Write answers to these Questions, Review others’ Answer, Ask Doubts and Discuss
Q1. Give a brief account of establishment of British Rule in North East India. (250 Words)
Q2. Discuss the role of women in India’s freedom struggle. (250 Words)
Q3. Lord Dalhousie was oftern described as the founder of modern India. Explain in details. (250 Words)
Q4. Discuss how the Revolt of 1857 became a very important factor in the evolution of British policies towards colonial India. (150 Words)
NOTE: Learners please write the answers and review others’ answer , which will ultimately improve the answer writer, reviewer and most importantly the answer itself.
Write answers to these Questions, Review others’ Answer, Ask Doubts and Discuss
Q1. Examine the scope of Fundamental Rights in the light of recent Right to Privacy issue. (250 Words)
Q2. Elaborate “Lord Ripon‘s Resolution of 1882 has been described as the Magna Carta of Local Self- Government in India.”. (250 Words)
Q3. Critically evaluate the achievements of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (MGNREGA). Also discuss it’s impact in rural India. (250 Words)
Q4. Short a note on Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act 1958. (150 Words)
NOTE: Learners please write the answers and review others’ answer , which will ultimately improve the answer writer, reviewer and most importantly the answer itself.
APSC Mains Exam – Political Science 2015 Question Paper I & Paper II
It’s very important that we know the definite trend of question being recently asked in the Mains Exam. Thus, the Polity Paper I & Paper II of 2015 is given here, to give you a better idea of the areas/topics more question appears in the exam.
Q. Define political science and discuss its scope.Is political science simply a study of state and government.
Q. What is the difference between behaviourism and post-behviouralism? Discuss the characteristics of behaviouralism in relation to traditionalism.
Q. What is individualism ? Explain the arguments of JS Mill and herbert spencer in defence of individualism.Point out the weakness of individualism.
Q. What is laissez Faire state.In what respect does it differ from a welfare state?Discuss.
Q. Enumerate the essential features of Democracy.Bring out the distinction between democracy and Dictatorship.
Q. Explain Austin’s theory of Sovereignty.Examine the Pluralists attack on it.
Q. Plato s republic is not a work on politics but the finest treatise on education that has never been written. Explain and
Q. What, according to Aristotle, are the causes of revolution? Discuss the remedies he suggested.
Q. What is meant by liberty?Examine the relation between liberty and equality.
Q. Why is independent judiciary considered important in a democratic system?how can judicial independence be ensured? Discuss.
Q. Analyse Gandhi’s theory of trusteeship.Is the theory practicable.
Q. Elaborate Marxian view of state as an instrument of class domination
Q. Elaborate the function of a Socialist state
Q. Examine the challenges to sovereignty of the state in the contemporary world
Q. Discuss the nature and kinds of Authority.
Q. Write note on plato’s concept of Ideal State.
Q. Bring out plato’s view on emancipation of women.
Q. “State is prior to individual “.Discuss
Q. Write a note on Marx’s theory of class struggle.
Q. Examine Gandhi’s concept of swaraj.
Q. Discuss the constitutional developments during the freedom movement highlighting the importance of Nehru Report and Lahore congress Resolution.
Q. What are the provision for constitutional protection of right to freedom of religion and how far they succeeded in promoting
secularism in India? Discuss.
Q. Is it correct to say that the Indian constitution is ‘a ragbag of borrowings’?Give reasons for your answer.
Q. Examine the significance of the directive principle of state policy as laid down in the constitution of India. To what extent have these directive been implemented
Q. What are the different ways of acquiring Indian citizenship?How can Indian citizenship be lost ? Discuss
Q. Critically evaluate the emergency powers of the president of india and justify the emergency provision of the constitution of India.
Q. Discuss the superior position of the union in respect of legislative relation between the centre and the states in India.
Q. What are the major tension areas in Union State relation in India?
Q. Examine the changing structure of Panchayati Raj institution in India with special reference to the 73rd constitution Amendment Act.”
Q. How is the american President Elected?Discuss the powers and function of the president of USA.
Q. Analyse the composition and functions of the house of Lords.Do you agree that the House of Lords needs to be mended not ended.
