Assam Current Affairs – March 15 – 21, 2020

Assam Current Affairs – March 15 – 21, 2020
Current Affairs Assam – March 15 - 21, 2020

( Covers all important Assam Current Affairs & GK topics for the week of March 15 – 21, 2020 )

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MARCH 15, 2020

Assamese versions of The Ahoms and The Principia released
  • The Assamese versions of The Ahoms and Principia, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, were released at an event held at Swahid Nyas.
  • The translated version of The Ahoms, authored by Arup Kumar Dutta, was released by eminent writer and veteran journalist HomenBorgohain.
  • The book was translated into Assamese by senior research fellow in the Department of English, Gauhati University Parag Kumar Deka.
  • The Assamese edition of Sir Isaac Newton’s Principia, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, was released by retired professor of physics, Gauhati University Dr Barindra Kumar Sarma.
  • The book was translated into Assamese by Professor of physics, Tezpur University Dr Jayanta Kumar Sarma and edited by retired assistant professor of physics, Handique Girls’ College BasantaDeka.

IIT Madras launched “Career Back 2 Women (CB2Women)” to skill women in technical profession
  • Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) launched a “Career Back 2 Women (CB2Women)” initiative through its “Digital Skills Academy” to skill women who aspire to return to a technical profession after a break in their career.
  • Overall, as many as 150 hours of training will be offered to skill the women on their journey back to their careers.
  • Candidates will get a choice to opt for any level as certificates will be issued for each level.
  • The IIT Madras Digital Skills Academy is using latest platforms and has tied-up with the Forensic Intelligence Surveillance and Security Technologies (FISST) to offer this programme.
  • All participants will take “Back To Technical Track (BTCUBE)”, which is a 20 hour programme that will bring them up-to-date on technologies and demystifies latest jargons.
  • At the end of this programme, they will have a choice to select a specialisation.
  • All participants will take “Back To Technical Track (BTCUBE)”, which is a 20 hour programme that will bring them up-to-date on technologies and demystifies latest jargons.
  • At the end of this programme, they will have a choice to select a specialisation.
  • There are 4 tracks offered initially. Track 1 – Data Science and Big Data, Track 2 – Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML), Track 3 – Cyber Security with Digital Forensics, Track 4 – Software Engineering with Programming in Python with MongoDB.
  • The Institute also plans to offer more courses at various levels for students and working professionals in association with NASSCOM and in partnership with training companies incubated at IIT Madras Research Park and industry partners.

IIT Mandi designs algorithms for HVAC systems in buildings
  • The Indian Institute of Technology Mandi (IIT Mandi) said its researchers have developed new algorithms for component failure detection and diagnosis that can enhance the energy efficient operation of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems used in buildings.
  • In centralised HVAC systems in buildings, climate control and ventilation are performed at a centralised location outside the building by an Air Handling Unit (AHU) which results in better maintenance and no indoor noise.
  • The processed air is distributed to every room with the help of controlled ducts and excess air in the room is recirculated through the unit.
  • According to the researchers, the algorithm developed for detection and estimation of the magnitude of the failure of VAV dampers uses analytical models that are applicable over a wide range of unpredictable operating conditions, such as weather dynamics, outside air temperature, zone occupancy profile, and so on.
  • The researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness through exhaustive simulation studies and have shown that the developed algorithm can successfully detect and estimate the magnitude of VAV multiple damper faults.
  • The research team is working towards developing decentralised and distributed fault diagnosis algorithms and fault-tolerant control strategies for large scale buildings in order to ensure more energy-efficient operation of HVAC systems and hopes to extend this work to real time testing and validation on a real building monitoring platform.


MARCH 16, 2020

TRIFED Launches transformational “Tech For Tribals” program
  • A game changing and unique project aimed to transform 5 crore Tribal Entrepreneurs under the name “Tech for Tribal” has been launched by TRIFED.
  • It was launched by TRIFED and IIT-Kanpur along with IIT-Roorkee, IIM Indore, Kalinga Institute of Social Science, Bhubaneshwar and SRIJAN, Jaipur in the first phase of organising tribal entrepreneurship and skill development program.
  • Tech for Tribals, an initiative of TRIFED supported by Ministry of MSME, aims at capacity building and imparting entrepreneurship skills totribal forest produce gatherers enrolled under the Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana(PMVDY).
  • The trainees will undergo a 30 days program over six weeks comprising 120 sessions.
  • Under the Tech for Tribals program, the Partners will develop course contents relevant to Entrepreneurship in Value Addition and Processing of Forest Produces.
  • The Tech for tribals capacity building program will ensure higher success rate of the Tribal Entrepreneurs by enabling and empowering them to run their business with marketable products with quality certifications.

