Burmese Invasion of Assam – (Assam of History) Late Ahom Period

Burmese Invasion of Assam – (Assam of History) Late Ahom Period
Burmese Invasion of Assam (Late Ahom Period) : Assam History Study Materials & Notes

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Burmese Invasion of Assam – Late Ahom Period History

The Burmese invasion in Assam is a significant event in Assam’s history. There were three Burmese invasions of Assam between 1817 and 1826, during which time the Kingdom of Assam came under the control of Burma from 1821 to 1825.

Main Causes of Burmese Invasion of Assam

During the 18th century, the Burmese kings started their territorial expansion on a large-scale. The Burmese king Alaungpaya invaded Manipur and Cachar,which were close to the border of Burma.

The Burmese king Bodawpaya also followed the policy of territorial expansion and steadily expanded his realm westward. The Burmese wanted to use Assam as their central military base against the Britishers. In 1784, Bodawpaya attacked and annexed the kingdom of Arakan thus extending the Burmese empire in the entire Bay of Bengal region from Margui Island to Chattagram port.


Frequent internal revolts and conspiracies weakened the power of the Ahom kingdom and its rulers. The Burmese King Bodawpaya offered to help Badan Chandra Borphukan in a battle at Ghiladhari 1817 to defeat Purnanada Burhagohain’s forces and defeated them. Purnananda died of grief on losing the battle. The Burmese army again defeated the Ahoms at Kathalbari and occupied Jorhat. This has strengthened Burmese hold on Assam.

The Burmese became a major political power of the North-east region. The Burmese came into direct contact with Assam. The boundary line of Burma came in a closer proximity to that of the British power, leading to several clashes in the later years.

Major consequences of Burmese Invasion of Assam
  • Downfall of Ahom empire: The path of the downfall of six hundred years old Ahom rule was set with the Burmese invasion. 
  • Ahom king became a protected king of Burma: Since the Burmese came to help the Ahom king Chandrakanta Singha,remained under the tutelage of the King of Burma. 
  • Political upheavals: The invasion of Assam by the Burmese brought about political and administrative instability in Assam. The weakening of the monarchy led King Chandrakanta Singha to flee to British territory in Bengal. A later king Purandhar Singha also had to follow suit. Thus internal conflicts weakened the military,and the high nobles and officials failed to protect the country. 
  • Affected economy and social balance: The Burmese occupied Assam had adverse effects on the economy as production declined and traders were compelled to wind up their business. Many Assamese customs, ways and beliefs affected their contact with the foreigners. The Burmese invasion created a group of nobles called Duwaniyas, who started exploiting the masses. This created a lot of social upheavals forcing people to run away from their villages into the hills and valleys. All these affected Assamese society considerably.
  • Led to the first Anglo-Burmese war: The occupation of Assam by the Burmese forces posed a threat to the British power. The Burmese had already conquered Arakan,Manipur,Cachar and the conquest of Assam made them a major political power that challenged British supremacy. British efforts to stop the Burmese from advancing further led to the first Anglo-Burmese War of 1824-1826. 
  • Treaty of Yandaboo: The Anglo-Burmese wars ended with the signing of the famous treaty of Yandaboo,whereby the Burmese were asked to vacate Assam. The treaty allowed the British to occupy Assam.
  • End of Ahom independence: The occupation of Assam by the Burmese in 1819 marked the end of Ahom independence. Initially, it was occupied by the Burmese and later by the British.

The Burmese invasion of 1819 is a turning point in the history of Assam.

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