Q. What is the composition of the security council of the UNO? What are its functions?Do you support the argument that there should be more permanent members in the security council of UNO ?Give reasons
Q. Explain the basic principles of the preamble to the constitution of India.
Q. How is the union council of minsters constituted?describe its composition.
Q. The problem of India bureaucracy is not that it is a bureaucracy, but that it carries too much baggage of the past.”Examine Discuss the role of the speaker of the Lok Sabha.
Q. Write a note on ‘role of law’ of british political system.
Q. Write a note on the powers and functions of US senate.
Q. Discuss the composition and Functions of Zilla Parishad under the Assam Panchayat Act,1994.
APSC Mains Exam – Political Science 2014 Question Paper I & Paper II
It’s very important that we know the definite trend of question being recently asked in the Mains Exam. Thus, the Polity Paper I & Paper II of 2014 is given here, to give you a better idea of the areas/topics more question appears in the exam.
Q. Comment on any three of the following :
1.”The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form.The individual has a soul but the state is a souless machine,it can never be weaned from violence to which its very existence.”
2.”Popular sovereignty has no necessary connection with democracy. “
3.”The philosophical approach aims at evolving standards of right and wong for thr purpose of a critical evaluation of the
existing institution,laws and policies .”
4.Plato’s entire system of education in the republic is a prerequisite to the organisation of an idle state.
5.”The secret of Rousseau s doctrine is found in the sub stitution for a sovereign.His Sovereign is the ‘general will’ and he us perfectly ready to apply to all the sweeping attributes which Hobbes delivers to his ‘one man or assembly of men ‘.It is one and indivisible,inerrant,indestructible,omnipotent.”
Q. Critically evaluate behaviouralism in terms of tools and techniques of political inquiry,theory-building and contribution to an inter-disciplinary approach.
Q. What is çredo of relevance ‘?Discuss it in the context of the post behavioural approach.
Q. Critically discuss the welfare state prespective regarding the functions of the state.
Q. Is sovereignty absolute or divisible ?Which are the political and govermental arrangements that give rise to arguments of divisibility of sovereignty?
Q. Highlight the difference between the following :
1.seperation of power and division of power.
2.socialism and communism
3.nagative liberty and positive liberty.
4.procedural justice and substantive justice”
Q. Explain the pluralistic theory of sovereignty
Q. What do you mean by elitist theory of democracy?what are it features?
Q. Analyse the contributions of Aristotle to development of political science as an independent science.
Q. What is power and how is it related to authority?Does reliance on authority limit the use of power
Q. Highlight the significant contribution of the following thinkers :
Q. Comment on any three of the following:
1. the crown is the ‘function of Honour ‘
2. India is a Quasi-federation
3.”The king is dead,long live the king”
4.The US president office is “one of the most powerful office ever created by a democratic nation “.
Q. Discuss the three colonial apparatuses still functioning in the Indian political system.Did the constitution of India blindly accept all the provision of the Government Act,1935
Q. Write an essay on the different constitutional arrangements adopted by the Indian state to accommodate its diversity.How far has India been successful in doing so.
Q. Answer any three of the following :
1.Do you think the 6th schedule is respnsible for increasing the hill plains gap?justify
2.Write on the features of the 73rd Amendment Act of 1992
3.Write on the division of legislative powers between centre and the state.
4.Give a brief outline on the BTC.
5.Write on the powers and functions of the speaker of the Lok sabha.
Q. Discuss the areas of conflict between the centre and the state.
Q. Make a comparative study between the american president and the british monarch.
Q. Is the office of the Indian President purely ornanental?Critically analyze it.
Q. Critically discuss the utility of the House of Lords in the British Political System.
Q. As a citizen of India,how would you support India’s candidature for permanent membership of the security council?
Justify your proposal.
Q. Analyse the functioning of the UNO as a peace Keeping international organisation.
Q. Write short notes on any two of the following :
APSC Mains – Political Science 2006 Question Paper I & Paper II
It’s very important that we know the definite trend of question being recently asked in the Mains Exam. Thus, the Polity Paper I & Paper II of 2006 is given here, to give you a better idea of the areas/topics more question appears in the exam.
