Governors, Chief Commissioners and Administrators of Assam before 1947

Governors, Chief Commissioners and Administrators of Assam before 1947
Governors, Chief Commissioners and Administrators of Assam before 1947

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Since the beginning of British occupation of Assam with the First Burmese War (1824-26), the post of Governor of Assam was evolved through various post for the chief administer of Assam.

British Military Commanders in occupied Assam (1824–26)
  1. George McMorine, 1824
  2. Arthur Richards, 1824–26
British Political Agents in Assam (1826–28)
  1. David Scott, 1826–28
Commissioners of Assam (1828–74)
  1. David Scott, 1828–1831
  2. Thomas Campbell Robertson, 1831–34
  3. Francis Jenkins, 1834–61
  4. Henry Hopkinson, 1861–74
Chief Commissioners of Assam (1874–1905)

In 1874, Assam was made a Chief Commissioner’s Province by separating it from the Bengal Presidency.

  1. Richard Harte Keatinge, 1874–78
  2. Steuart Colvin Bayley, 1878–81
  3. Sir Charles Alfred Elliott, 1881–85
  4. William Erskine Ward, 1885–87, first time
  5. Sir Dennis Fitzpatrick, 1887–89
  6. James Westland, 1889
  7. James Wallace Quinton, 1889–91
  8. William Erskine Ward, 1891–96, second time
  9. Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton, 1896–1902
  10. Sir Joseph Bampfylde Fuller, 1902–05
Lieutenant Governors of East Bengal and Assam (1905–12)

After the Partition of Bengal in 1905, Assam was joined with East Bengal and Assam to be headed by a Lieutenant Governor.

  1. Sir Joseph Bampfylde Fuller, 1905–06
  2. Lancelot Hare, 1906–11
  3. Charles Stuart Bayley, 1911–12
Chief Commissioners of Assam (1912–21)

After the Partition of Bengal is nullified in 1912, Assam Province was again made a separate entity, to be governed by a Chief Commissioner.

  1. Sir Archdale Earle, 1912–18
  2. Sir Nicholas Dodd Beatson-Bell, 1918–3 January 1921
Governors of Assam (1921–47)
  1. Sir Nicholas Dodd Beatson-Bell, 3 January 1921 – 2 April 1921
  2. Sir William Sinclair Marris, 3 April 1921 – 10 October 1922
  3. Sir John Henry Kerr, 10 October 1922 – 28 June 1927
  4. Sir Egbert Laurie Lucas Hammond, 28 June 1927 – 11 May 1932
  5. Sir Michael Keane, 11 May 1932 – 4 March 1937
  6. Robert Neil Reid, 4 March 1937 – 4 May 1942
  7. Henry Joseph Twynam (Acting)
  8. Sir Andrew Gourlay Clow, 4 May 1942 – 4 May 1947
  9. Rederik Chalmers Bourne (Acting)
  10. Henry Foley Knight (Acting)
  11. Sir Muhammad Saleh Akbar Hydari, 4 May 1947 – 15 August 1947


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