FACTIFLE – The Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED)

  • The Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED) came into existence in 1987.
  • It is a national-level apex organization functioning under the administrative control of Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India.
  • TRIFED has its registered and Head Office located in New Delhi and has a network of 13 Regional Offices located at various places in the country.
  • The ultimate objective of TRIFED is socio-economic development of tribal people in the country by way of marketing development of the tribal products on which the lives of tribals depends heavily as they spend most of their time and derive major portion of their income.
  • The activity of TRIFED is divided into two categories :
  • Minor Forest Produces(MFP) Development
    • MFP Development
    • MSP for MFPs
    • R&D of MFPs
  • Retail Marketing Development
    • Retail Marketing Development
    • Handicraft / Handloom development Training

Centre clears 52 Master Plans of North East river basins
  • The Centre has cleared 52 Master Plans of River Basins of Northeast region, including main stem of Brahmaputra and Barak rivers prepared by the Brahmaputra Board for implementation of its recommendations by respective State governments. The control of floods and erosion is also part of recommendations.
  • Every year Assam, Manipur and other Northeast region suffer losses due to heavy rains and flood. Flood management being a State subject, schemes for flood management and erosion control are formulated and implemented by the State governments.
  • In addition, the Government of India has also released funds to Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Nagaland under the Flood Management Programme in the last four financial years for execution of their flood management schemes.
  • The Government of India through Central Water Commission issues flood forecasts for Northeast States which facilitates them to manage the flood.

PM Modi proposes SAARC fund to combat coronavirus
  • Making a strong pitch for SAARC nations to jointly combat coronavirus, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed setting up a COVID-19 emergency fund with India committing $10 million initially for it, and asserted that the best way to deal with the pandemic was by coming together, and not growing apart.
  • Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Nepalese Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, Bhutanese premier LotayTshering, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Special Assistant to Pakistani Prime Minister on Health Zafar Mirza also participated in the video conference.
  • The message of the video conference was unitedly taking on the pandemic.
  • Modi asserted that it was important for the SAARC member countries to work together. He said it was important to focus on collaboration, not confusion, and preparation, not panic.

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MARCH 17, 2020

India to fund NPR 107 million for construction of three school buildings in Nepal
  • The Government of India will provide 107.01 million Nepali Rupees (NPR) for three new school buildings in Nepal. The schools will be constructed in Darchula, Dhanusha and Kapilvastu districts.
  • The Embassy of India and Nepal’s Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with Mahakali Municipality, Darchula and MukhiyapattiMusharniya Rural Municipality, Dhanusha in Kathmandu for the construction of two new school buildings.
  • These school will be built under the India-Nepal Development Partnership programme at a total estimated cost of NPR 73.96 million.
  • The new infrastructure will be used by Shree Malikarjun Higher Secondary School at Dhap in Darchula district and BaidyanathDevnarayan Public Higher Secondary School at Tulsiyahi in Dhanusha district. 
  • The Government of India will provide funds while construction work, including call for tender, award of work and day to day supervision, will be by Mahakali Municipality, Dharchula and MukhiyapattiMusharniya Rural Municipality, Dhanusha.
  • The projects will be monitored at the federal level by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration of Nepal and Embassy of India.
  • The Government of India has also committed an amount of NPR 33.05 million for the construction of new school building for Shivbhari School, Mahrajgunj Municipality in Kapilvastu district.
  • The Embassy of India handed over a cheque of NPR 8.26 million as the first installment to of its total commitment to District Coordination Committee Kapilvastu.

Lok  Sabha passes Appropriation Bill 2020-21
  • The Lok Sabha passed the Appropriation Bill 2020-21, authorising the government to draw funds from the Consolidated Fund of India for its working as well as implementation of its programmes and schemes.
  • The house passed the bill after the Speaker applied ”guillotine” on demands of grants for various ministries.
  • Once the speaker applies the guillotine, all the outstanding demands for grants, whether discussed or not, are put to vote at once. After this, appropriation bill is taken into consideration.

