agarwal, Marami Goswami, Jatin Boruah and Lakshya Hira Das.

For General Studies, I was associated with FACC, Bhetapara (ERDF) Under the guidance of Mr Sailen Baishya Sir.


Adhikary Education: What were the Study Materials you used for GS & Optional papers for Prelims and Mains?

Maria Tanim:

General Studies – NCERTs, Laxmikanth (Indian Polity), Ramesh Singh (Indian Economy), Majid Hussein (India and World Geography) KL Khurana and Spectrum (Indian History), Assam Year Book, Priyam Goswami (Assam History), Arihant GK , for current affairs – online apps and sites- gktoday, jagranjosh, civilsdaily,and clearias etc.

Newspaper – I have religiously followed The Assam Tribune which I feel is very informative, up to date and unique. I have read The Hindu as well.

Political Science – Political Theory- K K Ghai, OP Gauba, RC Agarwal, Heywood, JC Johari, Narayan Chandra Mazumdar. Indian Constitution – Laxmikanth and DD Basu.

Education – Sunita Agarwal, Moromi Goswami, Lakhya Hira Das, and Jatin Baruah.


Adhikary Education: What was writing Strategy in Mains Exam exam?

Maria Tanim: For General Studies I have written most of the answers point-wise depending on the question.

For Optional I have written in both paragraph-wise and also point wise where ever it is necessary. Used the format of Introduction-body-conclusion.

However, In GS it is not always possible because of time constraint.


Adhikary Education: Apart from books/study materials, what other Internet resources, website, youtube videos you used?

Maria Tanim: I have followed Gktoaday, jagranjosh, clearias, mrunal, civilsdaily etc and Assam Tribune too.

Adhikary Education: Many aspirants are confused about the extent of Current Affairs needed to prepare. Current Affairs for recent how many months is sufficient?

Maria Tanim: I feel Current Affairs for last 1 year is a must.

Adhikary Education: Tell us something about your interview (Last Battle of the War)?

Maria Tanim: Interview was pretty good..it was overall a nice experience. The panel was cordial. They asked me questions regarding my educational background, work experience, Assam economy, few current affairs etc.

Preparation – I appeared for mock interviews in various institutes. I also practiced with my peers.
It was very much beneficial for me .It helped me a lot in identifying my flaws, and thereby improving the same.

Adhikary Education: What is your advice for all the new and old aspirants who are going to write APSC CCE 2018?

Maria Tanim: Do remember there is NO SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS. Hard Work, patience, courage, faith, and determination are the pillars to be successful. Because I feel it is with all these any obstacles could be overcome and one could achieve one’s dream.

Adhikary Education: You have taken our Test Series for Prelims and Mains. How was our Test Series? How useful it was?

Maria Tanim: The Questions are very much balanced, in line with APSC syllabus and are useful for the aspirants.

Adhikary Education: How is the website www.Assamexam.com, any advice for betterment of our website?

Maria Tanim: I think the website (www.Assamexam.com) is fine. You are providing FREE Mock Tests also. This is a very good initiative indeed. It would definitely benefit the aspirants.

I don’t think any improvement needed as of now, I will go through the website again, and if any, I would suggest for sure.

InformationForAspirants: This year also we are providing FREE APSC Prelims Mock Test for GS, Polity and History.


Adhikary Education: Thank you very much for your time and congratulation again for clearing the most coveted exam in Assam.

Wish you a successful civil service career and may you serve well the people of Assam.

Thank you very much.


APSC mains 2018 test series GS & Optional Paper

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