Assam Current Affairs – July 10-12, 2022

Assam Current Affairs – July 10-12, 2022

Assam & NE Current Affairs & GK – July 10-12 2022

( Covers all important Current Affairs & GK topics for the July 10- 12, 2022)

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Current Affairs GK & Quiz Monthly – July 2022

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July 10-12, 2022

Mangarh Hillock to be declared monument of national importance

The National Monuments Authority submitted a report on declaring  Mangarh hillock in Rajasthan as a monument of National Importance. 

About Mangarh Hillock 

  • The hillock, situated at the Gujarat-Rajasthan border, is a site of a tribal uprising where a massacre of over 1500 Bhil tribal freedom fighters took place in 1913. 
  • The place is also known as the Adivasi Jallianwala, and there has been a demand to build a memorial.
  • Bhil social reformer and spiritual leader Govind Guru first raised the demand for a separate state for tribals back in 1913 after the Mangarh massacre.

National Monuments Authority (NMA) 

  • It was established under the Ministry of Culture in accordance with the requirements of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains AMASR (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2010. 
  • The NMA has been delegated specific tasks for the conservation and preservation of monuments and sites, including control of the banned and restricted areas surrounding centrally designated monuments.
  • One amongst these responsibilities of NMA is also to consider grant of permissions to applicants for construction related activity in the prohibited and regulated area.

36th National Games to be held in Gujarat

Gujarat Chief Minister, Bhupendra Patel declared that the 36th National Games will be held in his state.

This will be the first time the state will host the prestigious games, between September 27 and October 10, 2022.

Key Points

  • In both indoor and outdoor competitions, athletes from all over the nation are anticipated to display their prowess in sports including athletics, hockey, football, volleyball, lawn tennis, table tennis, judo, wrestling, kabaddi, kho-kho, mallakhambha, and yoga. 
  • There will be more than 34 sports represented at the national games, which will take place in six cities.
  • Goa was another strong candidate for the location this year, in addition to Gujarat. 

India got elected to to the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

India has been elected as a member of the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage for the 2022-2026. 

The elections for the Intergovernmental Committee took place during the 9th General Assembly of the 2003 Convention held at UNESCO headquarters, Paris, from 5th to 7th July 2022.

This is for the third timeIndia got selected. In the past, India has served two terms as a member of the Intergovernmental Committee of this Convention viz., during 2006-2010 and 2014-2018.

UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 

  • The Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 Convention consists of 24 members and is elected in the General Assembly of the Convention according to the principles of equitable geographical representation and rotation. 
  • States Members to the Committee are elected for a term of four years.
  • Some of the core functions of the Intergovernmental Committee include: 
  • Promoting the objectives of the Convention, 
  • Providing guidance on best practices, and 
  • Making recommendations on measures for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. 
  • The Committee also examines requests submitted by States Parties for the inscription of intangible heritage on the Lists as well as proposals for programmes and projects.

India’s vision for 2022-2026 

Some of the priority areas that India will focus upon include: 

  • Fostering community participation, 
  • Strengthening international cooperation through intangible heritage, 
  • Promoting academic research on intangible cultural heritage, 
  • Aligning the work of the Convention with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 
  • This vision was also shared with the other State Parties of the Convention prior to the elections.

About Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • Intangible cultural heritage is the practices, expressions, knowledge and skills that communities, groups and sometimes individuals recognise as part of their cultural heritage. 
  • UNESCO established its Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage with the aim of ensuring better protection of important intangible cultural heritages worldwide and the awareness of their significance. 
  • The list was established in 2008 when the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage took effect.
  • India has 14 intangible cultural heritage elements on the prestigious UNESCO Representative List of ICH of Humanity.

Google  announced the launch of Startup School India

Google announced the launch of Startup School India (SSI) as part of the Google for Startups initiative. This programme will be held in virtual mode, for nine-weeks, which will include fireside chats between Google collaborators and leaders from the start-up ecosystem.

Key Points

  • The idea of creating the Startup School India is to reach out to more and more startups in India. 
  • Google aims to reach out to at least 10,000 startups in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.
  • This is a platform under which Google will bring together investors, successful entrepreneurs and programmers that startups from the smaller cities can to tap into and learn from the best. 
  • The Google Start-up School India initiative will cover topics including fintech, language, job search, social media & networking, business-to-consumer e-commerce and business-to-business e-commerce.

RK Gupta appointed as Deputy Election Commissioner

Senior bureaucrat R K Gupta was appointed as the deputy election commissioner. He comes in place of T Sreekanth. 

Gupta, a Central Secretariat Service (CSS) officer, will serve as deputy election commissioner (Joint secretary level) till 28 February next year, the date of his superannuation, an order issued by the Personnel Ministry said.

Currently, Chief Election Commissioner of India is Rajiv Kumar and Election Commissioner is Anup Chandra Pandey 

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Ministry of Panchayati Raj signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the elimination of Tuberculosis (TB) by the year 2025

Inter-Ministerial cooperation and collaboration between the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and the Ministry of Panchayati Raj would focus on creating awareness at grassroots level through active involvement and would also support a range of possible collaborative activities towards the eventual eradication of TB from India by 2025.

It will also make ways for coordinated efforts at grassroots level, in order to generate awareness among mass in rural areas to end stigma and discrimination related to the Tuberculosis. 

It will also help in potentially utilizing the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) or Rural Local Bodies in eliminating TB in the country. 

About Tuberculosis 

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which usually attacks the lungs, but can attack any part of the body. 

It is a communicable disease which is spread from person to person through the air. 

Cough with sputum and blood at times, chest pains, weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats are some common symptoms. 

It is curable and preventable, however, bacteria have become resistant to various strains of antibiotic leading multiple drug-resistant TB which is difficult to treat.

Alvaro lario has been appointed as the new chairman of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IAFD)

Alvaro lario has been appointed as the new chairman of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) with effect from 1st October 2022 for a four-year term. 

He will succeed Gilbert Houngbo who has led the organisation since 2017. 

He will lead the UN agency at a crucial time when global food prices are surging, induced by the Ukraine war, climate change, and the pandemic, with the World’s poorest countries hardest hit.

About International Fund for Agricultural Development (IAFD)

  • It is an international financial institution and a specialised agency of the United Nations that works to address poverty and hunger in rural areas of developing countries. 
  • It is the only multilateral development organization that focuses on rural economies, food security and climate change.
  • It was founded in 1977. 
  • Headquartered in Rome, Italy. 
  • It funds and sponsors initiatives that improve land and water management, develop rural infrastructure, train and educate farmers in more efficient technologies, build up resilience against climate change, enhance market accessibility etc.
  • It works in partnership with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 


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Current Affairs GK & Quiz Monthly – July 2022

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