Q. Comment on any three of the following:
1.”virture is knowledge ”
2.”political science beings and ends with the state ”
3.”…all peaceful beginings of government have been laid in the consent of the people. ”
4.” The Authority of the state rests on violence. ”
5.”State exists for the sake of good life,not for the sake of life only.”
Q. Define political science and examine its scientific character.
Q. Analyse the concept of power and discuss the nature of political power.
Q. Highlight the factors leading to the emergence of the concept of welfare state.What are the major function of a welfare state?
Q. Explain the significant features of a parliamentary form of government.How to distinguish it from the presidential form
Q. Highligh the relationship between any two of the following :
1.liberty and equality
2.truth and non violence
3.state and society
4.Democracy and human personality
Q. Explain the Gandhi concept of non violence.Examine the utility of the technique of non violent resistance in a modern state.
Q. Explain the process of withering away of the state in the light of Marxian theory of state.
Q. Analyse the plato’s theory of communism.How will you distinguish it from the modern concept of communism
Q. Discuss the causes of revolution in a state as indentifiedby Aristole.
Q. Highlight the significant contribution of the following thinkers.
1.Abraham lincoln
2.jean jacques rousseau
3.John Rawls
4.Harold J laski
Q. Comment on any three of the following :
1.”India, that is Bharat ,shall be a Union of States. ”
2.”At the commencement of the contribution every person who has his domicile in the territory of India and who was born in the territory of India..shall be a citizen of India. ”
3.”No person who is a member of a Civil Services of the Union…shall be dismissed or removed by an authority subordinate to that by which he was appointed “.
Q. What is the utility of the Indian administrative service
Q. Justify the position of the Us president as the real chied executive
Q. Evaluate the role of the Civil Service in India.To what extent the civil service are commited to the welfare of the nation
Q. Discuss the areas of tension in the centre state relationship in the Indian federal system.
Q. Analyse the significant features of the American senate
Q. Write a critique on the powers and functions of the British Prime Minister.
Q. Discuss the role of the UNO in spreading human rights education amongst nations.
Q. Analyse the judicial sytem in India and justify the supreme court as the guardian of the constitution of India.
Q. Analyse the sources of the constitution of India.Is the constitution a bag of borrowing?Justify Your answer.
Q. Explain the directive principle of state policy in corporated in the constitution of India.To what extent these principles conform to the Gandhian thought.
Q. Answer any three of the following :
1.justiy Indian Democracy as a Representative democracy.
2.Forward arguments in favour of a strong centre in India.
3.Comment on the collective security of the Ministers to the Lok Sabha.
4.What is the role of the Governor of a state during President s rule .
APSC Mains – Political Science 2002 Question Paper I & Paper II
It’s very important that we know the definite trend of question being recently asked in the Mains Exam. Thus, the Polity Paper I & Paper II of 2002 is given here, to give you a better idea of the areas/topics more question appears in the exam.
Q.Comment on any three :
(a)’History without political science has no fruit,political science without history has no root.’
(b)”To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man…’
(c )”democracy is not a way of governing…but,primarly a way of determining who shall govern and broadly to what ends.’
(d)Í have no right to eat cake…if my neighbour is compelled to go without bread ‘
(e)’The inferiors revolt in order to get equility and equals to become superiors.’
Q. Discuss critically the social contract theory of the origin of the state
Q. Can the marxist theory sufficiently explain the origin of the state?discuss
Q. Discuss the meaning and dimension of liberty
Q. Define Democracy.Discuss the condition for the successful working of Democracy.Can it become successful in developing countries
Q. Distinguish between
(a)procedural and substantive justice
(b) De jure and De facto Sovereignty
(c)Civil and political liberty
(d)Unitary and federal forms of government
Q. What do you understand by sovereignty?What are its characteristics?
Q. Discuss critically the pluralist theory of sovereignty.
Q. Give an account of Aristotle s theory of justice
Q. Give an account of Plato’s idea of division of labour.
Q. Write short notes one any two of the following :
(a) Gandhiji concept of swaraj
(b) Marxist concept of Alienation
(c )Ideal state according of Aristole
(d) Plato s concept of justice
Q. Comment on any three of the following :
1. The state shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.
2. The state shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.
3. the law declared by Supreme Court shall be binding on all courts within the territory of india.