InDepthKnowledge: Procedure for enactment of Budget

The stages through which the budget goes through in the parliament.

  1. Presentation of budget
  2. General discussion
  3. Scrutiny by departmental committees
  4. Voting on demands of grants
  5. Passing of the appropriation bill
  6. Passing of finance bill


  1. Presentation of Budget

The General Budget are presented in the Lok Sabha. In an election year, the budgets may be presented twice—first to secure a vote on account for a few months and later in full. After the budget speech by the finance minister, the budget is laid before the Rajya Sabha, which can discuss it but has no power to vote on the demands for grants. Immediately after the presentation of the Budget, the following three statements under the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 are also laid on the Table of Lok Sabha:-

 (i) The Medium-Term Fiscal Policy Statement;

(ii) The Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement; and

(iii) The Macro-Economic Framework Statement

  1. General Discussion

After a few days of the budget presentation, general discussion starts which usually, lasts for three to four days. The House can discuss the budget as a whole or any question of principles involved but no motion can be moved at this stage. The scope of discussion is confined to an examination of the general scheme and structure of the budget. The finance minister has the general right of reply at the end of the discussion.

  1. Scrutiny by Departmental Committees

After the general discussion on the budget is over, the House is adjourned for a fixed period. During this period, the demands for grants of the ministries/ departments are examined and discussed by the 24 departmental standing committees. These committees prepare their reports on the demands for grants of each ministry and submit to both the Houses of the parliament. 

  1. Voting on Demands of Grants 

After the reports of the Standing Committees are presented to the House, the House proceeds to the discussion and voting on demands for grants. The demands for grants are presented to the Lok Sabha ministry-wise and are voted upon, after which they become grants. Though the budget is discussed in both the Houses, but only the members of Lok Sabha vote on demands for grants.

No Voting is done on those matters which are related to the expenditure charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India. The members can discuss the budget in details and also move motions to reduce any demand of grant. This motion is called cut motion.

Cut motions are of three types:

(i) Disapproval of Policy Cut Motion: The motion states that the amount of the demand be reduced to Re. 1 which means that the mover disapproves of the policy underlying the demand. The mover can advocate for an alternative policy.

(ii) Economy Cut Motion: The motion states that the amount of the demand be reduced by a particular amount. The motion represents the effect of proposed expenditure on the economy. The amount suggested for reduction may be either a lump-sum reduction in the demand or omission or reduction of an item in the demand.

(iii) Token Cut Motion:  The objective of the motion is to ventilate a specific grievance within the sphere of responsibility of the government. It states that the amount of the demand be reduced by Rs. 100. Discussion on such a cut motion is confined to the particular grievance specified in the motion which is within the sphere of responsibility of the government of India.

If such a motion is passed in the Lok Sabha, it may lead to the resignation of the government for want of majority.

On the last of the allotted days for the discussion and voting on demands for grants, the Speaker puts every question necessary to dispose of all the outstanding matters in connection with the demands for grants. This is known as the guillotine, which concludes the discussion on demands for grants.

  1. Appropriation Bill

After the demands for grants have been passed by the House, an appropriation bill is introduced  for the appropriation out of the Consolidated Fund of India, all money required:

(i). To meet the grants passed by the Lok Sabha

(ii). The expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of India

No amendment can be proposed to an Appropriation Bill which will have the effect of varying the amount or altering the destination of any grant so made or of varying the amount of any expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of India. The decision of the Speaker as to whether such an amendment is admissible is final.

The appropriation bill becomes an act after it receives assent from the president. Until that time, the government cannot take out money from the Consolidated Fund of India. As the process takes some time, usually till the end of April, the constitution provides for a provision called the ‘vote on account’.

The constitution allows the government to take any grant in advance according to the estimated expenditure for that part of the year. Usually, it is granted for two months which is equivalent to one-sixth of the total expenditure.

  1. Passing of the Finance Bill

The finance bill is introduced every year to give effect to the financial proposals of the Government of India for the next following financial year.

