Ekasarana Dharma (Assam Art & Culture) – APSC Exam Notes

Ekasarana Dharma (Assam Art & Culture) – APSC Exam Notes

Ekasarana Dharma (Assam Art & Culture) Notes for APSC, UPSC and State Exams

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Assam Art, Culture & Crafts - Assam Exam


Ekasarana Dharma is a neo-Vaishanavite religion propagated by Srimanta Sankardeva in the 15th-16th century in the Indian state of Assam. It is focused on devotion (bhakti) to Sril Krishna in the form of congregational listening and singing his name and deeds.

The simple and accessible religion attracted already Hinduized as well as non-Hindu populations into its egalitarian fold. The neophytes continue to be inducted into the faith via an initiation ceremony called xoron-lowa, usually conducted by Mahantas who were heads of monastic institutions called Sattras who generally draw apostolic lineage from Sankardev.

Institutions propagating Eka Sarana like sattra (monasteries) and village Namghar (prayer houses), had profound influence in the evolution of the social makeup of Assam. The artistic creations emanating from this movement led to engendering of new forms of literature, music (Borgeets), theatre (Ankia Naat) and dance (Sattriya dance).

The central religious text of this religion is Bhagavat of Sankardeva, which was rendered from the Sanskrit Bhagavata Purana by Srimanta Sankardeva and other luminaries of the Eka Sarana school. This book is supplemented by the books of songs for congregational singing: Kirtan Ghoxa by Sankardeva and Naam Ghoxa and Ratnavali by Madhabdev, written in the Assamese language.

The religion is also called Mahapuruxiya because it is based on the worship of the Mahapurux, an epithet of the supreme spiritual personality in the Bhagavata and its adherents are often called Mahapuruxia, Sankari etc. Sankardeva and Madhabdev are the principal preceptors of the religion.

Though Ekasarana acknowledges the impersonal (nirguna) god, it identifies the personal (saguna) one as worshipful which it identifies in the Bhagavad-Puranic Narayana.

The cari vastu or the Four Principles defined this religious system are

  1. Naam — the chanting and singing the name and the qualities of God. In general, only four names are most important: rama-krishna-narayana-hari
  2. Deva — worship of a single God, that is Krishna.
  3. Guru — reverence of a Guru, or Spiritual Preceptor.
  4. Bhakat — the association or the congregation of devotees

Sankardev defined the first, second and fourth of these, whereas Madhavdev introduced the third while accepting Sankardev as the guru for himself and for all others who accepted his faith. The four principles are revealed and their meaning explained at the time of xonron-lowa.

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