Current Affairs Assam Quiz – Set 14: April 10-12, 2018

Current Affairs Assam & GK Quiz – Set 14: April 10- 12, 2018

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Current Affairs Assam & GK Quiz – Set 14: April 10-12, 2018

Q1.China has banned exports of electronics and other goods to which country ?

  1. South Korea
  2. India
  3. Pakistan
  4. North Korea


Q2.Which of the following is the 2nd state to get happiness department ?

  1. Tamilnadu
  2. Punjab
  3. Andhra Pradesh
  4. Assam


Q3.Which country will provide support to Bangladesh  for Rohingya refugees ?

  1. Pakistan
  2. Syria
  3. India
  4. North Korea


Q4. World’s largest solar park will be set up in

  1. Gujarat
  2. Assam
  3. Bihar
  4. Madhya Pradesh


Q5.Which navigational satellite has recently launched by India

  1. PSLV C41
  2. PSLV C42
  3. IRNSS-1A
  4. IRNSS-2a


Q6. India has recently rejected the proposal of “Saarc police” of which one of the following

  1. Pakistan
  2. Nepal
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Myanamar


Q7. Which one of the following platform has created  a tool to detect fake video and images ?

  1. Yahoo
  2. Mozilla
  3. Google
  4. Bing


Q8. Google has recently celebrated _____ anniversary of KL Saigal ?

  1. 101
  2. 100
  3. 114
  4. 20


Q9. High Speed locomotive has been launched in which state ?

  1. Assam
  2. Bihar
  3. Orissa
  4. Rajasthan


Q10.Who is the India’s National Security Adviser ?

  1. Ajit Doval
  2. Pankaj Advani
  3. Phulekesh Das
  4. Nripendra Misra



  Q1. d, Q2. c, Q3. c, Q4. a, Q5. a, Q6. b, Q7. c, Q8. c, Q9. b and Q10. a




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