Majors Problems faced by Assam Tea Gardens (APSC Assam Economy Notes)

Majors Problems faced by Assam Tea Gardens (APSC Assam Economy Notes)

Majors Problems faced by Assam Tea Gardens (APSC Assam Economy Notes)

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Majors Problems faced by Assam Tea Gardens

Assam’s economy is based on agriculture. Assam’s biggest contribution to the world is Assam Tea, and it plays a vital role. While other states like Punjab, UP, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra etc. are gradually moving away from their conventional agricultural based economy towards a secondary or service-oriented economy, Assam is still laboriously reliant on the agricultural sector. The economy of Assam is contingent on the primary sector or agriculture, but it faces many difficulties for the upliftment of the economy.

Assam produces both food and cash crops, but Tea is the principal cash crop and well known globally for its idiosyncratic palate.  Assam tea industry is gradually sinking due to various problems being faced by it. In fact, low wages, poor infrastructure, poor housing, health issues and lack of avenues for social mobility have been common problems since the inception of tea plantations in the area. There are many tea gardens which have closed down in recent years due to various problems affecting the industry.

Majors Problems

Decline in tea price: Due to various causes, the auction price of the tea has seen a steady decline over the years. According to World Bank, the tea prices declined by almost 44% in real terms. In India, all the profits from the tea gardens were siphoned off and there was no real or proper reinvestment in improving quality of tea.

Less production of tea: There are multiple problems being faced by the tea industry such as finance crisis, power problems, labour problems, poor labour schemes, inadequate communication system, increased revenue tax for tea gardens, increased pollution fee, less transport subsidy etc. All these have altogether put the tea industry in North East India in a hopeless situation, resulting in low production of tea leaves and tea.

Labour demand: Due to low wages and hardship of work, it is tough to find labours, beside the the natives and tea tribes who are solely dependent on the tea industry for their daily income and livelihood. The local labourers have also reduced due to less number of tea labourers for NREGA.

Sick industry: A considerable number of tea gardens have gone sick due to lack of infrastructure, modernization and efficient management.

No proper storage: The problem of storing premium quality tea has always been there. Due to delay in transportation and lack of storage facilities, the processed tea gains moisture from the atmosphere and deteriorates in quality.

Climatic factors: Unfavourable climatic conditions for tea plantations owing to scanty or very heavy rainfall have badly affected the tea industry.

Pest problem: Pest problem is another major issue. Along with the mosquito bug, a disease called the bacterial black spot has also affected many plantations in North East Tea Estates.

Gov’s apathy: There is no any proper strategy on Assam tea industry by the state & as well as central govt. This makes long term growth impossible.

Others factors like lack of proper communication infrastructure for export, limited use of scientific tool, insufficient capital to invest, decline the interest on the agricultural field etc. are also acting as obstacle to the growth of tea industry in Assam.

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