Assam Current Affairs – December 15-21, 2018

Assam Current Affairs – December 15-21, 2018
Current Affairs Assam – December 2018

( Covers all important Assam Current Affairs & GK topics for the month of December 2018 )

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December 21

DIPP announced States’ Startup Ranking 2018 – Assam as Emerging state
  • The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) announced results of thefirst ever States’ Start-up Ranking 2018.
  • On the basis of performance in these categories, the States have been recognised as the Best Performer, Top Performers, Leaders, Aspiring Leaders, Emerging States and Beginners.
  1. Best Performer: Gujarat
  2. Top Performers: Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha, and Rajasthan
  • Leaders: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Telangana
  1. Aspiring Leaders: Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal
  2. Emerging States: Assam, Delhi, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and Uttarakhand
  3. Beginners: Chandigarh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Puducherry, Sikkim, and Tripura
  • The key objective of the exercise was to encourage States and Union Territories to take proactive steps towards strengthening the Start-upecosystems in their states. The methodology has been aimed at creating a healthy competition among States to further learn, share and adopt good practices.
  • The entire exercise was conducted for capacity development and to further the spirit of cooperative federalism. A total of 27 States and 3 Union Territories participated in the exercise.

Assam State Govt approved Monetary benefit to tea workers
  • The State government has approved the release of second installment of the ‘Chah Bagicha Dhan Puraskar Mela’.
  • Under this installment, all the beneficiaries would receive Rs 2,500 each in their bank accounts by January 15. The total financial involvement would be Rs 200 crore for the State Govt.
  • Earlier, the first tranche of Rs 2,500 was transferred to each of the 721,485 bank accounts of tea garden workers across 752 tea gardens in 26 districts.

Government launches Asiatic Lion Conservation Project
  • The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change launched the ‘Asiatic Lion Conservation Project’ with an aim to protect and conserve the world’s last ranging free population of Asiatic Lion and its associated ecosystem.
  • The Asiatic Lion Conservation Project will strengthen the ongoing measures for conservation and recovery of Asiatic Lion with the help of state-of-the-art techniques, regular scientific research studies, disease management, modern surveillance techniques.
  • The total budget of the project for 3 years will be funded through a Centrally sponsored scheme, the Development of Wildlife Habitat, with the contributing ratio of 60:40 for central and state share.

FACTFILE – Asiatic Lions

  • Asiatic Lions, once ranged from Persia (Iran) to Palamau in Eastern India had almost been driven to extinction by indiscriminate hunting and habitat loss.
  • A single population of less than 50 lions persisted in the Gir forests of Gujarat by late 1890’s. With stringent protection offered by the state and the Central governments, Asiatic lions have increased to the current population of over 500.
  • On the IUCN Red List it is listed as
  • The 2015 census showed a population of 523 Asiatic Lions in the Gir Protected Area Network of 1648.79 sq. km in Gujarat. In August 2017, a similar census revealed 650 wild individuals.
  • The lion is one of five pantherine cats inhabiting India, along with the Bengal tiger, Indian leopard, snow leopard and clouded leopard.
  • It was also known as “Indian lion” and “Persian lion”.

India, Russia reiterates support for Afghan-led peace process
  • India and Russia have reiterated their support for an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned peace process in Afghanistan during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s special envoy on Afghanistan ZamilKabulov to India.
  • During the course of Kabulov’s visit, delegation-level talks were held in which the Indian side was led by Deepak Mittal, Joint Secretary (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran) in the External Affairs Ministry.
  • Both sides reiterated their support for an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned inclusive peace and reconciliation process.
  • The Russian side, on their part, briefed on the efforts to support the Afghan peace process through the Moscow Format of talks.
  • The Moscow Format was introduced in 2017 on the basis of the six-party mechanism for consultations between special representatives from Russia, India, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan and Iran.
  • Both sides also agreed to maintain regular consultation and coordination, including in the context of international forums with the shared objective to promote peace, security, stability and unity of Afghanistan.

Punjab inks MoU with AAI for International Air Terminal at Halwara
  • The Punjab government signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Airports Authority of India (AAI) for setting up a new Civil International Air Terminal at Indian Air Force station at Halwara.
  • The project would be implemented through a Joint Venture Company (JVC) formed with the majority stake of 51 per cent of the AAI and 49 per cent stake of the Punjab government through the Greater Ludhiana Development Authority (GLADA).
  • The AAI would bear all capital expenditure of development of new airport while the Punjab government would provide 135.54 acres of land free of cost and free of all encumbrances for the project.
  • It is expected that Phase I of the project, which is the development of new international civil enclave in 135.54 acres for full-fledged operations up to Code-4C type of aircraft, shall be completed within three years.
  • At present, Punjab has two international airports at Chandigarh and Amritsar.


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