The finance bill is introduced immediately after the presentation of the budget. The introduction of the bill cannot be opposed. According to the Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 1931, the finance bill has to be passed by parliament and assented to by the president before the expiry of the seventy-fifth day after the day on which it was introduced.

As the finance bill contains taxation proposals, it is considered and passed by the Lok Sabha only after the demands for grants have been voted and the total expenditure is known. The Finance Act completes the process of the enactment of the budget.

Parliament passes Central Sanskrit Universities Bill
  • The Rajya Sabha passed the Central Sanskrit Universities Bill by voice vote, paving the way for converting three deemed varsities into central Sanskrit universities.
  • The three deemed varsities to be converted into central Sanskrit universities are Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi; Lal Bahadur ShastriRashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi; and Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Tirupati.
  • The Bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on March 2 by Minister of Human Resource Development Ramesh Pokhriyal ”Nishank”.

Moghai Ojah award presented to Paramananda Majumder
  • Noted writer and researcher Dr Paramananda Majumder, who compiled the first book on the life and works of folk musician Moghai Ojah, was presented the 10th Moghai Ojah Award at a function held at Jorhat Science Centre and Planetarium.
  • The award instituted in 2011 by the Jorhat district unit of the AJYCP, was given away to Dr Majumder by AJYCP general secretary Palash Changmai.
  • The award carried a cash prize of Rs 21,000, a citation, a gamosa, a selengchadar and a memento. The award is annually presented on March 15, on the death anniversary of Ojah.
  • First recipient of the award was prominent sattriya dance exponent Padmashri Jatin Goswami.

BIOGRAPHY – Moghai Ojah

  • Moghai Ojah (1916–1978) was a musician from Assam who popularized the Dhol of Assam to the world audience.
  • Moghai Ojah had also acted in a few films, which include Pioli Phukan, Ranga Police, Pratidhwani, Mahut Bandhu Re (Bengali) and Maram Trishna.
  • Ojah was born in Naosolia Gaon, Jorhat, Assam in a family of Chutia ethnicity and died in Jorhat, Assam on 15 March 1978.
  • Srijanasom Trust, a charitable institution set up with an objective of promotion of Indian art and culture has instituted an award titled “Moghai Ojah Srijan Award” in memory of Moghai Ojah in 2015.


MARCH 18, 2020

Rajya Sabha passes National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill 2019
  • Rajya Sabha passed the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill 2019 and the National Commission for Homoeopathy Medicine Bill 2019
  • Union minister for AYUSH Shripad Yesso Naik said, the two bills aim at providing a quality and affordable medical education system ensuring high quality medical professionals in Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy, in all parts of the country.  
  • The Commission will also ensure adoption of latest medical research in the work of such professionals.

Madhya Pradesh to get 3 new districts
  • The Madhya Pradesh Cabinet gave in-principle approval to the formation of three new districts in the state.
  • The state Cabinet approved in principle to constitute three new districts including Chachaura, Maihar and Nagda.
  • Following the formation of the new districts the number would rise to 55.

Three new districts of MP:

  • Chachaura is currently part of Guna district.
  • Maihar, currently part of Satna district.
  • Nagda is currently part of Ujjain district.

Assam CM reviews flood prevention measures of Guwahati Development Department
  • Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal reviewed the measures taken by the Guwahati Development Department (GDD) to prevent artificial floods in the city.
  • The Chief Minister directed the officials of the Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) to complete the de-silting of drains and water-bodies by the first week of May so that free flow of rainwater can be ensured before the onset of monsoon.
  • He also urged the officials to explore ways to revive the Bharalu river and look at ways to develop water-bodies to retain excess water coming from the hills of Meghalaya during the rainy season.
  • The Chief Minister stressed the need to make people the stakeholders in the fight against flash floods so that they do throw garbage and plastics into the drains.

Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas test flies for final operational clearance
  • The indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas was test flown for final operation clearance (FOC) standard for certification.
  • The home-grown fighter aircraft was test flown for about 40 minutes by chief test pilot Air Commodore (retired) K.A. Muthana from the city’s eastern suburb airport.
  • Designed and developed by the Aeronautics Development Agency (ADA) of the state-run Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • The fourth-generation fighter aircraft is manufactured by the defence behemoth (HAL) for deployment in the frontline combat fleet of the Indian Air Force (IAF).
  • The single engine, delta wing, multi-role fighter, equipped with advanced features such as air-to-air refuelling and beyond visual range missile system, will go into serial production after regulatory certification by Cemilac and endorsement by the IAF for FOC and deployment into its depleted fleet.
  • The LCA’s 45 Squadron Flying Daggers is based at the Sulur air base near Coimbatore in southern Tamil Nadu.