4. No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or in any hazardours employment.
5. Parliament has exclusive power to make any law with respect to any matter enumerated in the concurrent List or state List.
6. Evry High court shall be court of record and shall have all the powers of such a court including the power to punish for contempt of itself.
Q. Highlight the importance feature of the sixth schedule to the constitution of india.Do you recommend its application to plains tribal areas in Assam?give reason for Your answer
Q. Discuss the role of the civil service in the implementation of the rural development programmes in Assam.
Q. Explain the main features of American federal System and analyse the factors responsible for the growth in the power of the federal Government in the united states.
Q. Analyse the role of the UNO in the maintenance ofinternational peace and security.Suggest measures to make the future of the UN bright.
Q. What are the provision of the constitution of India which deal with Émergency Powers ‘ of the president ? Point out there effects.
Q. Discuss the basic principles of the preamble to the constitutional significance.
Q. Answer any three of the following :
1.The president of India is not a member of either house of parliament.yet he is a part of the parliament,explain.
2.Article 356 is the most unfederal provision of the constitution of India.It should be scrapped.Comment
3.India is not a nation but a conglomeration of nationalities.Do you agree?give reason for Your answers
4.Politics in NE India is highly influenced by the demand for ethnic autonomy.Comment
5.’A singular feature of the 74 constitutional Amendment is the new role assigned to the urban local bodies in the field of planning ‘.Comment
Write answers to these Questions, Review others’ Answer, Ask Doubts and Discuss
Q1. Discuss how the institute of family is changing as per the demand of the modern society. (250 Words)
Q2. Write a notes with a sociological perspective on “Westernization and institutional changes in
India”. (250 Words)
Q3. Explain the factors responsible for change in Caste System in India? (150 Words)
Q4. Give an account of various tribes of Assam. (150 Words)
NOTE: Learners please write the answers and review others’ answer , which will ultimately improve the answer writer, reviewer and most importantly the answer itself.
Write answers to these Questions, Review others’ Answer, Ask Doubts and Discuss
Q1. What is gender budgeting. What are the requirements and status of gender budgeting in the Indian context? (250 Words)
Q2. Write a short essay on the Freedom Struggle in Assam. (250 Words)
Q3. Discuss how the Government of India Act, 1935 lay down the foundation of Indian Constituion. (250 Words)
Q4. Give a brief account of Assam Agitation and how it has culminated in signing of Assam Accord. (150 Words)
NOTE: Learners please write the answers and review others’ answer , which will ultimately improve the answer writer, reviewer and most importantly the answer itself.
Write answers to these Questions, Review others’ Answer, Ask Doubts and Discuss
Q1. Discuss the main provision of the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution with respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir. (250 Words)
Q2. Write a short essay on NRC in Assam. (250 Words)
Q3. The Treaty of Yandabo in 1826 marks the end of the First Anglo-Burmese War. Discuss the main features of the Treaty. (250 Words)
Q4. Discuss the role of Rani Gaidinliu and Kanaklata Baruah in India’s freedom fight. (100 Words)
NOTE: Learners please write the answers and review others’ answer , which will ultimately improve the answer writer, reviewer and most importantly the answer itself.
Write answers to these Questions, Review others’ Answer, Ask Doubts and Discuss
Q1. Discuss the Phulaguri uprising of 1861 and Patharughat uprising of 1894. (250 Words)
Q2. Discuss India’s achievements in the field of Space Science and Technology. How the application of this technology has helped India in its socio-economic development? (250 Words)
Q3. Evaluate the economic and strategic significance of India’s Look East Policy. (250 Words)
Q4. Write a short note on Assam Sahitya Sabha. (100 Words)
NOTE: Learners please write the answers and review others’ answer , which will ultimately improve the answer writer, reviewer and most importantly the answer itself.