Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz – Set 20: April 28-30, 2018

Current Affairs Assam & GK Quiz – Set 20: April 28-30, 2018

( Daily and Monthly GK MCQ, Assam Quiz for APSC Exams and various Assam exams)

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Q1. According to the Airports Council International’s traffic forecasts between 2017-40, what is India’s position among the fastest growing country in the world for passenger traffic

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Fifth


Q2. The Shirui Lily festival is held in which of the Indian state

  1. Assam
  2. Mizoram
  3. Manipur
  4. Uttarakhand


Q3. Who won the 2018 Barcelona Open tennis tournament as his/her 11th Barcelona Open tennis title?

  1. Roger Federer
  2. Novak Djokovic
  3. Rafael Nadal
  4. Serena Williams         


Q4. Which technology company has launched the Internet Saathi Programme to make rural women digitally literate?

  1. Facebook
  2. Microsoft
  3. Xiomi
  4. Google

Q5. Who is the longest serving Chief Minister of any state of India?

  1. Jyoti Basu
  2. Pawan Chamling
  3. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee
  4. Narendra Modi

Q6. The Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) was recently held in

  1. New Delhi
  2. Jaipur
  3. Bikaner
  4. Agra


Q7. Who is the new US Secretary of State?

  1. Mike Pompeo
  2. Rex Tillerson
  3. John Kerry
  4. Hillary Clinton

Q8. The 2018 International Buddhist Conference was held in?

  1. Dharmshala
  2. Nalanda
  3. Janakpuri
  4. Lumbini


Q9. Who has been selected for the 2017 Saraswati Samman?

  1. Sitanshu Yashaschandra
  2. Vijay Tendulkar
  3. Mahabaleshwar Sail
  4. Padma Sachdev

Q10. Who has become the first Indian women lawyer to be directly appointed as a Supreme Court judge?

  1. Fathima Beevi
  2. Banumathi
  3. Indu Malhotra
  4. Ranjana Prakash Desai

Current Affairs Assam Quiz - Assam exam


Q1. B, Q2. C, Q3. C, Q4. D, Q5. B, Q6. A, Q7. A, Q8. D, Q9. A and Q10. C

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