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MARCH 19, 2020

Justice B P Dharmadhikari appointed as new Chief Justice of Bombay HC
  • Acting Chief Justice Bhushan Pradyumna Dharmadhikari was appointed as the new Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court.
  • The senior most judge, Justice Dharmadhikari was appointed as acting chief justice following the retirement of Justice Pradeep Nandrajog, the Chief Justice of Bombay High Court.
  • In exercise of the power conferred by Clause (I) Article 217 of the Constitution of India, the President is pleased to appoint Justice Bhushan Pradyumna Dharmadhikari, Judge of Bombay High Court, to be the Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court with effect from the date he assumes charge of his office.

Assam Govt orders closure of all Aadhaar centres
  • In yet another measure to contain the spread of coronavirus, the state government has decided to close all Aadhaar registration centres across the State till March 31, 2020.
  • The step has been taken to ensure that the mandatory biometric collection system does not contribute to spreading infection.
  • It needs to be mentioned here that Aadhaar centres in many parts of the country have already been closed because of the pandemic. In private institutions also, biometric systems have been closed.
  • A notification from the Commissioner Secretary of the State General Administration department has asked all the deputy commissioners of the state to ensure strict implementation of the instruction in this regard.

DAC approved procurement of 83 Tejas fighters for the IAF
  • The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) headed by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh approved procurement of 83 Tejas fighters for the IAF. The proposal will now be placed for consideration of Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS).
  • The DAC has also approved for acquisition of indigenous defence equipment for about Rs 1,300 crore.
  • The proposals were for procurement of Aerial Fuses and Twin-Dome Simulators for Hawk Mk32 aircraft for the IAF.
  • Light Combat Aircraft ”Tejas” is indigenously designed by Aircraft Development Agency (ADA) under the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
  • The DAC also approved an amendment to the Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP) 2016 to enable review by a costing committee of bids submitted by joint ventures of Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs)/Ordnance Factory Board (OFB)/DRDO.

Uttarakhand abolishes quota in promotion for govt employees
  • Uttarakhand government abolished reservation in promotion in the state government jobs. The state government also issued orders regarding departmental promotion committee (DPC).
  • The state government’s order said that as per the Supreme Court’s decision, the government has abolished the promotion ban dated September 11, 2019.
  • Besides, the state government order dated September 5, 2012 banning reservation in promotions has also come into effect.

MARCH 20, 2020

Meghalaya present Rs 1,532 crore deficit budget
  • Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma tabled a Rs 1,532-crore deficit budget for 2020-21, projecting a total expenditure of Rs 17,432 crore, including a developmental budget of Rs 8,616 crore.
  • The total receipts for the fiscal is estimated at Rs 17,375 crore, of which revenue receipts are pegged at Rs 15,353 crore and capital receipts at Rs 2,022 crore, the Chief Minister said.
  • The budget of 2020-21 has a fiscal deficit of Rs 1,532 crore, which is around 3.53 per cent of the GSDP,” Sangma, who also holds the Finance portfolio, said.
  • “Our strategy revolves around prioritising the four core pillars of human development, primary sector, infrastructure and entrepreneurship,” he added.
  • The Chief Minister also said that the State Government is committed to take all necessary measures to effectively deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

PM Modi calls for daylong ‘Janata Curfew’ on March 22
  • In wake of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged the people of the country to opt for a ”Janata Curfew” on March 22 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • This is public curfew. Janata curfew means for the public, curfew imposed on public by themselves.
  • He urged people to follow this ”curfew”, not go out on the streets or even gather in their societies and stay inside their homes.
  • The Prime Minister further urged people above the age of 60 should avoid going out in the coming weeks.
  • The Prime Minister also urged the people to follow the instructions issued by the state governments.
  • The Prime Minister also said that if one thinks that by roaming on the streets is safe, then it is not good.

