Polity of Assam Quiz MCQ Set 1 – Assam Politics Quiz

Polity of Assam Quiz MCQ Set 1 – Assam Politics Quiz

Polity of Assam Quiz MCQ Set 1

for APSC / Assam exam Polity Preparation

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Q1. Who among the following popular personalities was never a Chief Minister of Independent Assam?

  1. Gopinath Bordoloi
  2. Sir Muhammad Sadulla
  3. Bishnuram Medhi
  4. Bimala Prasad Chaliha

b. Sir Muhammad Sadulla

Q2. First Assam Legislative Council was created in which year

  1. 1912
  2. 1913
  3. 1909
  4. 1911

b. 1913 

Q3. When Assam was reconstituted into a Chief Commissioners’ province?

  1. 1909
  2. 1912
  3. 1919
  4. 1935


Q4. Which Schedule of Indian Constitution deals with administrative provisions of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram?

  1. First
  2. Sixth
  3. Second
  4. Twelfth

b. Sixth

Q5. Which article of the Constitution of Indian has special provision with respect to the State of Assam?

  1. Article 371
  2. Article 371B
  3. Article 273
  4. Article 300

b. Article 371B

Q6. Which Indian state has recently removed AFSPA after 18 years of enforcement in the state?

  1. Assam
  2. Tripura
  3. Nagaland
  4. Sikkim

b. Tripura

Q7. Assam’s first Panchayati Raj legislation namely Assam Rural Panchayat Act, was passed in which year?

  1. 1945
  2. 1948
  3. 1959
  4. 1993

b. 1948

Q8. What is the maximum strength of Assam Legislative Assembly?

  1. 106
  2. 126
  3. 250
  4. 545

b. 126

Q9. When was the Bodoland Autonomous Council created?

  1. 1985
  2. 1991
  3. 1993
  4. 2001

c. 1993

Q10. Which of the following district has been created in 2022 as the 35th District of Assam?

  1. Tamulpur
  2. Gossaigaon
  3. Bhergaon
  4. Bajali

a. Tamulpur

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