Current Affairs Assam Quiz – Set 13: April 07-09, 2018

Current Affairs Assam & GK Quiz – Set 13: April 7 - 9, 2018

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Current Affairs Assam & GK Quiz – Set 13: April 7 - 9, 2018

Q1. Assam Spring Festival recently organised at which park?

  1. Manas National Park
  2. Orang
  3. Kaziranga National Park
  4. Gorumara


Q2.  Transgender school will be open in   ?

  1. India
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Pakistan
  4. Australia


Q3.  Recently “Chakravath” is in news .What is it ?

  1. Air
  2. Tornando
  3. Tidal waves
  4. Exercise by Navy


Q4. Recently which country has signed an agreement of $90 billion with Cambodia?

  1. Australia
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Japan
  4. Mynamar


Q5. The Second Mega Food  Park  inaugurated in?

  1. Rajasthan
  2. Orissa
  3. Uttrakhand
  4. Guwahati


Q6. Global IT company has launched  incubator at which state?


  1. Nepal
  2. China
  3. India


Q7. Who is the Prime Minister of Nepal ?

  1. Mithali Raj
  2. K P Sharma Oli
  3. Man Mohan Singh
  4. Sushanta Kumar


Q8. Who is the crown prince of Saudi Arabia ?

  1. Mohammad Taher
  2. Mohammad Bin Salman
  3. Md . Ishana
  4. Al Basher Ahmed


Q9. ISRO has recently launched navigation satellite .What is its name ?

  1. IRNSS-11
  2. IRNSS-3
  3. ISRO-23
  4. ALPINE-99


Q10. The first cinema screen will be open in which country after 35 yrs?

  1. India
  2. Australia
  3. Saudi Arabia



Q1. a , Q2. c , Q3. d , Q4. c , Q5. c, Q6. a, Q7. b, Q8. b, Q9. a and Q10. c




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