Peasant Revolt of Rangia 1893-94 (Assam History) – APSC Exam Notes

Peasant Revolt of Rangia 1893-94 (Assam History) – APSC Exam Notes

Peasant Revolt of Rangia 1893-94 (Assam & North-East India History) – APSC, UPSC and State Exams Notes

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Peasant Revolt of Rangia 1893-94 – Modern History of Assam

  • The people of Rangia, in the district of Kamrup following the footsteps of the Phulguri peasants very soon lodged their protests, organizing Raij Mels. The cause of their protest was a hundred percent increase in the land revenue.
  • In 1892, Sir William Ward, the Chief Commissioner of Assam, augmented the rates of revenue on land in the new settlement to 70 to 80% and sometime even 100%. Despite the decreasing production rate of crops, there was no respite from the proposed rate of assessment on land. Even going ahead, Colonial apparatus forcibly realized taxes from the impoverished peasantry.
  • Seeing such deplorable and awkward position of the people, the Keyas intensified their exploitation scale. The People also fell in their trap. The people, when finally understood the motives of the Keyas, started to ventilate their grievances not only against the government but also against them which found expression with the looting of the Rangia bazaar by a crowd of 200 to 250 people, mostly of Kacharis, on 24 December, 1893.
  • In the evening of 24 December, when the Peasants returning from Belagaon mel near Rangia, they gutted down the huts at the Rangia bazaar and threatened a Keya shopkeeper that his shop would be looted on 30 December as their presence had increased the revenue burden on land.
  • On 30 December, 1893, there was a massive gathering at Rangia where about 2500 to 3000 people participated. This massive gathering held demonstration all the night and threatened destruction of the Thana, post-office and the tahsildar ‘s bungalow.

  • Threatening of destruction of thana, post-office and the tahsildar ‘s bungalow was taken seriously by the government and armed-police was summoned to stop it but failed completely.
  • On 6th January, 1893, R.B. McCabe, the Deputy Commissioner of Kamrup arrived at Rangia with a Police Party under Padmaram Kachari, the daroga and arrested some persons alleged to have been implicated in the incident of 24 December, 1893. The arrests, however, did not prevent the people from further attacks. On 10 to 17 Jan, 1894, a large crowd of about three thousand gathered at near Rangia Thana. Castes and tribes coming from far-flung villages like Koch, Kalita, Saloi, Kaivarta, Namasudra, Nath, Napit, Sonari, Baishya, Bania, Bodo-Kacharis and Muslims assembled at Kadamtal Pandarthan and took decision and began to march towards Rangia. The tribal farmers along-with their counterparts in other communities took part in it. They, with cries of ‘we won’t pay at the increased rate’ started coming closer to Rangia Thana.
  • They were asked by the Deputy Commissioner to disperse but they refused his order and even dared to release forcibly of their comrades – Praneswar Goswami (Kon), Abhay Choudhury, Kirti Lahkar, Joltiram Kalita, Muktaram Bayan Kalita, Rahmat Khalipha, Parashuram Baro who were detained and locked-up at the time of submitting memorandum to Deputy Commissioner for decrease of the rate of revenue
  • Disobedience of order compelled Me Cabe to open fire on the gatherings which forced them to retreat. In response to the violent outbursts, the Colonial government effected a reign of terror.
  • Finally, notices were issued for the maintenance of peace and hannony and the leaders of the affected areas were appointed as special constables. All licensed guns in Rangia, Barama, Nalbari and Bajali tahsils were seized.
  • McCabe imposed a ban on holding any Mel All the important leaders of the revolt were soon arrested by the police and the revolt lost its edge.

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