Current Affairs Assam – February 2018

Current Affairs Assam -Assamexam

Current Affairs Assam – February 2018 e-Magazine

February 28     

National Science Day on Feb 28

National Science Day is celebrated all over India every year on 28th February, to mark the discovery of the Raman effect by Indian physicist Sir CV Raman on 28th February 1928.

National Science Day was first celebrated on 28 February 1987. National Science Day is celebrated to highlight the importance of science in daily  life. On this day, students and research institutes display their science and research projects. The theme for National Science Day 2018 is“ Science and Technology for a sustainable future.”

Sir CV Raman was honoured with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. Raman effect denotes the inelastic scattering of a photon by molecules which are excited to higher vibrational or rotational energy levels.

SRIJAN (An idea competition) launched by Indian Railways

‘SRIJAN’ (Station Rejuvenation through Joint Action), an idea competition, in a move to redevelop nearly 600 major railway stations in India, was announced at MyGov portal.

SRIJAN (Station Rejuvenation through Joint Action) was launched by Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC). All classes of people from railway passengers to architects, urban planners, engineers can submit their ideas. Last date for submission is 26 March 2018.

CMFRI to launch e-com portal and mobile app “marinefishsales” for fishermen

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has developed a multivendor e-commerce website and mobile app named ‘marinefishsales’ to help fishermen sell their products and marine catch directly to the customers. The website and mobile app were developed under the National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) project of CMFRI.

This has been done in a move to increase the income of coastal community. CMFRI acts as an administrator for the multi-vendors and consumers interacting through the portal.

Fishermen and fish farmers who are willing to sell their products online can form Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and register on the platform. Customers can order either cleaned or raw fish, from the available farmers or fishermen groups. Current only cash-on-delivery mode of payment is available. Fishermen and fish farmers will be guided to form self-help groups by a team lead by Dr N Aswathy, senior scientist of CMFRI. CMFRI will manage the eligible self-help groups to maintain the quality of fish.


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