Lok Sabha passes bill to merge three Ayurveda institutes at Gujarat
  • The Lok Sabha passed a bill for conglomerating three Ayurveda institutes at Gujarat Ayurved University campus Jamnagar and to declare the Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar as an institution of national
  • Ayush Minister ShripadNaik said there had been no discrimination with any state and more projects will be undertaken depending on availability of funds.
  • He said research at various institutes in Ayurveda was being published in peer journals and the institute at Jamnagar with its enhanced status will help boost research.
  • The bill provides for conglomerating the cluster of Ayurveda institutes at Gujarat Ayurved University campus Jamnagar – Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Shri Gulabkunwerba Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Institute of Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Sciences including Pharmacy Unit.
  • It provides for subsuming the MaharshiPatanjali Institute for Yoga and Naturopathy Education and Research into the Department of Swasthvritta of the Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda.

CSIR develops bio hand-sanitizer
  • A laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Himachal Pradesh has developed a hand-sanitizer that contains natural flavours, active tea constituents and alcohol content as per WHO guidelines.
  • The product is free from parabens, triclosan, synthetic fragrance and phthalates, says CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology that is based in Palampur town in Kangra district.
  • It says the technology was transferred to a private unit through an agreement made on March 16 between CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology and A.B. Scientific Solutions, which is also based in Palampur.
  • As per the agreement, CSIR-IHBT will transfer its expertise for making hand sanitizers and other disinfectants to the company.
  • The firm with a strong marketing network will establish this facility at Palampur and will market hand sanitizers and other disinfectants across the country.

Nepal has committed 100 million rupees to SAARC fund to fight Coronavirus
  • Nepal has committed 100 million rupees to SAARC fund set by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to fight Coronavirus
  • Nepal’s Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli said during SAARC leaders video conference on Coronavirus he had committed to contribute amount for the fund announced by Indian Prime Minister to fight the Coronavirus pandemic.
  • In his first speech after the renal transplant Nepali Prime Minister Oli urged the citizens to make necessary changes in their daily activities incorporating precautionary measures to fight against the new pandemic that started from China.
  • Nepali Prime Minister also announced ban on all International flights into the Himalayan Nation from March 22 to 31 along with the strict health check-ups at border sides to rein COVID-19. He said compulsory health check-ups would be introduced at border points for travelers entering Nepal via roads. 

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MARCH 21, 2020

Rs 19,891 crore budget tabled in Tripura Assembly
  • Tripura Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma, who also holds the Finance portfolio, presented a Rs 19,891-crore budget, which is a 13.46 per cent increase over last year’s budget of Rs 17,530 crore.
  • The budget leaves an uncovered deficit of Rs 511 crore, which the Government intends to cover by higher mobilisation of internal resources and an austerity drive. However, there is no new tax proposal in the budget.
  • Other highlights of the budget are a whopping 229.50 per cent hike in allocation for the Department of Information Technology, 52.79 per cent for the Department of Planning, 46.11 per cent for Forest, 37.98 per cent for PWD (DW&S), 37.91 per cent for Tribal Welfare (Research), 36.02 per cent for PWD (R&B) and 10.27 per cent for the Department of Agriculture.
  • There are announcements of constitution of the Innovation and Transformation Aayog of Tripura, and introduction of Tripura Beti Bachao Beti Padao Abhiyan and Chief Minister’s Fasal Bima Yojana.
  • Deputy Chief Minister Dev Varma announced that the Government would provide free sanitary napkins to girl students of classes VI to XII, incurring an annual expenditure of Rs 4.10 crore.
  • Dev Varma said the State Government was on course to make Tripura a model State and this endeavour of the State Government has been appreciated by the Centre.
  • The expenditure on payment of salaries, wages and pension takes away 44.68 per cent of the total budgetary allocation, while 10 per cent more is to be borne on interest payment and repayment of loans.
  • It is only with the remaining 54.67 per cent that the State Government will have to cover its development expenditure which may not prove to be enough.
  • Dev Varma said the reduction in the State’s share of Central taxes by 1 per cent, which is now 41 per cent compared to 42 per cent earlier, and shrinking of the divisible pool was due to higher allocations for internal security and defence.
  • According to the Centre, Tripura has topped the good governance index among the North Eastern States.

