Profit and Loss – Important Formulas – APSC CSAT Paper Notes

Profit and Loss – Important Formulas – APSC CSAT Paper Notes

Profit and Loss – Important Formulas

Numerical Aptitude Notes for CSAT Paper, SSC and Competitive Exams


Go to Aptitude, Reasoning and Quants Formulas & Notes


Cost Price – The price, at which an article is purchased.

Selling Price – The price, at which an article is sold.

Profit – If S.P. is greater than C.P., the seller is said to have a profit.
Profit = S.P. – C.P.

Loss – If S.P. is less than C.P., the seller is said to have incurred a loss.
Loss = C.P. – S.P.

Loss and Profit are always calculated on Cost Price.

Profit Percentage

    Profit % =

Profit x 100




Loss Percentage

    Loss % =

Loss x 100




Selling Price

            (100 – Loss %)
SP =  ——————  x C.P  

            (100 + Gain %)
SP =  ——————   x  C.P  


Cost Price

CP =  ——————–  x SP  
            ( 100 + Gain %)

CP =  ——————–  x SP  
            ( 100 – Loss %)


Whenever two similar items are sold, one at a gain of L %, and the other at a loss of L %, then the seller always incurs a loss of

                     Common Loss and Gain %
Loss % = [  ———————————– ] 2 =  (L/10) 2


If a dishonest trader shows as if he sell goods at cost price, but uses false weights, then

Gain % = [  —————————] x 100 
                    (True Value) – (Error)

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