Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz – Set 17: April 19-21, 2018

Current Affairs Assam & GK Quiz – Set 17: April 19 - 21, 2018

( Daily and Monthly GK MCQ, Assam Quiz for APSC Exams and various Assam exams)

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Q1. India Mobile Congress 2018 will be organised in which city?

  1. New Delhi
  2. Bengaluru
  3. Chennai
  4. Pune

Q2. Headquarters of the International Solar Alliance is located in?

  1. Gurugram
  2. Paris
  3. Nairobi
  4. Cape Town

Q3. World Heritage Day is celebrated on

  1. 21 April
  2. 18 April
  3. 23 April
  4. 19 April

Q4. ‘FIEO GlobalLinker’ a Digital Platform is recently being launched with the aim to

  1. Linking Indian exporters with foreign importers
  2. Assist Indian Financial Institutes in gaining more finance from international financial organisations
  3. Help export import business in India
  4. Assist MSME Exporter to digitise their businesses

Q5. As per IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) report, what is India’s growth rate for the year 2019?

  1. 7.8%
  2. 7.2%
  3. 8.2%
  4. 6.5%

Q6. According to World Bank, approximately how many Indians do not have bank accounts till now

  1. 19 crore
  2. 9 crore
  3. 24 crore
  4. 32 crore

Q7. Atal Amrit Abhiyan health insurance scheme has been launched in

  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Assam
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Tripura

Q8. Who will be the new head of the Commonwealth of Nations?

  1. Queen Elizabeth II
  2. Prince William
  3. Prince Harry
  4. Prince Charles

Q9. India’s rank in the Commonwealth Innovation Index 2018?

  1. 10th
  2. 6th
  3. 2nd
  4. 15th

Q10. As per the IMF’s World Economic Outlook (WEO) for April 2018, what is India’s position in the world’s largest economy?

  1. Seventh
  2. Sixth
  3. Ninth
  4. Fifth

Q1. A, Q2. A, Q3. B, Q4. D, Q5. A, Q6. A, Q7. B, Q8. D, Q9. A and Q10. B




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