Assam Current Affairs & GK Quiz – Set 3: March 08-10, 2018

Current Affairs Assam & GK Quiz – Set 3: March 8 - 10, 2018

( Daily and Monthly GK MCQ, Assam Quiz for APSC Exams and various Assam exams)

Current Affairs Assam & GK Quiz – Home Page


Q1. What is a “Saposhi”?

  1. A new Assamese word
  2. A Malware
  3. Unani medication Technique
  4. New AI machine developed by Japan


Q2. Who is the new CM of Nagaland?

  1. Neiphiu Rio
  2. P B Acharya
  3. K. R David
  4. Congrad Sangma


Q3. Which state has got its own first ever Mega food park in Satara?

  1. Maharashtra
  2. West Bengal
  3. Gujarat
  4. Goa


Q4. Which of the following state has recently unveiled their state flag “Nada Dhwaja”?

  1. Kerala
  2. Jammu & Kashmir
  3. Karnataka
  4. Tamil Nadu


Q5. India-Israel has recently launched a magazine named

  1. The Week
  2. The II Link
  3. Indo-Israel Good Times
  4. Namaste Shalom

Q6. International Women’s Day is celebrated on

  1. 10th March
  2. 8th September
  3. 8th March
  4. 8th April


Q7. According to the Forbes’s list 2018 , who is the richest Indian in World’s Billionaire’s List?

  1. Bill Gates
  2. Aditya Birla
  3. Ratan Tata
  4. Mukesh Ambani


Q8. ‘Wings India 2018 ‘ event was recently launched by K T Rama Rao in

  1. Chennai
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Bengaluru
  4. Kochi


Q9. Government of India has launched “Know India Programme ” in Madhya Pradesh, this it the _____ of the “Know India Programme”

  1. 44th Edition
  2. 46th Edition
  3. 45th Edition
  4. 47th Edition


Q10. Balkrishna Doshi has recently become the first Indian to win Pritzker Prize, the prize is awarded for excellence in which field?

  1. Literature
  2. Law
  3. Architecture
  4. Music



Q1. b,  Q2. a, Q3. a, Q4. c, Q5. d, Q6. c, Q7. d, Q8. b, Q9. b and Q10. c



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