Lok  Sabha passes Indian Institutes of Information Technology Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020
  • The Lok Sabha passed a Bill that seeks to declare five Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs) in public-private partnership mode as institutions of national importance along with existing 15 Indian Institutes of Information Technology.
  • Minister of Human Resource Development Ramesh Pokhriyal ”Nishank” said the Bill seeks to declare five IIITs set up under the PPP mode in Surat, Bhopal, Bhagalpur, Agartala, and Raichur as institutions of national importance.
  • Currently, these institutes are registered as Societies under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and do not have the power to grant degrees or diplomas.
  • On being declared institutions of national importance, the five institutes will be granted the power to grant degrees.
  • The Indian Institutes of Information Technology (Public-Private Partnership) Act, 2017 declares certain Indian Institutes of Information Technology established under Public-Private Partnership mode as institutions of national importance. Under the Act, 15 institutes are currently incorporated as institutions of national importance.

FACTFILE – Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs)

  • Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs) are a group of institutes of higher education in India, focused on information technology.
  • Five of them are established, funded and managed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. The rest are set up on the public-private partnership (PPP) model.
  • Prior to 2010, the IIITs at Gwalior, Allahabad, Jabalpur and Kancheepuram were set up by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).
  • In 2015, a fifth institute was set up by the MHRD in Kurnool, as part as the government obligation under the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014.
  • In 2020 Prime Minister lead Union Cabinet has been approved to setup new IIIT in Agartala, Tripura alongside 4 new IIIT under PPP mode
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kota
Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirappalli
Indian Institute of Information Technology Una
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sonepat
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Dharwad
Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing, Kurnool
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kottayam
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Manipur
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Pune
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Ranchi
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Surat
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhopal
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhagalpur
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Agartala

Assam Govt initiates phone-based learning for students
  • The State government initiated phone-based learning for students during school closure to mitigate learning gaps among children.
  • In order to meet the learning gaps of children and reduce the probability of dropout of children from schools, some initiatives have been proposed by the education department.
  • As per these initiatives, the heads of the institutions or teachers of the schools will open a WhatsApp group with parents/guardians. Groups may be opened class-wise, if number of students and teachers are more in the school.
  • Teachers have been instructed to provide necessary learning support through phone-based learning materials, including homework.
  • Students will do the homework and teachers will check the answers on WhatsApp itself, and by visiting children who need special attention.
  • Teachers can also share short videos on academic areas and can upload them on the WhatsApp for the students.
  • Teachers have also been instructed to pay home visits to students in general and those with learning issues in particular.
  • The academic support may be provided by teachers through phone/WhatsApp during morning hours from 7 am to 9 am or evening hours from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Defence Ministry signs capital acquisition contract with Israeli firm
  • The Defence Ministry has signed a capital acquisition contract with Israel Weapons Industries (IWI) for procurement of 16,479 light machine guns (LMGs) at a cost of Rs 880 crore.
  • The contract was signed with the approval of Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.
  • IWI, which is based out of Ramat HaSharon city in Israel, would be providing Negev 7.62*51 mm LMGs to the Indian armed forces under the contract.
  • The contracted Negev 7.62X51 mm LMG is a combat proven weapon and currently used by several countries around the globe.
  • The Indian Armed Forces’ long-standing requirement of a modern state-of-the-art LMG has finally fructified.
  • The acquisition wing of Ministry of Defence has signed the capital acquisition contract with IWI for procurement of 16,479 LMGs at a cost of Rs 880 crore with the approval of Defence Ministry.

Ministry of HRD and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare have jointly developed comprehensive School Health Programme
  • Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resources Development and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare have jointly developed comprehensive School Health Programme (SHP) under Ayushman Bharat to foster the growth, development and educational achievement of school going children by promoting their health and wellbeing.
  • A total of eleven themes have been identified under the SHP which include Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention.  These modules create awareness on the subject among adolescents.
  • In pursuance of the National Curriculum Framework, 2005, the Department of School & Literacy is implementing the Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) as part of the National Population Education Project (NPEP). 
  • One of the learning outcomes of AEP is to make the learners aware of the concerns of adolescence, i.e. process of growing up during adolescence, HIV/AIDS and Substance (Drug) Abuse and to inculcate in them positive attitude regarding these concerns.

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